provided by INBio
Distribucion en Costa Rica:
Distribucion General: Panama to Brazil.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados y Elvia Zumbado
Trophic Strategy
provided by INBio
Females feed on the blood of large mammals, particularly horses and cattle.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados y Elvia Zumbado
Life Cycle
provided by INBio
Immature stages unknown.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados y Elvia Zumbado
Diagnostic Description
provided by INBio
Hind tibiae without apical spurs; basicosta with strong setae as dense as those on the adjoining costa; vertex without a tubercle; posterior margin of the mesoscutum but not the scutellum with a a black pilose spot; species not wholly black; wing not heavily spotted; abdomen patterned; fork of veins R4 and R5 without a spur; maxillary palpi unusually short and inflated; abdomen yellowish brown in ground color, often with an indistinct dark median stripe; wing generally with a small dark area below the stigma and clouds around the basal crossveins and fork of veins R4 and R5. This species is extremely difficult to distinguish from Tabanus nebulosus DeGeer.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados y Elvia Zumbado
Diagnostic Description
provided by INBio
Localidad del tipo: "Brazil"
Depositario del tipo: Berlin: Museum fur Naturkunde der Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin, Bereich Zoologischer Museum.
Recolector del tipo:
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados y Elvia Zumbado