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Sporisorium occidentale (Seym. ex G. P. Clinton) Vánky & Snets. 1990

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Sphacelotheca occidentalis (Seym.) Clinton, Jour. Myc. 8 : 141. 1902
Sorosporium Ellisii occidentalis Seym. ; EH& Kv. N. Am. Fungi 2265. F 1889. Usttlago Andropogonis Kellerm. & Swingle, Jour. Myc. 5 : 12. Mr 1889. (Type from Kansas, on Andropogon furcatus .^
Sori in the ovaries linear, usually 0.5-1 cm. or rarely longer, with prominent false membrane dehiscing from apex, with rather prominent columella and agglutinate or finally dusty black-brown spore-mass ; sterile cells of membrane hyaline, variable in shape and size, adhering together rather firmly, often somewhat obscured through semi-gelatinization but the loose groups of the interior composed of more regular subspherical cells ; spores often adhering together mechanically but not in spore-balls, reddish-brown, ovoi(Jto spherical, usually somewhat angled, often more elongate and irregular, verruculose, chiefly 12-17 ^, irregular elongate forms sometimes even 20 ^, in length.
On Poaceae : , , ^t .^ -rx i ^
Andropogon furcatus , Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota.
Andropogon glomeratus {A. macrourus'), California.
Andropogon Hallii, Illinois (.cult.), Kansas, Nebraska TvPE LOC^iTY : Bismark, North Dakota, on Andropogon furcatus . ^ ^ ,.^ .
STstr^bu™nT hlinois (on cultivated plants) ; North Dakota to Kansas and Cahfornia.
bibliographic citation
George Perkins Clinton. 1906. USTILAGINALES; USTILAGINACEAE, TILLETIACEAE. North American flora. vol 7(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora