Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Phyllosticta anemonicola Sacc. & Syd. in Sacc
Syll. Fung. 14: 865. 1899.
Phyll lS63 ta Aflem0nes Eilis & Ev « Pro€ Acad Phila 1894: 356. 1894. Not P. Anemones Fuckel,
Spots consisting of brownish, dead areas which gradually blend off into the healthy tissue of the leaf, reaching a diameter of 3-5 mm. or rarely larger, about equally visible on either side of the leaf; pycnidia thickly gregarious, depressed, becoming erumpent-superficial, reaching a diameter of 90 to 110 n, occurring on either side of the leaf; spores minute, rod-like, about 1 X 5 ju, hyaline.
On Ranunctjlaceae :
Anemone canadensis Iv. (Anemone pennsylvanica I,.), Michigan.
Anemone cylindrica A. Gray, Nebraska. Type locality: Ann Arbor, Michigan, on Anemone pennsylvanica. Distribution: Michigan and Nebraska.
- bibliographic citation
- Fred Jay Seaver. 1922. PHYLLOSTICTALES; PHYLLOSTICTACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 6(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY