
Cycas beddomei ( Czech )

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Cykas Beddomův (Cycas beddomei Dyer) je rostlina z čeledi cykasovitých (Cycadaceae) ve třídě cykasy (Cycadopsida). Jedná se o jediný druh z rodu cykas zařazený na seznam CITES I. Je pojmenován po anglickém plukovníkovi Richardu Henrym Beddomeovi, řediteli zahrad v Bangalore, který na tuto rostlinu upozornil a jako první ji s jistým zaváháním chybně popsal jako cykas japonský.


Cykas Beddomův roste pouze na vysočině Cuddapah Hills ve státě Andhra Pradesh, severovýchodně od Madrasy na východě Indického poloostrova.


Jedná se o chráněnou rostlinu, jejíž přežití je v přírodě ohroženo. Druh Cycas beddomei je jako jediná cykasovitá rostlina zapsán na hlavním seznamu CITES I, který kontroluje obchod s ohroženými druhy – jak s rostlinami, tak i jejich semeny.


  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]

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Cycas beddomei: Brief Summary ( Czech )

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Cykas Beddomův (Cycas beddomei Dyer) je rostlina z čeledi cykasovitých (Cycadaceae) ve třídě cykasy (Cycadopsida). Jedná se o jediný druh z rodu cykas zařazený na seznam CITES I. Je pojmenován po anglickém plukovníkovi Richardu Henrym Beddomeovi, řediteli zahrad v Bangalore, který na tuto rostlinu upozornil a jako první ji s jistým zaváháním chybně popsal jako cykas japonský.

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Cycas beddomei

provided by wikipedia EN

Cycas beddomei is a species of cycad in the genus Cycas, native to India, where it is confined to a small area of Andhra Pradesh state in the Tirumala Hills in scrubland and brush covered hills.

Superficially similar to Cycas revoluta, it has erect, solitary stems. There are 20-30 leaves in the crown, each leaf 90 cm long, stiff, lanceolate, pinnate, with 50-100 pairs of leaflets, these 10–17.5 cm long and 3–4 mm wide, and angled forward at 45 degrees; the leaf petiole bears minute spines.

The female cones are open, with sporophylls 15–20 cm long, with pink-brown coloured tomentose down, with two ovules. The cones emerge in November to December, ripening in March to May. The lamina margin is strongly toothed, with an acuminate point. The sarcotesta is yellow to brown. The male cones are solitary, ovoid, 30 cm long and 7.5 cm broad, with an apical spine and rhomboid sporophyll face.

The species is unusual in that it contains a layer of fleshy material between the sarcotesta and the sclerotesta that is thought to aid the seed by providing it with a source of water. As cycad seeds have no dormancy, this would be an important trait in its arid habitat.

It is named after the botanist Richard Henry Beddome.


This cycad is found in dry, hot sites in the scrublands of eastern India. Clumps of the plant are common via pups only in males. The plant is fairly fire resistant, except as seeds and seedlings, which are very vulnerable to annual grass fires.


The biflavonoids 2",3"-dihydrohinokiflavone, 2,3,2",3"-tetrahydrohinokiflavone, 2,3-dihydroamentoflavone, 2,3,2",3"-tetrahydroamentoflavone, 2,3-dihydro-4"'-0-methyl-amentoflavone, and pinoresinol can be isolated from C. beddomei.[3]


The male cones of the plant are used in Ayurvedic medicine as a cure for rheumatoid arthritis and muscle pains. This cycad, due to its demand for medicinal purposes, and consequent reduction in living populations, is now an endangered species.


  1. ^ Rao, B.R.P. (2010). "Cycas beddomei". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. 2010: e.T42036A10634328. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2010-3.RLTS.T42036A10634328.en. Retrieved 14 January 2018.
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 14 January 2022.
  3. ^ A new biflavonoid from Cycas beddomeit. Bishwanath Das, Gurram Mahender, Yerra Koteswara Rao and Ponnaboina Thirupathi, Indian Journal of Chemistry, August 2006, Vol. 45B, pages 1933-1935 (article)
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Cycas beddomei: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Cycas beddomei is a species of cycad in the genus Cycas, native to India, where it is confined to a small area of Andhra Pradesh state in the Tirumala Hills in scrubland and brush covered hills.

Superficially similar to Cycas revoluta, it has erect, solitary stems. There are 20-30 leaves in the crown, each leaf 90 cm long, stiff, lanceolate, pinnate, with 50-100 pairs of leaflets, these 10–17.5 cm long and 3–4 mm wide, and angled forward at 45 degrees; the leaf petiole bears minute spines.

The female cones are open, with sporophylls 15–20 cm long, with pink-brown coloured tomentose down, with two ovules. The cones emerge in November to December, ripening in March to May. The lamina margin is strongly toothed, with an acuminate point. The sarcotesta is yellow to brown. The male cones are solitary, ovoid, 30 cm long and 7.5 cm broad, with an apical spine and rhomboid sporophyll face.

The species is unusual in that it contains a layer of fleshy material between the sarcotesta and the sclerotesta that is thought to aid the seed by providing it with a source of water. As cycad seeds have no dormancy, this would be an important trait in its arid habitat.

It is named after the botanist Richard Henry Beddome.

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Cycas beddomei ( Italian )

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Cycas beddomei Dyer, 1885 è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Cycadaceae, endemica dell'India.[2]

L'epiteto specifico è un omaggio al naturalista inglese Richard Henry Beddome (1830–1911).


È una cicade con fusto eretto, alto sino a 2 m e con diametro di 12–23 cm.[2]

Le foglie, pennate, lunghe circa 90 cm, sono disposte a corona all'apice del fusto e sono rette da un picciolo lungo circa 15 cm, glabro, spinescente; ogni foglia è composta da numerose paia di foglioline lanceolate, con margine revoluto, lunghe mediamente 100–174 cm e larghe 2-4 mm, di colore grigio-verde, inserite sul rachide con un angolo di 50–60°.

È una specie dioica con esemplari maschili che presentano microsporofilli disposti a formare strobili terminali di forma ovoidale, lunghi circa 30 cm e larghi 7,5 cm, di colore arancio, ed esemplari femminili con macrosporofilli lunghi 15–20 cm che si trovano in gran numero nella parte sommitale del fusto, con l'aspetto di foglie pennate dal margine spinoso, che racchiudono gli ovuli, in numero di 2.

I semi sono grossolanamente ovoidali, lunghi 34–38 mm, ricoperti da un tegumento di colore giallo; sono privi dello strato spugnoso interno che caratterizza le altre Cycas della regione.

Distribuzione e habitat

L'areale della specie è ristretto ad un'unica località (Tirupati-Kadapa Hills, note in passato come Cuddapah Hills) nell'Andhra Pradesh (India orientale), a nordovest di Madras, tra i 300 e i 900 m di altitudine.[1]


La IUCN Red List classifica C. beddomei come specie in pericolo di estinzione (Endangered).[1]
La specie è inserita nella Appendice I della Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES).[3]


  1. ^ a b c (EN) Rao B.R.P. 2010, Cycas beddomei, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020. URL consultato il 26/4/2020.
  2. ^ a b Lindstr. A. & Hill K.D, The genus Cycas (Cycadaceae) in India (PDF), in Telopea 2007; 11(4): 481–483. URL consultato il 30 marzo 2013 (archiviato dall'url originale il 29 marzo 2011).
  3. ^ CITES - Appendices I, II and III (PDF), in Convention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora, International Environment House, 2011 (archiviato dall'url originale il 4 agosto 2012).


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Cycas beddomei: Brief Summary ( Italian )

provided by wikipedia IT

Cycas beddomei Dyer, 1885 è una pianta appartenente alla famiglia delle Cycadaceae, endemica dell'India.

L'epiteto specifico è un omaggio al naturalista inglese Richard Henry Beddome (1830–1911).

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Cycas beddomei ( Portuguese )

provided by wikipedia PT

Cycas beddomei é uma espécie de cicadófita do género Cycas da família Cycadaceae, nativa e endémica de Andhra Pradesh, na Índia.[2] Segundo dados de 2010, a população tende a descrescer.

Referências citadas

  1. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 2:85, t. 17. 1881.
  2. USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN) [Base de Dados Disponível na Internet]. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Cycas beddomei Arquivado em 9 de fevereiro de 2010, no Wayback Machine. (8 de Abril de 2010)

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Cycas beddomei: Brief Summary ( Portuguese )

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Cycas beddomei é uma espécie de cicadófita do género Cycas da família Cycadaceae, nativa e endémica de Andhra Pradesh, na Índia. Segundo dados de 2010, a população tende a descrescer.

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Cycas beddomei ( Ukrainian )

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Стебла деревовиді. Листя сіро-зелене, матові, довжиною 90 см. Пилкові шишки вузько-яйцевидні, помаранчеві, довжиною 30 см, 7,5 см діаметром. Мегаспорофіли довжиною 15-20 см, коричнево-повстяні. Насіння плоске, яйцевидне, 38 мм завдовжки, шириною 34 мм; Саркотеста (плід) жовта.

Поширення, екологія

Цей вид відомий тільки з штату Андхра-Прадеш на північному заході Мадрасу у східній півострівній Індії. Росте на висотах від 300 до 900 м. Характерний вид сухих, відкритих схилів гір. Росте у районі з річною кількістю опадів 570—1230 мм. Рослини ростуть на скелетних ґрунтах, головним чином в сухих листяних змішаного типу лісах з ділянками вологого листяного лісу.


Чоловічі шишки С. beddomei збирають для використання в медичних цілях в Індії.

Загрози та охорона

Збирання шишок різко виснажує популяції. Стебла також збирають для вилучення серцевини, яку використовують як лікування від слабкості. Цей вид знаходиться під загрозою частих спалювань трави, які ефективно блокують розмноження. Росте в Національному парку Шрі Венкатешвара.


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Cycas beddomei ( Vietnamese )

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Cycas beddomei là một loài thực vật hạt trần trong họ Cycadaceae. Loài này được Dyer mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1881.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Cycas beddomei. Truy cập ngày 28 tháng 5 năm 2014.

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Cycas beddomei: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Cycas beddomei là một loài thực vật hạt trần trong họ Cycadaceae. Loài này được Dyer mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1881.

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印度蘇鐵 ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Cycas beddomei

印度蘇鐵学名Cycas beddomei)是原產於印度的一種蘇鐵。它們只生長在安得拉邦古德伯山上的細小地區。








  1. ^ (英文) Hill, K.D. (2003). Cycas beddomei. 2009 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2009. 撷取於2009-07-31.



印度蘇鐵: Brief Summary ( Chinese )

provided by wikipedia 中文维基百科

印度蘇鐵(学名:Cycas beddomei)是原產於印度的一種蘇鐵。它們只生長在安得拉邦古德伯山上的細小地區。
