Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Testicularia cyperi Klotzsch, I^innaea 7 : 202. 1832
Milleria herbaiica Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 31: 40. 1879. (Type from New York, on Rynchospora macrostachya.)
Sori at the base of the spikelets of the inflorescence, apparently in the ovaries, one to several, forming conspicuous ovoid to subspherical tumors about 5-15 mm. in length, covered with a thick whitish false membrane that ruptures irregularly at apex and discloses a usually firmly agglutinated black granular mass of spore-balls ; sterile cells of false membrane hyaline, chiefly subspherical, rather firmly bound together, about 11-17 fi in diameter, often semigelatinized ; spore-baUs black, chiefly ovoid to subspherical, composed of a superficial layer of numerous spores and an internal mass of thin-walled semihyaline or brownish sterile cells averaging slightly smaller than the spores, 160-375 /^ in length; spores with very thick opaque wall having lightercolored reddish-brown central part, chiefly ovoid to spherical, smooth or slightly granular, 13-16// in length.
On Cyperaceae : „ ^ , ^ -v-r -it i
Rynchospora corniculala macrostachya (J?, macrostachya). New York.
Type locality : North America, on Cyperaceae.
Distribution: Wading River, New York ^^^^^^. » j^i o a
- bibliographic citation
- George Perkins Clinton. 1906. USTILAGINALES; USTILAGINACEAE, TILLETIACEAE. North American flora. vol 7(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY