
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Pleurage kansensis D. Griff. Mem. Torrey Club 11 : 83. 1901
Sordaria kansensis Sacc. Syll. Fung. 17 : 602. 1905.
Perithecia scattered or aggregate, sunken or nearly superficial, exposed portion covered withlong flexuous, olivaceous-brown, septate hairs, 375-450X600-800^. thin, membranaceous Rreenish below when young, but becoming completely black and bare at maturity ; beak papilHform to cylindric, black, bare, and usually curved; asci 8-spored, cylmdric. broadly rounded above and contracted below into a short slender stipe, 26-32X180-240//, evanescent ; paraphyses ventricose, agglutinate, abundant, longer than the asci and not mixed with them; spores obliquely 1-seriate, ellipsoid, rounded at both ends, 18-21 X 26-35 //, ranging from hyaline when young through olivaceous to dark-brown and opaque ; primary appendage entirely absent ; secondary appendages attached to each end of the spore, long, gelatinous, evanescent, each composed of 2 closely united filaments, which appear to fuse distally, and are striate longitudinally, making them appear as though formed of still smaller subdivisions.
On dung of horses and cows. Type locality : Rooks Countv, Kansas. Distribution : South Dakota to Arizona and Texas.
bibliographic citation
Fred Jay Seaver, Helen Letitia Palliser, David Griffiths. 1910. HYPOCREALES, FIMETARIALES. North American flora. vol 3(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora