
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Notiphila (Dichaeta) deonieri

DIAGNOSIS.—Specimens of N. deonieri are most similar to those of N. olivacea and based on external characters alone, I cannot consistently separate them. Usually the frons of N. deonieri specimens is browner and often the median stripe of the abdominal fascia extends to near the posterior margin of each tergum. In both of the above characters, however, there is considerable overlap with specimens of N. olivacea. The male genitalia are distinctive and may be used to identify this species: Preapical enlargement of hypandrial process almost pointed dorsally and not as homologous structure in N. olivacea (Figures 149–151).

DESCRIPTION.—Medium-sized to moderately large shore flies, length 3.55 to 4.58 mm; with brownish gray coloration and brown markings.

Head: Head ratio 1:0.72; postfrons ratio 1:0.65; frons generally light brown, pollinose; median triangular area and lateral margins concolorous, lighter than remainder of frons, gray. Paravertical bristle much larger than postocellar setae; 2 pair of proclinate, fronto-orbital setae. Antenna entirely black; arista with 10–13 dorsal branches. Face grayish yellow, pollinose; prefrons ratio 1:0.71; facial setae small, hairlike. Eye ratio 1:0.77; eye-to-cheek ratio 1:0.20; gena narrow with distinct bristle, subequal to paravertical bristle; gena gray except for anterior margin, which is concolorous with face. Maxillary palpus black.

Thorax: Dorsum slightly darker than pleural areas; mesonotum immaculate; mesopleuron usually with brown, undefined spot near dorsal edge. Femora and tibiae grayish black; tarsi generally yellow, front tarsomeres and in some cases the middle tarsomeres darker, brownish yellow. Setal fascicle of hind basitarsus pale. Wing ratio 1:0.41; costal vein ratio 1:0.36; M1+2 vein ratio 1:0.80.

Abdomen: Abdomen ratio of males 1:0.70; length of fourth tergum to fifth tergum ratio of males 1:0.73; fifth tergum ratio of males 1:0.51. Fascia brown; on third and fourth terga the median stripe often reaching posterior margin of tergum, otherwise posterior margin gray, contrasting with darker fascia. Male terminalia as in Figures 149–151.

TYPE-MATERIAL.—Holotype male: “Goose Lake, Hamilton Co., Iowa VIII-14-1966, D. L. Deonier/HOLOTYPE Notiphila deonieri Mathis (red).” Allotype and 11 paratypes (6, 5): with same label data as the holotype. The holotype will be deposited in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., type number 73542.

ETYMOLOGY.—The genitive patronym deonieri honors the collector of the type-series, Dr. D. L. Deonier, who has contributed substantially to our knowledge of the Nearctic Ephydridae with his revision of Hydrellia Robineau-Desvoidy.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION.—The type-locality, Goose Lake, Hamilton Co., Iowa, is the only site where this species has been collected.
bibliographic citation
Mathis, Wayne Neilsen. 1979. "Studies of Notiphilinae (Diptera: Ephydridae), I: Revision of the Neartic Species of Notiphila Fallen, Excluding the Caudata Group." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-111. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.287