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Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Cellular Organisms
Mushrooms, Lichens, Molds, Yeasts And Relatives
Physoderma dulichii Johns 1957
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Physoderma dulichii Johns 1957
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Species Fungorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Physoderma dulichii
Species recognized by
Physoderma dulichii
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Physoderma dulichii
Johns 1957
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Physoderma dulichii
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Global Biotic Interactions
, and
iNaturalist data coverage
Physoderma dulichii
Recognized by
iDigBio type specimen records
BHL data coverage
Physoderma dulichii Johns
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
Physoderma dulichii Johns 1957
Species recognized by
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Physoderma dulichii Johns 1957
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Physoderma dulichii Johns 1957
(this page)
Physoderma aeschynomenes Thirum. & M. D. Whitehead 1951
Physoderma alfalfae (Lagerh.) Karling 1950
Physoderma alpinum R. Sprague 1961
Physoderma aneilematis Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma aponogetonicola Pavgi & L. Singh 1977
Physoderma aponogetonis Sparrow 1953
Physoderma asphodeli (de Bary) Karling 1950
Physoderma astomatis (Rayss) Karling 1950
Physoderma australasicum (McAlpine) J. Walker 1963
Physoderma beckmanniae R. Sprague 1955
Physoderma bohemicum Sacc. 1914
Physoderma bothriochloae Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma brachiariae Thirum. & Pavgi 1954
Physoderma brachiariae-eruciformis Thirum. & Pavgi 1964
Physoderma chrysopogonicola Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma citri Childs, L. E. Kopp & T. W. Johnson 1965
Physoderma claytoniana H. C. Greene 1944
Physoderma claytonianum Greene 1944
Physoderma comari (Berk. & F. B. White) Lagerh. 1898
Physoderma commelinae Lingappa 1955
Physoderma corchori Lingappa 1955
Physoderma crepidis Rostr. 1903
Physoderma cynodontis Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma debeauxii Bubák 1903
Physoderma dichanthiicola Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma dicksonii Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma digitariae Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma echinochloae Thirum. & M. D. Whitehead 1953
Physoderma eleocharidis (Fuckel) J. Schröt. 1886
Physoderma eragrostidis Thirum. & Pavgi 1964
Physoderma eriochloae Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma fabae Syd. 1928
Physoderma gerhardtii J. Schröt. 1886
Physoderma graminis (Büsgen) De Wild. 1896
Physoderma hemisphaericum (Speg.) Karling 1950
Physoderma hydrocotylidis Viégas & Teixeira 1943
Physoderma indicum S. Naray. & Thirum. 1957
Physoderma johnsii Sparrow 1961
Physoderma kriegeriana (Magnus) Vestergr. 1900
Physoderma kyllingae Pavgi & Thirum. 1964
Physoderma lathyri (Palm) Karling 1950
Physoderma leproides (Trab.) Lagerh. 1950
Physoderma limnanthemi Thirum. 1950
Physoderma lycopodis Sparrow 1957
Physoderma maculare Wallr. 1833
Physoderma marsileae M. S. Brewster 1952
Physoderma maydis (Miyabe) Miyabe 1909
Physoderma meliloti (Maire) Karling 1950
Physoderma mouretii (Maire) Karling 1950
Physoderma muscari (G. Poirault) Sacc. 1912
Physoderma myriophylli (Rostr.) Vestergr. 1909
Physoderma narasimhanii Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma negeri Karling 1950
Physoderma nelumbii Mishra & Thirum. 1953
Physoderma notosciadii Speg. ex Karling 1956
Physoderma ornithogali Maire 1928
Physoderma palustre Sparrow 1961
Physoderma pancratii V. N. Pathak, Prasad & D. D. Shukla 1971
Physoderma paspali J. A. Stev. 1946
Physoderma paspalidii Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma pluriannulatum (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Karling 1950
Physoderma potteri (A. W. Bartlett) Karling 1950
Physoderma pulposum Wallr. 1833
Physoderma rayssiae Karling 1950
Physoderma ruebsaamenii (Magnus) Karling 1950
Physoderma schroeteri Krieg. 1896
Physoderma scirpicola Pavgi & L. Singh 1977
Physoderma setariicola Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma sparrovii Thirum. & Pavgi 1964
Physoderma thirumalacharii Pavgi & L. Singh 1980
Physoderma trachoniticum Syd. 1935
Physoderma trifolii (Pass.) Karling 1950
Physoderma vagabundum (Speg.) Karling 1950
Physoderma vagans J. Schröt. 1886
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Physoderma dulichii Johns
(this page)
Physoderma aeschynomenes Thirum. & M. D. Whitehead
Physoderma alfalfae (Lagerh.) Karling
Physoderma alpinum R. Sprague
Physoderma aneilematis Pavgi & Thirum.
Physoderma aponogetonicola Pavgi & L. Singh
Physoderma aponogetonis Sparrow
Physoderma asphodeli (F. Debray ex Pat.) Karling
Physoderma astomatis (Rayss) Karling
Physoderma australasicum (McAlpine) J. Walker
Physoderma beckmanniae R. Sprague
Physoderma bohemicum Sacc.
Physoderma bothriochloae Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma brachiariae Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma brachiariae-eruciformis Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma chrysopogonicola Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma citri Childs, L. E. Kopp & T. W. Johnson
Physoderma claytonianum H. C. Greene
Physoderma comari (Berk. & F. B. White) Lagerh.
Physoderma commelinae Lingappa
Physoderma corchori Lingappa
Physoderma crepidis Rostr.
Physoderma cynodontis Pavgi & Thirum.
Physoderma debeauxii Bubák
Physoderma dichanthiicola Pavgi & Thirum.
Physoderma dicksonii Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma digitariae Pavgi & Thirum.
Physoderma echinochloae Thirum. & M. D. Whitehead
Physoderma eleocharidis (Fuckel) J. Schröt.
Physoderma eragrostidis Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma eriochloae Pavgi & Thirum.
Physoderma fabae Syd.
Physoderma flammulae (Büsgen) De Wild.
Physoderma gerhardtii J. Schröt.
Physoderma graminis (Büsgen) De Wild.
Physoderma hemisphaericum (Speg.) Karling
Physoderma hydrocotylidis Viégas & Teixeira
Physoderma indicum S. Naray. & Thirum.
Physoderma johnsii Sparrow
Physoderma kriegeriana (Magnus) Vestergr.
Physoderma kyllingae Pavgi & Thirum.
Physoderma lathyri (Palm) Karling
Physoderma leproides (Trab.) Lagerh.
Physoderma limnanthemi Thirum.
Physoderma lycopodis Sparrow
Physoderma maculare Wallr.
Physoderma majus (J. Schröt.) Karling
Physoderma marsileae M. S. Brewster
Physoderma maydis (Miyabe) Miyabe
Physoderma meliloti (Maire) Karling
Physoderma menthae J. Schröt.
Physoderma mouretii (Maire) Karling
Physoderma muscari (G. Poirault) Sacc. & Trotter
Physoderma myriophylli (Rostr.) Vestergr.
Physoderma narasimhanii Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma negeri Karling
Physoderma nelumbii Mishra & Thirum.
Physoderma notosciadii Speg. ex Karling
Physoderma ornithogali Maire
Physoderma palustre Sparrow
Physoderma pancratii V. N. Pathak, Prasad & D. D. Shukla
Physoderma paspali J. A. Stev.
Physoderma paspalidii Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma pluriannulatum (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Karling
Physoderma potteri (A. W. Bartlett) Karling
Physoderma pulposum Wallr.
Physoderma rayssiae Karling
Physoderma ruebsaamenii (Magnus) Karling
Physoderma schroeteri Krieg.
Physoderma scirpicola Pavgi & L. Singh
Physoderma setariicola Pavgi & Thirum.
Physoderma sparrovii Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma thirumalacharii Pavgi & L. Singh
Physoderma trachoniticum Syd.
Physoderma trifolii (Pass.) Karling
Physoderma urgineae (Pat. & Trab.) Maire
Physoderma vagabundum (Speg.) Karling
Physoderma vagans J. Schröt.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Physoderma dulichii Johns 1957
(this page)
Physoderma aeschynomenes Thirum. & M. D. Whitehead 1951
Physoderma alfalfae (Lagerh.) Karling 1950
Physoderma alpinum R. Sprague 1961
Physoderma aneilematis Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma aponogetonicola Pavgi & L. Singh 1977
Physoderma aponogetonis Sparrow 1953
Physoderma asphodeli (de Bary) Karling 1950
Physoderma astomatis (Rayss) Karling 1950
Physoderma australasicum (McAlpine) J. Walker 1963
Physoderma beckmanniae R. Sprague 1955
Physoderma bohemicum Sacc. 1914
Physoderma bothriochloae Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma brachiariae Thirum. & Pavgi 1954
Physoderma brachiariae-eruciformis Thirum. & Pavgi 1964
Physoderma chrysopogonicola Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma citri Childs, L. E. Kopp & T. W. Johnson 1965
Physoderma claytoniana H. C. Greene 1944
Physoderma claytonianum Greene 1944
Physoderma comari (Berk. & F. B. White) Lagerh. 1898
Physoderma commelinae Lingappa 1955
Physoderma corchori Lingappa 1955
Physoderma crepidis Rostr. 1903
Physoderma cynodontis Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma debeauxii Bubák 1903
Physoderma dichanthiicola Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma dicksonii Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma digitariae Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma echinochloae Thirum. & M. D. Whitehead 1953
Physoderma eleocharidis (Fuckel) J. Schröt. 1886
Physoderma eragrostidis Thirum. & Pavgi 1964
Physoderma eriochloae Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma fabae Syd. 1928
Physoderma gerhardtii J. Schröt. 1886
Physoderma graminis (Büsgen) De Wild. 1896
Physoderma hemisphaericum (Speg.) Karling 1950
Physoderma hydrocotylidis Viégas & Teixeira 1943
Physoderma indicum S. Naray. & Thirum. 1957
Physoderma johnsii Sparrow 1961
Physoderma kriegeriana (Magnus) Vestergr. 1900
Physoderma kyllingae Pavgi & Thirum. 1964
Physoderma lathyri (Palm) Karling 1950
Physoderma leproides (Trab.) Lagerh. 1950
Physoderma limnanthemi Thirum. 1950
Physoderma lycopodis Sparrow 1957
Physoderma maculare Wallr. 1833
Physoderma marsileae M. S. Brewster 1952
Physoderma maydis (Miyabe) Miyabe 1909
Physoderma meliloti (Maire) Karling 1950
Physoderma mouretii (Maire) Karling 1950
Physoderma muscari (G. Poirault) Sacc. 1912
Physoderma myriophylli (Rostr.) Vestergr. 1909
Physoderma narasimhanii Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma negeri Karling 1950
Physoderma nelumbii Mishra & Thirum. 1953
Physoderma notosciadii Speg. ex Karling 1956
Physoderma ornithogali Maire 1928
Physoderma palustre Sparrow 1961
Physoderma pancratii V. N. Pathak, Prasad & D. D. Shukla 1971
Physoderma paspali J. A. Stev. 1946
Physoderma paspalidii Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma pluriannulatum (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Karling 1950
Physoderma potteri (A. W. Bartlett) Karling 1950
Physoderma pulposum Wallr. 1833
Physoderma rayssiae Karling 1950
Physoderma ruebsaamenii (Magnus) Karling 1950
Physoderma schroeteri Krieg. 1896
Physoderma scirpicola Pavgi & L. Singh 1977
Physoderma setariicola Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma sparrovii Thirum. & Pavgi 1964
Physoderma thirumalacharii Pavgi & L. Singh 1980
Physoderma trachoniticum Syd. 1935
Physoderma trifolii (Pass.) Karling 1950
Physoderma vagabundum (Speg.) Karling 1950
Physoderma vagans J. Schröt. 1886
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Physoderma dulichii Johns 1957
(this page)
Physoderma aeschynomenes Thirum. & M. D. Whitehead 1951
Physoderma alfalfae (Lagerh.) Karling 1950
Physoderma alpinum R. Sprague 1961
Physoderma aneilematis Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma aponogetonicola Pavgi & L. Singh 1977
Physoderma aponogetonis Sparrow 1953
Physoderma asphodeli (de Bary) Karling 1950
Physoderma astomatis (Rayss) Karling 1950
Physoderma australasicum (Mc Alpine) J. Walker 1963
Physoderma beckmanniae R. Sprague 1955
Physoderma bohemicum Sacc. 1914
Physoderma bothriochloae Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma brachiariae Thirum. & Pavgi 1954
Physoderma brachiariae-eruciformis Thirum. & Pavgi 1964
Physoderma chrysopogonicola Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma citri Childs, L. E. Kopp & T. W. Johnson 1965
Physoderma claytoniana H. C. Greene 1944
Physoderma claytonianum Greene 1944
Physoderma comari (Berk. & F. B. White) Lagerh. 1898
Physoderma commelinae Lingappa 1955
Physoderma corchori Lingappa 1955
Physoderma crepidis Rostr. 1903
Physoderma cynodontis Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma debeauxii Bubák 1903
Physoderma dichanthiicola Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma dicksonii Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma digitariae Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma echinochloae Thirum. & M. D. Whitehead 1953
Physoderma eleocharidis (Fuckel) J. Schröt. 1886
Physoderma eragrostidis Thirum. & Pavgi 1964
Physoderma eriochloae Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma fabae Syd. 1928
Physoderma gerhardtii J. Schröt. 1886
Physoderma graminis (Büsgen) De Wild. 1896
Physoderma hemisphaericum (Speg.) Karling 1950
Physoderma hydrocotylidis Viégas & Teixeira 1943
Physoderma indicum S. Naray. & Thirum. 1957
Physoderma johnsii Sparrow 1961
Physoderma kriegeriana (Magnus) Vestergr. 1900
Physoderma kyllingae Pavgi & Thirum. 1964
Physoderma lathyri (Palm) Karling 1950
Physoderma leproides (Trab.) Lagerh. 1950
Physoderma limnanthemi Thirum. 1950
Physoderma lycopodis Sparrow 1957
Physoderma maculare Wallr. 1833
Physoderma marsileae M. S. Brewster 1952
Physoderma maydis (Miyabe) Miyabe 1909
Physoderma meliloti (Maire) Karling 1950
Physoderma mouretii (Maire) Karling 1950
Physoderma muscari (G. Poirault) Sacc. 1912
Physoderma myriophylli (Rostr.) Vestergr. 1909
Physoderma narasimhanii Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma negeri Karling 1950
Physoderma nelumbii Mishra & Thirum. 1953
Physoderma notosciadii Speg. ex Karling 1956
Physoderma ornithogali Maire 1928
Physoderma palustre Sparrow 1961
Physoderma pancratii V. N. Pathak, Prasad & D. D. Shukla 1971
Physoderma paspali J. A. Stev. 1946
Physoderma paspalidii Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma pluriannulatum (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Karling 1950
Physoderma potteri (A. W. Bartlett) Karling 1950
Physoderma pulposum Wallr. 1833
Physoderma rayssiae Karling 1950
Physoderma ruebsaamenii (Magnus) Karling 1950
Physoderma schroeteri Krieg. 1896
Physoderma scirpicola Pavgi & L. Singh 1977
Physoderma setariicola Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma sparrovii Thirum. & Pavgi 1964
Physoderma thirumalacharii Pavgi & L. Singh 1980
Physoderma trachoniticum Syd. 1935
Physoderma trifolii (Pass.) Karling 1950
Physoderma vagabundum (Speg.) Karling 1950
Physoderma vagans J. Schröt. 1886
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Physoderma dulichii Johns 1957
(this page)
Physoderma aeschynomenes Thirum. & M. D. Whitehead 1951
Physoderma alfalfae (Lagerh.) Karling 1950
Physoderma alpinum R. Sprague 1961
Physoderma aneilematis Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma aponogetonicola Pavgi & L. Singh 1977
Physoderma aponogetonis Sparrow 1953
Physoderma asphodeli (de Bary) Karling 1950
Physoderma astomatis (Rayss) Karling 1950
Physoderma australasicum (McAlpine) J. Walker 1963
Physoderma beckmanniae R. Sprague 1955
Physoderma bohemicum Sacc. 1914
Physoderma bothriochloae Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma brachiariae Thirum. & Pavgi 1954
Physoderma brachiariae-eruciformis Thirum. & Pavgi 1964
Physoderma chrysopogonicola Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma citri Childs, L. E. Kopp & T. W. Johnson 1965
Physoderma claytoniana H. C. Greene 1944
Physoderma claytonianum Greene 1944
Physoderma comari (Berk. & F. B. White) Lagerh. 1898
Physoderma commelinae Lingappa 1955
Physoderma corchori Lingappa 1955
Physoderma crepidis Rostr. 1903
Physoderma cynodontis Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma debeauxii Bubák 1903
Physoderma dichanthiicola Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma dicksonii Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma digitariae Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma echinochloae Thirum. & M. D. Whitehead 1953
Physoderma eleocharidis (Fuckel) J. Schröt. 1886
Physoderma eragrostidis Thirum. & Pavgi 1964
Physoderma eriochloae Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma fabae Syd. 1928
Physoderma gerhardtii J. Schröt. 1886
Physoderma graminis (Büsgen) De Wild. 1896
Physoderma hemisphaericum (Speg.) Karling 1950
Physoderma hydrocotylidis Viégas & Teixeira 1943
Physoderma indicum S. Naray. & Thirum. 1957
Physoderma johnsii Sparrow 1961
Physoderma kriegeriana (Magnus) Vestergr. 1900
Physoderma kyllingae Pavgi & Thirum. 1964
Physoderma lathyri (Palm) Karling 1950
Physoderma leproides (Trab.) Lagerh. 1950
Physoderma limnanthemi Thirum. 1950
Physoderma lycopodis Sparrow 1957
Physoderma maculare Wallr. 1833
Physoderma marsileae M. S. Brewster 1952
Physoderma maydis (Miyabe) Miyabe 1909
Physoderma meliloti (Maire) Karling 1950
Physoderma mouretii (Maire) Karling 1950
Physoderma muscari (G. Poirault) Sacc. 1912
Physoderma myriophylli (Rostr.) Vestergr. 1909
Physoderma narasimhanii Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma negeri Karling 1950
Physoderma nelumbii Mishra & Thirum. 1953
Physoderma notosciadii Speg. ex Karling 1956
Physoderma ornithogali Maire 1928
Physoderma palustre Sparrow 1961
Physoderma pancratii V. N. Pathak, Prasad & D. D. Shukla 1971
Physoderma paspali J. A. Stev. 1946
Physoderma paspalidii Thirum. & Pavgi 1957
Physoderma pluriannulatum (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Karling 1950
Physoderma potteri (A. W. Bartlett) Karling 1950
Physoderma pulposum Wallr. 1833
Physoderma rayssiae Karling 1950
Physoderma ruebsaamenii (Magnus) Karling 1950
Physoderma schroeteri Krieg. 1896
Physoderma scirpicola Pavgi & L. Singh 1977
Physoderma setariicola Pavgi & Thirum. 1954
Physoderma sparrovii Thirum. & Pavgi 1964
Physoderma thirumalacharii Pavgi & L. Singh 1980
Physoderma trachoniticum Syd. 1935
Physoderma trifolii (Pass.) Karling 1950
Physoderma vagabundum (Speg.) Karling 1950
Physoderma vagans J. Schröt. 1886
GBIF classification
Physoderma Wallr.
Physoderma dulichii Johns
(this page)
Physoderma acetosellae Rostr.
Physoderma aeschynomenes Thirum. & M. D. Whitehead
Physoderma agrostidis Lagerh.
Physoderma alfalfae (Pat. & Lagerh.) Karling
Physoderma allii Krieg.
Physoderma alpinum R. Sprague
Physoderma aneilematis Pavgi & Thirum.
Physoderma aponogetonicola Pavgi & L. Singh
Physoderma aponogetonis Sparrow
Physoderma asphodeli (de Bary) Karling
Physoderma astomatis (Rayss) Karling
Physoderma australasicum (Mc Alpine) J. Walker
Physoderma beckmanniae R. Sprague
Physoderma bohemicum Sacc.
Physoderma bothriochloae Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma brachiariae Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma brachiariae-eruciformis Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma butomi J. Schröt.
Physoderma calami Krieg.
Physoderma calthae Bucholtz
Physoderma chrysopogonicola Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma citri Childs, L. E. Kopp & T. W. Johnson
Physoderma claytonianum Greene
Physoderma comari (Berk. & F. B. White) Lagerb.
Physoderma commelinae Lingappa
Physoderma corchori Lingappa
Physoderma crepidis Rostr.
Physoderma cynodontis Pavgi & Thirum.
Physoderma debeauxii Bubák
Physoderma deformans Rostr.
Physoderma dichanthiicola Pavgi & Thirum.
Physoderma dicksonii Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma digitariae Pavgi & Thirum.
Physoderma echinochloae Thirum. & M. D. Whitehead
Physoderma eleocharidis (Fuckel) J. Schröt.
Physoderma eragrostidis Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma eriochloae Pavgi & Thirum.
Physoderma fabae Syd.
Physoderma flammulae (Büsgen) De Wild.
Physoderma gerhardtii J. Schröt.
Physoderma graminis (Büsgen) De Wild.
Physoderma hemisphaericum (Speg.) Karling
Physoderma hippuridis Rostr.
Physoderma hydrocotylidis Viégas & Teixeira
Physoderma indicum S. Naray. & Thirum.
Physoderma iridis (de Bary) De Wild.
Physoderma johnsii Sparrow
Physoderma kriegeriana (Magnus) Vestergr. 1900
Physoderma kyllingae Pavgi & Thirum.
Physoderma lathyri (Palm) Karling
Physoderma leproides (Trab. & Sacc.) Lagerh.
Physoderma limnanthemi Thirum.
Physoderma lycopodis Sparrow 1957
Physoderma maculare Wallr.
Physoderma majus (J. Schröt.) Karling
Physoderma marsileae M. S. Brewster
Physoderma maydis (Miyabe) Miyabe
Physoderma meliloti (Maire) Karling
Physoderma menthae J. Schröt.
Physoderma mouretii (Maire) Karling
Physoderma muscari (G. Poirault) Sacc. 1912
Physoderma myriophylli (Rostr.) Vestergr., Rostr. & Lind
Physoderma narasimhanii Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma narcissi (G. Poirault) Sacc. & Trotter
Physoderma negeri Karling
Physoderma nelumbii Mishra & Thirum.
Physoderma notosciadii (Speg.) Karling
Physoderma ornithogali Maire
Physoderma palustre Sparrow
Physoderma pancratii V. N. Pathak, Prasad & D. D. Shukla
Physoderma paspali J. A. Stev.
Physoderma paspalidii Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma pluriannulatum (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Karling
Physoderma potteri (A. W. Bartlett) Karling
Physoderma pulposum Wallr.
Physoderma rayssiae Karling
Physoderma ruebsaamenii (Magnus) Karling
Physoderma schroeteri Krieg.
Physoderma scirpicola Pavgi & L. Singh
Physoderma setariicola Pavgi & Thirum.
Physoderma sparganii-ramosi (Büsgen) J. Schröt.
Physoderma sparrovii Thirum. & Pavgi
Physoderma speciosum J. Schröt.
Physoderma thirumalacharii Pavgi & L. Singh
Physoderma trachoniticum Syd.
Physoderma trifolii (Pass.) Karling
Physoderma vagabundum (Speg.) Karling
Physoderma vagans J. Schröt.
Physoderma zsakii (Moesz) Cif.
cellular organisms
Fungi incertae sedis
Blastocladiomycota incertae sedis
Physoderma dulichii
(this page)
Physoderma lycopi
Physoderma maculare
Physoderma maydis
unclassified Physoderma
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Physoderma dulichii
(this page)
Physoderma acetosellae
Physoderma aeschynomenes
Physoderma agrostidis
Physoderma alfalfae
Physoderma allii
Physoderma alpinum
Physoderma aneilematis
Physoderma aponogetonicola
Physoderma aponogetonis
Physoderma asphodeli
Physoderma astomatis
Physoderma australasicum
Physoderma beckmanniae
Physoderma bohemicum
Physoderma bothriochloae
Physoderma brachiariae
Physoderma brachiariae-eruciformis
Physoderma calami
Physoderma chrysopogonicola
Physoderma citri
Physoderma claytoniana
Physoderma claytonianum
Physoderma comari
Physoderma commelinae
Physoderma corchori
Physoderma crepidis
Physoderma cynodontis
Physoderma debeauxii
Physoderma deformans
Physoderma dichanthiicola
Physoderma dicksonii
Physoderma digitariae
Physoderma digitariae-longiflorae
Physoderma digitariae-marginatae
Physoderma echinochloae
Physoderma eleocharidis
Physoderma endogenum
Physoderma eragrostidis
Physoderma eriochloae
Physoderma eryngii
Physoderma fabae
Physoderma gerhardtii
Physoderma gibbosum
Physoderma graminis
Physoderma hemisphaericum
Physoderma hippuridis
Physoderma hydrocotylidis
Physoderma indicum
Physoderma johnsii
Physoderma kriegeriana
Physoderma kyllingae
Physoderma lathyri
Physoderma leproides
Physoderma limnanthemi
Physoderma lycopi
Physoderma maculare
Physoderma magnusianum
Physoderma majus
Physoderma marsileae
Physoderma maydis
Physoderma meliloti
Physoderma menthae
Physoderma menyanthis
Physoderma miniata
Physoderma mouretii
Physoderma muscari
Physoderma narasimhanii
Physoderma narcissi
Physoderma negeri
Physoderma nelumbii
Physoderma notosciadii
Physoderma ornithogali
Physoderma pallidum
Physoderma palustre
Physoderma pancratii
Physoderma paspali
Physoderma paspalidii
Physoderma pluriannulatum
Physoderma polysporum
Physoderma potteri
Physoderma pulposum
Physoderma punctiforme
Physoderma rayssiae
Physoderma ruebsaamenii
Physoderma sagittariae
Physoderma schroeteri
Physoderma scirpicola
Physoderma segetum
Physoderma setariicola
Physoderma tenue
Physoderma thirumalacharii
Physoderma trachoniticum
Physoderma trifolii
Physoderma urgineae
Physoderma vagabundum
Physoderma vagans
Physoderma zeae-maydis