CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2014. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Dorsal. Catalog no.: CCDB-21322-A04. Specimen ID: 4875455. Taxon rep.: Arphia sulphurea. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2014. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: CCDB-21322-A09. Specimen ID: 4875460. Taxon rep.: Arphia xanthoptera. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2014. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: CCDB-21335-H05. Specimen ID: 4875635. Taxon rep.: Arphia nietana. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.5.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2014. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Dorsal. Catalog no.: CCDB-21335-H07. Specimen ID: 4875637. Taxon rep.: Arphia simplex. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.5.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2010. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: 10BBORT-0141. Specimen ID: 1568171. Field no.: L#2010CO-026. Taxon rep.: Arphia conspersa. Image quality: 5. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2021. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: BIOUG73657-D06. Specimen ID: 14463013. Field no.: L#21YUK-00044. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2011. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: BIOUG00739-A02. Specimen ID: 1794512. Field no.: L#PC2010PK-001. Taxon rep.: Circotettix carlinianus. Image quality: 4. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2014. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Dorsal. Catalog no.: CCDB-21322-B01. Specimen ID: 4875464. Taxon rep.: Circotettix splendidus. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2012. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Specimen ID: 2430100. Field no.: L#11BIOBUS-2215. Taxon rep.: Derotmema haydenii. Image quality: 5. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2014. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: CCDB-21322-B04. Specimen ID: 4875467. Taxon rep.: Dissosteira pictipennis. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Lateral. Specimen ID: 541749. Field no.: 05-GUEL-0008. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Lateral. Specimen ID: 824347. Field no.: ORTH 0060.02. Taxon rep.: Dissosteira carolina. Image quality: 5. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2014. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: CCDB-21322-B09. Specimen ID: 4875472. Taxon rep.: Encoptolophus sordidas. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2014. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Dorsal. Catalog no.: CCDB-21322-F09. Specimen ID: 4875520. Taxon rep.: Metator nevadensis. Image quality: 3. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2014. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Dorsal. Catalog no.: CCDB-21322-H11. Specimen ID: 4875546. Taxon rep.: Spharagemon crepitans. Image quality: 3. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2018. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: debu01036939. Specimen ID: 9003510. Taxon rep.: Stethophyma gracile. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.73.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2014. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: CCDB-21335-G08. Specimen ID: 4875626. Taxon rep.: Stethophyma cetata. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.5.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2022. Contact: ccdbcol@uoguelph.ca.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: BIOUG64516-F11. Specimen ID: 13170177. Field no.: MACN-GMP-16. Taxon rep.: Coyacris saltensis. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria del Peru. Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria del Peru. Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agraria del Peru. Year: 2018. Contact: Ida Bartolini.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Specimen ID: 8546361. Field no.: Quin_Zen160. Taxon rep.: Orotettix ceballosi. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.702.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2016. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: BIOUG29159-G01. Specimen ID: 7031451. Field no.: GMP#06995. Taxon rep.: Aidemona alticola. Image quality: 3. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2014. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Dorsal. Catalog no.: CCDB-21427-E09. Specimen ID: 4862962. Taxon rep.: Aidemona azteca. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.5.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2014. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Dorsal. Catalog no.: CCDB-21427-F07. Specimen ID: 4862972. Taxon rep.: Atrachelacris unicolor. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.5.
CBG Photography Group. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics. CBG Photography Group. Year: 2014. Contact: collectionsBIO@gmail.com.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Lateral. Catalog no.: BIOUG12800-B10. Specimen ID: 4506465. Field no.: GMP#04802. Image quality: 5. Aspect ratio: 1.499.