
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Eperua rubiginosa Miquel var. rubiginosa

Stipules triangular to ovate-triangular, 1.5–3 mm long; leaf rachis 5.5–12.5 cm long, the leaflets 3- or 4-jugate; inflorescences 10–25 dm long, the pedicels about 2 mm or less in diameter just above the bracteoles; sepals 13–20 mm long, 4–9 mm wide.

TYPE COLLECTION.—F. W. Hostmann 229 (lectotype U, isolectotype K), Suriname R., Suriname. Choice of lectotype is necessitated by Miquel’s citation of two syntypes, and this collection was referred to as the type by Amshoff in the Flora of Suriname.

DISTRIBUTION.—Frequent to common riverine tree, usually above the level of annual flooding in central Guyana and Suriname on alluvial deposits, coastal French Guiana and northeastern Brazil (Amapá). Flowering from July through November; fruiting August to October.

GUYANA: Arawari Creek, Essequibo R., 22 March 1909, Anderson 183 (K); Essequibo and Mazaruni R., Appun 294 (K); Mazaruni Station, 19 Nov 1934, Davis 404 (FD 2400) (K); no specific locality or date, Fanshawe 2104 (NY, U, US); swamp forest behind Mission, 22 Sept 1952, Guppy 198 (FD 7174) (K, NY, U); Kurupukari, Essequibo R., 27 July 1920, Hohenkerk 122-B (K); Mazaruni R., Sept 1880, Jenman 768 (K) and 786 (K); Essequibo R., Sept-Oct 1881, Jenman 1147 (K); southwest of Bartica, 3 Dec 1923, Linder 132 (GH, NY); Kassikaityu R., upper Essequibo R., 19 Nov 1935, Myers 5672 (K); no locality or date, Robt. Schomburgk 515 (BM, F, G, GH, K, NY, W), Rich, Schomburgk 173 (BM), 174 (BM, G, K, P), and 181 (P); near mouth of Onoro Creek on Essequibo R., 15–24 Dec 1937, A. C. Smith 2741 (A, F, G, NY, U, US). SURINAME: Onobissi, Coppename R., 6 Nov 1916, Gonggrijp 2577 (U); Trakoekakreek, 21 Oct 1921, Gonggrijp 5515 (U); Kayser Airstrip, 45 km above junction of Zuid R. with the Lucie R., 25 Sept 1963, Irwin et al 57579 (M, NY, U, US); Suriname R., Oct 1844, Kappler 1689 (syntype of E. rubiginosa Miquel) (G, P, U, W); Arakukakreek, Kegel 872 (NY) Coppename R., near Raleigh Falls, 10 Sept 1933, Lanjouw 738 (U); Suriname R., near Kabelstation, 10 Nov 1933, Lanjouw 1209 (U, US); bank of Marowijn R., south of Albina, 19 Sept 1948, Lanjouw & Lindeman 324 (K, NY, U); Coppename R., near mouth of Wayombo R., 23 July 1954, Lindeman 6344 (U); near junction of Zuid and Lucie Rivers, 7 July 1963, Maguire et al 54014 (F, G, GH, NY, RB, U, US); Raleighvallen, Coppename R., 24 Sept 1954, Mennega 102 (U); Corantijn R., near junction with New R., 1 Sept 1935, Rombouts 177 (U); Litanie R., Aug 1937, Rombouts 725 (BR, U); no locality, Suriname Forestry Bureau 311 (K, U); Biegie Stong, 18 Sept 1949, Suriname Forestry Bureau 603 (K, U); Coppename R., 17 May 1950, Suriname Forestry Bureau 704 (U); upper Suriname R., 16 June 1921, Suriname Forestry Bureau 5462 (U); Suriname R., 10 July 1908, Tresling 96 (U), 102 (U), near Goddo, 19 Aug 1908, 334 (RB, U); Gonini R., Aug 1903, Versteeg 157 (U); Tapanahoni R., Aug 1904, Versteeg 855 (U); no locality or date, Voltz s.n. (U); lower Coppename R., Aug 1901, Went 116 (U); Para, 1852, Wullschlägel 149-A (BR); Jodensavanna, upper Suriname R., 1852, Wullschlagel 150 (BR), 2069 (W). FRENCH GUIANA: Comté R., Belizon, Apr 1961, Aubreville 313 (P); Balaté Creek, 23 Sept 1954, BAFOG 219M (P, U); Criques Ouaqui, Grand & Petite, 7–13 Sept 1961, BAFOG 7831 (U); Itany and Marouini, 29 Sept-2 Oct 1961, BAFOG 7937 (U); Saut des Polissoirs, Lunier R., 1897–98, Geay s.n. (P); Saut Grand Bacon, Mana R., Halle 732 (P, US); Rio Oiapoque, across from Colonia Agricola do Oiapoque, 4 km north of mouth of Cricu River, 13 Aug 1960, Irwin et al 47471 (NY, U, US); no locality, 1792, Leblond s.n. (G); no locality or date, Leprieur s.n. (G, P, US); no locality or date, Martin s.n. (BM), Melinon 102 (P); no locality, 1821, Perrottet 23 (G); no locality or date, Perrottet s.n. (P), Poiteau s.n. (G, K); no locality, 1863, Rech 45 (P); no locality, 20 Oct 1938, Vaillant s.n. (P). BRAZIL. Pará: Rio Mapuera, 3 Dec 1907, Ducke 9022 (G, RB); Counany, 22 Oct 1895, Goeldi 1158 (BM, G, RB, US). Terr, do Amapá: Oiapoque R., 1 Oct 1949, Black 49–8301 (GH, INPA, NY); Oiapoque, Rio Oiapoque, Black et al 54–17621 (IAN); Parque Indigena do Tumucumaque, Rio Parú de Oeste, Missão Tiriyo, 27 Feb 1970, Calvalcante 2538 (NY); Rio Oiapoque, Aug 1949, Candido s.n. (IAN); Rio Oiapoque, 29 Jan 1950, Froes 25698 (IAN) and 15–16 Oct 1950, Froes 26638 (IAN, US), 26639 (US), 26649 (IAN, RB, US); no exact locality or date, Luetzelburg 20211 (M, W); Oyapock, Salto Guamá, July 1927, Luetzelburg 20399 (M); Rio Oiapoque near base of granite outcrop near Mt. Carupina, 15 Oct 1960, Pires & Westra 48849 (F, NY, US); Rio Araquarí between Monguba and Serra do Navio, 25 Sept-4 Oct 1961, Pires et al 51182 (NY, U, US), 51501 (NY, US); Valle da Serra Tumuc-Humac, 3 Dec 1928, Sampaio 5760 (R); Parú do Cuminá, 7 Dec 1928, Sampaio 5818 (R).

LOCAL NAMES AND USES.—Apa (Irwin & Westra 47471), oeverwallaba (Maguire et al 54014), ouapa (Halle 732), walaba (Lanjouw 1209), wapa rouge (Lemee s.n.), watafa (Guppy 198).
bibliographic citation
Cowan, Richard S. 1975. "A Monograph of the Genus Eperua (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-45. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.28

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Eperua rubiginosa Miguel

Eperua rubiginosa Miquel, Stirp. Sur. Select 12, 1850.

Small to medium-sized tree (infrequently larger) 5–20 (−30) m tall, the trunk 12–35 (−90) cm in diameter, the bark brownish-gray, papillate-lenticellate, the branchlets glabrous, often nitid; stipules glabrous, deciduous to persistent, triangular to ovate-triangular, 1.5–3 mm long, 1.5–3.5 mm wide, or foliaceous, venulose, broadly oval, 20 mm long and 17 mm wide; leaves glabrous, the petioles 8–20 (−30) mm long, the rachis 5.5–22.5 cm long; leaflets 3- to 5-jugate (seedlings 2-jugate), the petiolules 4–7 (−9) mm long, the blades epunctate, coriaceous to rigidly thick-coriaceous, the margins plane to narrowly revolute, 6.5–13 (−23) cm long, (3−)4.5–6 (−10.5) cm wide, all elliptic or more commonly the basal pair ovate to lanceolate, the base equilateral, obtuse to rounded-obtuse or the second and third pairs subobtuse to acute, sometimes attenuate, the apex acute to long-acuminate, mucronulate to mucronate, the venules subobscure to subprominulous; inflorescence a pendent, terminal raceme of racemes 100–200 (−250) cm long, the lateral racemes (2.5−)4–8 (−16) cm long, the axes microtomentulose, the hairlets multicellular, irregularly branching, rusty colored, the bracts and bracteoles caducous, microtomentulose densely externally, sparingly so on inner surfaces, the bracts ca. 2 mm long and 1.5 mm wide, the bracteoles 2.5 mm long, 3 mm wide, oval-ovate or oblong-oval, concave, arising about one-third of the length of the pedicel from its base; pedicels 20–30 mm long, 1–3 mm in diameter, rusty tomentulose minutely, the hypanthium 3.5–5 (−10) mm long, 4.5–6 mm in diameter, microtomentulose externally; sepals green, the two outer ones larger, cucullate and with one raised gland externally near the tip, microtomentulose externally, glabrous on the inner surface, narrowly oblong to oblong-elliptic to oval, fleshy, 13–30 mm long, 4–15 mm wide; petal glabrous, dark pink to red to purple-red, 13–35 mm long, 22–50 mm wide, broadly oblate to fiabelliform, truncate basally, the four petalodia 0.6–1.2 mm long, triangular-ovate, glabrous; stamens persistent with young fruits, most or all apparently fertile, 9 or 10 united basally in an equilateral tube 1.5–3 mm long, glabrous except in the tube sinuses, 35–70 mm long, the dorsal one shorter, united with the tube at the extreme base or even higher, the anthers narrowly oblong, brown, 5.5–11 mm long, 1.5–2 mm wide, glabrous; stigma capitate, the style 20–80 mm long, glabrous, the ovary 7.5–10 mm long, 2.5–3.5 mm wide, oblanceolate-oblong, truncate apically, densely tomentulose, the gynophore 6–12 mm long, tomentulose minutely; mature fruits to 52 cm long and 12.5 cm wide, oblanceolate, more or less scimitar-formed, arcuate, rusty tomentulose.
bibliographic citation
Cowan, Richard S. 1975. "A Monograph of the Genus Eperua (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-45. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.28

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Eperua rubiginosa Miquel var. grandiflora Pulle

Eperua rubiginosa Miquel var. grandiflora Pulle, Enum. Vasc. Pls. Surinam 211, 1906.

Stipules broadly oval, 20 mm long and 17 mm wide, or ovate-triangular, 4 mm long and 3 mm wide, acute; leaf rachis (11−)15–22 mm long, the leaflets 4- or 5-jugate, the blades more or less inequilateral basally, the lower side somewhat shorter and more acute, at least the upper two or three pairs; inflorescences 6.5–8.5 dm long, the pedicels mostly 2.5–3 mm in diameter; sepals 21–35 mm long, 7–15 mm wide.

TYPE COLLECTION.—G. M. Versteeg 48 (holotype U), “fluv. Gonini” Suriname, August 1903.

DISTRIBUTION.—Rain forest of interior Suriname at low elevations.

SURINAME: Gonini R., 25 Feb 1918, Gonggrijp 3700 (U); no locality, 1841, Hostmann 129 (BM) and 229-A (BM, G, K); Jacob Kondre, Saramacca R., 16 June 1944, Maguire 23804 (A, F, U, US); Coppenam R., Onobissi, 15 March 1916, Suriname Forestry Bureau 2577 (NY).

Hostmann 229 is the number of the type collection of E. rubiginosa Miquel, so the collection cited above, showing all the characters of variety grandiflora Pulle, will be cited with an “A” suffix to distinguish it. It surely represents a mixture of collections somewhere at some time; otherwise one must assume that there are several collections with flowers exhibiting some sort of abnormality in the typical population. Such an assumption has not been borne out by dissections of the flowers.
bibliographic citation
Cowan, Richard S. 1975. "A Monograph of the Genus Eperua (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-45. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.28