Lotus corniculatus (Common Bird's Foot Trefoil) is a species of perennial herb in the family legumes. They are native to Libya, Italy, Armenia, Russia, Taiwan, Iraq, Sudan, Tunisia, Lithuania, Albania, Belgium, Yugoslavia, Sweden, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, China, Japan, Nepal, Ireland, Ethiopia, Germany, Morocco, Tajikistan, Pakistan, Mongolia, Yemen, Latvia, Norway, The Netherlands, Kenya, Afghanistan, North Korea, Denmark, Estonia, Czech Republic, India, France, Poland, Georgia, Algeria, Hungary, Saudi Arabia, Belarus, Greece, Switzerland, Egypt, Portugal, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, South Korea, Finland, Kazakhstan, Spain, Myanmar, Tanzania, Iran, Turkmenistan, Austria, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Cyprus, and Turkey. They have yellow flowers. Flowers are visited by Bombus lucorumterrestris, Two-spotted Bumblebee, Andrena labialis, and Small-handed Leaf-cutter Bee. Individuals can grow to 2.4 feet.
EOL has data for 79 attributes, including: