Specimen from the Tara expedition, Station 68.
Specimen from the Tara expedition, Station 68.
Specimen from the Tara expedition
This small species was very common in the E. Med in June during the BOUM cruise
Z-stack image of a Lugol's-fixed specimen from the Rade de Villefranche on November 18 2013. Imaged using a 20 objective and DIC optics.
Specimen from the California Current Ecosystem
Specimen from the East Medit in June 2008
Undella (un-dell-a) is a tintinnid ciliate, in which the ciliate lives in a lorica. Species of Undella have a simple lorica, no adhering material, pedicels etc. The cell has contracted into the lorica, but the cilia of the adoral zone of membranelles are evident. Phase contrast.