Peter Glöer, Vladimir Pešić
Figure 5.Bithynia forcarti sp. n. a shell,frontal view b shell,lateral view.
Vladimir Pešić, Peter Glöer
Figure 3.Comparative morphology of shell and penis in Bithynia radomani Glöer & Pešić, 2007 (a–b) Bithynia montenegrina (Wohlberedt, 1901) (c–d) and Bithynia hambergerae A. Reischütz, N. Reischütz & P.L. Reischütz, 2008 (e–f): a, c, e = shell, b, d, f = penis.
Abraham S.H. Breure, Jonathan D. Ablett
Figure 50.Drymaeus species. A–C Drymaeus (Drymaeus) acervatus (Pfeiffer, 1857), lectotype NHMUK 1975461 (H = 41.5) D–F Drymaeus (Drymaeus) dunkeri (Pfeiffer in Philippi 1846), lectotype NHMUK 1975512 (H = 34.8) G–I Drymaeus (Drymaeus) lattrei (Pfeiffer in Philippi 1846), lectotype NHMUK 1975555 (H = 42.6). All enlarged.
Peter Glöer, Vladimir Pešić
Figure 6.Shell of Bithynia starmuehlneri sp. n. a frontal view b lateral view c juvenile shell with operculum.
Vladimir Pešić, Peter Glöer
Figure 3.Comparative morphology of shell and penis in Bithynia radomani Glöer & Pešić, 2007 (a–b) Bithynia montenegrina (Wohlberedt, 1901) (c–d) and Bithynia hambergerae A. Reischütz, N. Reischütz & P.L. Reischütz, 2008 (e–f): a, c, e = shell, b, d, f = penis.
Abraham S.H. Breure, Jonathan D. Ablett
Figure L19.Labels. i Bulimulus (Drymaeus) dukinfieldi Melvill, 1900 ii Bulimus dunkeri Pfeiffer in Philippi 1846 iii Bulimulus (Peronaeus) durangoanus Martens, 1893 iv Bulimus dutaillyi Pfeiffer, 1857 v Bulimus dysoni Pfeiffer, 1846 vi Bulimus edwardsi Morelet, 1863.
Peter Glöer, Vladimir Pešić
Figure 7.Bithynia mazandaranensissp. n. a, b shell c operculum d detail of the shell surface.
Abraham S.H. Breure, Jonathan D. Ablett
Figure 14.Naesiotus species. A–D Naesiotus nux (Broderip, 1832) A lectotype NHMUK 1975172 (H = 21.5) B–C lectotype of Bulimus incrassatus Pfeiffer, 1853 NHMUK 1975157 (H = 17.3) C sculpture on dorsal side of (pen)ultimate whorl D lectotype of Bulimus verrucosus (Pfeiffer, 1855) NHMUK 1975168 (H = 22.5) E–F Naesiotus ustulatus (Sowerby I, 1833) E lectotype NHMUK 20100633 (H = 13.95) F possible syntype of Bulimulus (Naesiotus) ustulatus phlegonis Dall & Ochsner, 1928 NHMUK 1937.6.18.2 (H = 12.5) G Naesiotus nucula (Pfeiffer, 1853), lectotype NHMUK 1975155 (H = 11.2) H Naesiotus galapaganus (Pfeiffer, 1855), lectotype NHMUK 1975146 (H = 15.1) I Naesiotus ventrosus (Reibisch, 1892), paralectotype NHMUK 1894.6.8.1 (H = 18.9) J Naesiotus achatellinus (Forbes, 1850), holotype NHMUK 1855.4.5.25 (H = 19.0). All enlarged.
Abraham S.H. Breure, Jonathan D. Ablett
Figure L29.Labels. i Bulimus incrassatus Pfeiffer, 1853 ii Bulimulus (Drymaeus) interruptus Preston, 1909.