Specimen from the Tara expedition, Station 68. Lugol's-fixed specimen probably had coccoliths covering lost with fixation.
From the central Med.
Lugol's-fixed specimen from Feb 2003 in the Bay of Villefranche.
Live specimen from Bay in Villefranche in Sept 2010. The lorica is covered in coccoliths.
Specimen from the Bay of Villefranche on Sept 15 2012. Imaged using a 40x objective.
Button Collector - Codonella elongata - Specimen nicely covered with tiny buttons (actually coccoliths). Live specimen from the Bay of Villefranche June 3 2013, imaged using a 40 x objective, z-stacked image.
Another tintinnid ciliate from the Peche cruise which occupied the Dyfamed site between Nice and Corsica in September 2004 for nearly a month.
Live specimen from Bay in Villefranche (43°41’10’’ N, 7°19’00’’ E) in Sept 2010. The lorica is covered in coccoliths.