provided by INBio
Found on or near beaches.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
provided by INBio
Distribucion en Costa Rica:
Distribucion General: Mexico (Quintana Roo) to Panama (Atlantic Coast).
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
Trophic Strategy
provided by INBio
Females feed on the blood of mammals including humans.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
Life Cycle
provided by INBio
Immature stages unknown.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
Diagnostic Description
provided by INBio
Hind tibiae without apical spurs; basicosta without strong setae; third antennal segment with at most an acute dorsobasal angle; wing without a dark pattern; frontal callus present, as wide as the frons; labella unsclerotized; frontal callus usually wider than high, without median callus; usually pale coast-inhabiting species; abdomen with dorsolateral pale patches; frons about 2.2 times as high as wide; antennal flagellomeres subequal to the basal flagellomere, the latter longer than wide; median abdominal stripe nearly parallel-sided and continuous, sublateral spots small and discrete.
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado
Diagnostic Description
provided by INBio
Localidad del tipo: Guatemala, Puerto Barrios.
Depositario del tipo: Columbus: Ohio State University, Collection of Insects and Spiders.
Recolector del tipo:
- author
- John Burger
- editor
- Manuel A. Zumbado
- editor
- Cristian Granados
- editor
- Elvia Zumbado