A specimen harvested off the South Texas coast. In this location, this particular species selectively picked up dark mineral grains (hornblende) to make its test. Image courtesy of Pamela Stephens, Midwestern State University.
A closeup of the aperture, which lies at the top of the largest chamber. Image courtesy of Elisabeth Alve, University of Oslo. Originally published in J. Foram. Res. 16: 261-284; used with permission.
This unusual specimen has an enlarged final chamber (the one on top left). Image courtesy of Elisabeth Alve, University of Oslo. Originally published in J. Foram. Res. 16: 261-284; used with permission.
Ammotium species are important in estuarine environments; they often dominate shallow, hyposaline sediments. This sample was collected in an inlet of the Oslofjord, Norway. Image courtesy of Elisabeth Alve, University of Oslo. Originally published in J. Foram. Res. 16: 261-284; used with permission.