provided by INBio
Not known.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
provided by INBio
Not known.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
provided by INBio
Distribucion en Costa Rica:
Distribucion General: Western Panama.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
Trophic Strategy
provided by INBio
Adult females probably feed on the blood of mammals.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
Life Cycle
provided by INBio
Immature stages unknown.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
Diagnostic Description
provided by INBio
Hind tibiae without apical spurs; basicosta with sparse strong setae not as dense as on the adjoining costa; third antennal segment with at most an acute dorsobasal angle; tibiae not inflated; frontal callus present; frontoclypeus and genae not inflated; labella unsclerotized;eyes with at most a single median stripe in life; vestiges of ocelli present, or a distinct tubercle at the vertex; wings with a prominent dark pattern which always includes clear areas around the crossveins and the fork of veins R4 and R5; frons 7-10 times taller than the width at the base; dark to pale brown species with brown legs; apex of the wing not distinctly infuscated; no dark spot present at the base of cell r4, wing pattern reduced, pale brown; whole insect light brown; mesoscutum faintly striped; antennae unusually broad, with a long dorsal tooth.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
Diagnostic Description
provided by INBio
Localidad del tipo: Panama, Chiriqui, Buena Vista, 1000 ft.
Depositario del tipo: Cambridge: Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University.
Recolector del tipo:
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado