Aphrocallistidae is a family of hexactinellid sponges in the order Sceptrulophora.[2]
There are two genera in Aphrocallistidae.
^ Gray, J.E. (1867). Notes on the Arrangement of Sponges, with the Descriptions of some New Genera. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1867(2): 492-558, pls XXVII-XXVIII.
^ "Aphrocallistidae". WoRMS. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved September 22, 2020.
^ Gray, J.E. (1858). On Aphrocallistes, a New Genus of Spongiadae from Malacca. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 26: 114-115, pl. XI. page(s): 114-115
^ Ijima, I. (1927). The Hexactinellida of the Siboga Expedition. Pp. i-viii, 1-383, pls I-XXVI. in: Weber, M. (Ed.), Siboga-Expeditie. Uitkomsten op zoologisch, botanisch, oceanographisch en geologisch gebied verzameld in Nederlandsch Oost-lndië 1899- 1900 aan boord H.M. 'Siboga' onder commando van Luitenant ter zee 1e kl. G.F. Tydemann. 106 (Monographie VI) (E.J. Brill, Leiden).