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names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Sac Fungi
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Sac Fungi
unclassified Dothideomycetes
Euantennaria mucronata (Mont.) S. Hughes 1972
have host
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geographic distribution
have host
number of records in gbif
number of records in iNat
number of research grade records in iNat
trophic guild
have host
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia silvicola
Global Biotic Interactions
Leptospermum scoparium Forst. (Mānuka)
Global Biotic Interactions
Melicope simplex A. Cunn.
Global Biotic Interactions
Cytisus proliferus L. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Ripogonum scandens J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia trichosperma Cav.
Global Biotic Interactions
Neomyrtus pedunculata (Hook. fil.) Allan
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia racemosa L. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus menziesii (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Coprosma foetidissima J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Myrsine australis (A. Rich.) Allan
Global Biotic Interactions
Myrsine australis (A. Rich.) Allan
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia racemosa L. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Dracophyllum subulatum Hook. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Myrsine australis (A. Rich.) Allan
Global Biotic Interactions
Seuratia millardetii (Racib.) Meeker 1975
Global Biotic Interactions
Myrsine australis (A. Rich.) Allan
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Leptospermum scoparium Forst. (Mānuka)
Global Biotic Interactions
Carpodetus serratus J. R. Forster & G. Forster
Global Biotic Interactions
Quintinia serrata A. Cunn.
Global Biotic Interactions
Laurelia novae-zelandiae A. Cunn. (pukatea)
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Leptospermum scoparium Forst. (Mānuka)
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Coprosma arborea Kirk
Global Biotic Interactions
Aristotelia serrata (J. R. & G. Forst.) W. R. B. Oliver (wineberry)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cytisus proliferus L. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Myrsine australis (A. Rich.) Allan
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia racemosa L. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Pennantia endlicheri Reiss.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia racemosa L. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia silvicola
Global Biotic Interactions
Phyllocladus trichomanoides D. Don (Celery Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (A. Rich.) de Laub. (White Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Beilschmiedia tawa (A. Cunn.) Kirk
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus menziesii (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Cytisus proliferus L. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Beilschmiedia tawa (A. Cunn.) Kirk
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia racemosa L. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Cryptocarya glaucescens R. Br.
Global Biotic Interactions
Phyllocladus trichomanoides D. Don (Celery Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Aristotelia serrata (J. R. & G. Forst.) W. R. B. Oliver (wineberry)
Global Biotic Interactions
Aristotelia serrata (J. R. & G. Forst.) W. R. B. Oliver (wineberry)
Global Biotic Interactions
Veronica stricta Banks & Soland. ex Benth.
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia racemosa L. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Rhipogonum scandens
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Alseuosmia macrophylla A. Cunn. (Shrubby honeysuckle)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cytisus proliferus L. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Leptospermum scoparium Forst. (Mānuka)
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia silvicola
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Brachyglottis repanda J. R. Forster & G. Forst. (bushman's friend)
Global Biotic Interactions
Leucopogon fasciculatus
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Baccharis concava (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers.
Global Biotic Interactions
Melicope simplex A. Cunn.
Global Biotic Interactions
Parsonsia heterophylla A. Cunn.
Global Biotic Interactions
Carpodetus serratus J. R. Forster & G. Forster
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Knightia excelsa R. Br.
Global Biotic Interactions
Brachyglottis repanda J. R. Forster & G. Forst. (bushman's friend)
Global Biotic Interactions
Laurelia novae-zelandiae A. Cunn. (pukatea)
Global Biotic Interactions
Knightia excelsa R. Br.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia racemosa L. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Kunzea ericoides (A. Rich.) J. Thompson (burgan)
Global Biotic Interactions
Coprosma rhamnoides A. Cunn.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Laurelia novae-zelandiae A. Cunn. (pukatea)
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Aristotelia serrata (J. R. & G. Forst.) W. R. B. Oliver (wineberry)
Global Biotic Interactions
Aristotelia serrata (J. R. & G. Forst.) W. R. B. Oliver (wineberry)
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia trichosperma Cav.
Global Biotic Interactions
Neomyrtus pedunculata (Hook. fil.) Allan
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Cyathodes fasciculata (G. Forst.) Allan
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia racemosa L. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Prumnopitys ferruginea (G. Benn. ex D. Don) de Laub. (Brown Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Aristotelia fruticosa Hook. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Quintinia serrata A. Cunn.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Coprosma rhamnoides A. Cunn.
Global Biotic Interactions
Pseudowintera colorata (Raoul) Dandy
Global Biotic Interactions
Coprosma foetidissima J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Dracophyllum subulatum Hook. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Griselinia littoralis (Raoul) Raoul
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus cliffortioides (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Alseuosmia macrophylla A. Cunn. (Shrubby honeysuckle)
Global Biotic Interactions
Neomyrtus pedunculata (Hook. fil.) Allan
Global Biotic Interactions
Pennantia endlicheri Reiss.
Global Biotic Interactions
Leptospermum scoparium Forst. (Mānuka)
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Parsonsia heterophylla A. Cunn.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Oerst. (Coigue)
Global Biotic Interactions
Cyathus colensoi Berk. 1855
Global Biotic Interactions
Dracophyllum subulatum Hook. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Pseudowintera colorata (Raoul) Dandy
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Escallonia callcottiae Hook. & Arn.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Leptospermum scoparium Forst. (Mānuka)
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Prumnopitys ferruginea (G. Benn. ex D. Don) de Laub. (Brown Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Aristotelia fruticosa Hook. fil.
Global Biotic Interactions
Leptospermum scoparium Forst. (Mānuka)
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (A. Rich.) de Laub. (White Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Olearia paniculata (J. R. & G. Forst.) Druce
Global Biotic Interactions
Griselinia littoralis (Raoul) Raoul
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia trichosperma Cav.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus fusca (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Coprosma foetidissima J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Leptospermum scoparium Forst. (Mānuka)
Global Biotic Interactions
Kunzea ericoides (A. Rich.) J. Thompson (burgan)
Global Biotic Interactions
Nothofagus solandri (Hook. fil.) Oerst.
Global Biotic Interactions
Veronica stricta Banks & Soland. ex Benth.
Global Biotic Interactions
Escallonia rosea Griseb.
Global Biotic Interactions
Prumnopitys ferruginea (G. Benn. ex D. Don) de Laub. (Brown Pine)
Global Biotic Interactions
Weinmannia silvicola
Global Biotic Interactions
Coprosma foetidissima J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.