
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Pluteus rimosus Murrill, Mycologia 3 : 276. 1911
Pileus conic to convex, 4-5 cm. broad, 2-3 cm. high, gregarious; surface fuliginous when
young, becoming umbrinous, smooth, glabrous, at length radiate-rimose and showing white in
the cracks; lamellae free, close, rather narrow, white, becoming roseous from the spores;
spores regular, globose, smooth, uninucleate, 4/i; cystidia none; stipe white, glabrous, much
enlarged below, crooked, 4.5 cm. long, scarcely 1 cm. thick above, 2 cm. thick at the base.
Type locawty: Port Antonio, Jamaica.
Habitat: In a field near the shore on soil mixed with decayed wood.
Distribution: Known only from the type locality.
bibliographic citation
William Alphonso Murrill. 1917. (AGARICALES); AGARICACEAE (pars); AGARICEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 10(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora