provided by Cybertruffle
Belarus; British Isles; Egypt; Ireland; UK.
- license
- cc-by-nc
- copyright
- Cybertruffle Foundation
General Description
provided by Cybertruffle
Colonies. With a daily growth rate of 5-8 mm, often irregular and with a lobed margin and a white or pale aerial mycelium, occasionally with a pale green exudate. Ascomata. Maturing within 12-18 days, superficial, hairy, pale olivaceous or greyish brown in reflected light, spherical or ovate, ostiolate, 150-250 μm, with a brown wall of angular or irregular, 7-15 μm cells; ascomatal hairs long, flexuous, undulate or hypha-like, smooth, verrucose or punctulate, brown, indistinctly septate, 2.5-3.5 μm broad. Asci. Fasciculate, clavate or nearly cylindrical, with long stalks, 8-spored, evanescent, 40-50 × 10-14 μm. Ascospores. Ovate, oblate or nearly spherical, often bilaterally flattened, brown and thick-walled when mature, 12-16 × 10-14 × 8-12 μm, with two distinct germ pores. Paraphyses. Not observed.
- license
- cc-by-nc
- copyright
- Ahmed Abdel-Azeem