Molytinae is a subfamily of weevils described by Carl Johan Schönherr in 1823.
Molytinae includes the following tribes:
In many older treatments, the Bagoinae, Cryptorhynchinae, Hyperinae, Lixinae and Mesoptiliinae are included in the Molytinae as "tribus groups", as well as the Itini which are otherwise considered a tribe of the Curculioninae.
These genera, among others, belong to the subfamily Molytinae:[2][3]
Molytinae is a subfamily of weevils described by Carl Johan Schönherr in 1823.
Molytinae includes the following tribes:
Amalactini Aminyopini Amorphocerini Anchonini Cholini Cleogonini Conotrachelini Cycloterini Dinomorphini Euderini Galloisiini Guioperini Hylobiini Ithyporini Juanorhinini Lepyrini Lithinini Lymantini Mecysolobini Metatygini Molytini Nettarhinini Pacholenini Paipalesomini Petalochilini Phoenicobatini Phrynixini Pissodini Sternechini Styanacini Thalasselephantini Trachodini Trigonocolini TrypetidiniIn many older treatments, the Bagoinae, Cryptorhynchinae, Hyperinae, Lixinae and Mesoptiliinae are included in the Molytinae as "tribus groups", as well as the Itini which are otherwise considered a tribe of the Curculioninae.
These genera, among others, belong to the subfamily Molytinae:
Adexius Alloplinthus Anchonidium Anchonus Anisorhynchus Aparopion Baezia Caecossonus Chalcodermus Cholus Conotrachelus Demyrsus Dioptrophorus Echinosomidia Emphyastes Epacalles Eudociminus Gastrotaphrus Gononotus Heilipus Heilus Hilipinus Hoplopteridius Hormops Hylobius Hyperomorphus Iberoplinthus Leiosoma Lepilius Lepyrus Liparus Lymantes Lyperobius Micralcinus Microhyus Micromastus Minyops Mitoplinthus Nanus Neoerethistes Neoplinthus Oromia Pachylobius Palaeocorynus Pheloconus Pissodes Plinthus Pseudechinosoma Rhyssomatus Steremnius Sternechus Sthereus Styphloderes Thalasselephas Trachodes Tranes