Lugol's-fixed specimen from the Bay of Villefranche in Jan 2011
A tintinnid ciliate, Steenstrupiella steenstrupii, from Tara Ocean s Expedition Station 82 in the Southern Atlantic.
Lugol's-fixed specimen from the California Current Ecosystem in the NE Pacific
From Jorgensen (1924) originally described as Amphorella intumescens. Found as 2 lorica in deep water stations off Libya and Egypt. Transfered to new genus Steenstrupiella in Kofoid & Campbell 1929.
From the near the Bay of Villefranche (N.W. Medit. Sea) from a sample taken at 250 m depth on Jan. 16 2017.
Specimen from Station 32 of the Tara Oceans Expedition
From the Bay of Villefranche in December 2013, lugol's-fixed specimen, Z-stack of images made using a 60x objective and DIC optics.
Drawing from Claparde & Lachmann 1858 (Plate 8, figure 5) of the species now known as Steenstrupiella steenstrupii as "Tintinnus steenstrupii". The scale bar reflects the text description (pg 200) as about 0.2 mm in overall length. The species (and now genus) was presumably named after the Danish biologist Japetus Steenstrup (1813-1897).