
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Klebahnia giycyrrhizae (Rab.) Arth. Result
Sci. Congr. Bot. Vienne 345. 1906.
Uredo Leguminosarum Glycyrrhizae Rab. Flora 33: 626. 1850. Uromyces Glycyrrhizae Magnus, Ber. Deuts. Bot. Ges. 8: 383. 1890. Caeomurus Glycyrrhizae Kuntze, Rev. Gen. 33; 450. 1898.
Pycnia mostiy hypophyllous, sometimes epiphyllous or caulicolous, numerous, from a diffused mycelium, irregularly and extensively scattered over large areas or sometimes sparsely scattered between other sori, noticeable, yellowish or cinnamon-brown becoming chocolatebrown, conic or flask-shaped, 100-112 ju in diameter by 85-140 p high; ostiolar filaments free or somewhat agglutinated, 50-80 /* long; pycniospores usually globoid, sometimes ellipsoid,
5 by 5-8 fi.
Uredinia mostiy hypophyllous, sometimes epiphyllous or caulicolous, numerous, from a diffused mycelium, extensively scattered over large areas, frequently crowded, roundish, 0.2-0.5 mm. across, early naked, pulverulent, dark cinnamon-brown, rupttu-ed epidermis evident; urediniospores with pores in optical section oblong, 13-17 ix wide, with pores in surface view globoid or obovoid, 23-32 by 2,4-32 ju; wall dark cinnamonor chestnut-brown, 1-2 m thick, finely and moderately or sparsely echinulate, the pores 2, equatorial, opposite.
bibliographic citation
Joseph Charles Arthur, Herbert Spencer Jackson, Clayton Roberts Orton. 1921. (UREDINALES); AECIDIACEAE (continuatio); DICAEOMA ON CARDUACEAE; ALLODUS. North American flora. vol 7(6). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora