
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Naucoria christinae (Fries) Sacc. Syll. Fung, 5: 829. 1887
Agaricus Christinae Fries, Epicr. Myc. 192. 1838.
Pileus fleshy, thin, acutely conic when young, very broadly conic with a sharp umbo
when mature, gregarious, becoming black throughout on drying, 2-3 cm. broad; surface
somewhat hygrophanous, viscid, smooth, but under a lens marked with fine, close, radiating
lines, variable in color, blood-red, cinnamon, and rusty-red, margin somewhat rep and as if
lobed, becoming revolute with age, faintly striate when moist; context thin, concolorous;
lamellae free or slightly adnexed, receding, crowded, pallid, becoming bright-saffron-yellow,
somewhat spotted; spores pip-shaped, pale-yellow, 10-12 X 5 ju; stipe cylindric, radicate,
glabrous, fistulose, cartilaginous, very tough, 6-10 cm. long, 3-6 mm. thick.
Type locality: Europe. Habitat: On the ground in woods. Distribution: New England; also in Europe.
bibliographic citation
William Alphonso Murrill. 1917. (AGARICALES); AGARICACEAE (pars); AGARICEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 10(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora