Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Porophyllum simplex M. E. Jones, Contr. West. Bot. 12: 46 1908.
An annual, or more probably a peretmial; stems branched, striate, glaucous, 5 dm. high or more; leaves alternate, linear or narrowly oblanceolate, 1-5 cm. long, acute, with a few marginal glands or glandless; heads at the ends of the branches; peduncles 3-8 cm. long; involucre oblong-campanulate, 9-10 mm. high; bracts 5 or 6, linear, acuminate, strongly purple-dotted, round-keeled on the back, gibbous at the base; corollas purple, 6-7 mm. long; tube much longer than the funnelform throat; lobes lanceolate; achenes 5 mm. long, almost black, hispidulous, tapering above; pappus tawny, tinged with purple, 5 mm. long; bristles hispidulous.
Type locality: Guayanopa Canon, Sierra Madre Mountaiins, Chihuahua.
Distribution: Chihuahua.
- bibliographic citation
- Per Axel Rydberg. 1916. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; TAGETEAE, ANTHEMIDEAE. North American flora. vol 34(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Porophyllum seemannii Schultz-Bip. ; Seem. Bot. Voy. Herald 308. 1857.
A fruticose perennial, glabrous; stem terete, striate, reddish-brown; branchlets green; leaves alternate or opposite, subsessile; blades linear-oblanceolate, 2-5 cm. long, 4-8 mm. wide, acute or obtuse, with 3 or 4 glands on each side and one at the apex; heads soUtarj' at the ends of the branches or in clusters of 2 or 3; peduncles 3-10 cm. long; involucre campaniJate, nearly 1 cm. high; bracts 5, linear-oblong, round-keeled on the back, gibbous at the base, purple, or purple with green backs, with 2 rows of glands; corollas about 5 mm. long; tube yellowish, longer than the funnelform purple throat; lobes lanceolate; achenes 6 mm. long, somewhat tapering at each end, dark-brown, hispidulous; pappus straw-colored, tinged with purple, 5 mm. long; bristles hispidulous.
Type locality: Sierra Madre [Sinaloa].
Distribution: Southwestern Chihuahua to Sinaloa and Jalisco.
- bibliographic citation
- Per Axel Rydberg. 1916. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; TAGETEAE, ANTHEMIDEAE. North American flora. vol 34(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY