

provided by World Register of Marine Species
Bourgueticrinidae with cup of 5 high, slender basals and 5 much shorter radials surrounding narrow central canal. Sutures between basals and radials distinct, irregular, or hardly visible. Radial articular facet large. Articulation of basal circlet with top of column smooth and circular, with diameter corresponding to base of cup. Growth of cup mainly affects basal circlet, with height increasing more than width, so that mature specimens become more slender and cylindrical. Interradial nerve canal extending from basals in sutures between radials before dividing. Every second brachial articulation synostosial, synarthrial, or trifascial. Synostosial articulations may be modified, with short, median ridge from axial canal to aboral edge of proximal articular facet fitting into a furrow in distal facet of preceding brachial. Proximale not developed in adults. A few (generally


5. Haggett, G. M. (2000) The early stages of Coleophora tricolor Walsingham 1899 (Lep. Coleophoridae) on the Norfolk Breck and their significance for conservation management. Entomologist's Gazette 51: 215-234.

WoRMS Editorial Board
Charles Messing [email]