Description: Digital still collected as part of CODEMAP.
This species looks like Peniagone longipapillata as described from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Item Type: Image Title: Peniagone longipapillata? Copyright: CODEMAP Species: Peniagone Site: Atlantic -- Whittard Canyon Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): -3082.35 Latitude: 48 deg 21' 30" N Longitude: 10 deg 55' 06" W Countries: ?? WhittardCanyon ?? Habitat: Submarine Canyon Rig: RRS James Cook ROV: ISIS Deposited By: Ms Katleen Robert Deposited On: 13 September 2013
Description: A swimming sea cucumber (Holothurian) seen just above the seabed at Zafarani.
This is a species of Peniagone, possible P. diaphana. Item Type: Image Title: Swimming sea cucumber Copyright: SERPENT Species: Peniagone diaphana Site: Indian -- Indian Ocean -- East Africa -- Zafarani Depth (m): 2601 Countries: East Africa -- Tanzania Habitat: Benthic boundary zone Rig: Ocean Rig Poseidon Project Partners: Statoil, Oceaneering ROV: Millenium 93 and 73 Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 19 April 2012
Description: A Sea Cucumber swimming in the water column near subsea structure. Item Type: Image Title: Sea Cucumber Copyright: SERPENT Species: Peniagone sp Behaviour: Swimming in the water column near subsea structure. Site: Atlantic -- Central Atlantic -- Ghana -- Hyedua fieldRegions -- West Africa -- Ghana -- Hyedua field Site Description: Midwater Depth (m): 1318.2m Countries: Sites -- Atlantic -- Central Atlantic -- Ghana -- Hyedua fieldWest Africa -- Ghana -- Hyedua field Habitat: Pelagic Rig: Belford Dolphin Project Partners: Andarko, Subsea7, Dolphin Drilling ROV: Hercules 7 Deposited By: Mr R Curry Deposited On: 31 March 2009
Item Type: Image Title: Peniagone sea cucumber Copyright: Serpent Project Species: Peniagone sp Behaviour: Swimming Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Block 31 Leif E Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 2500 Latitude: 7 deg 30' 00" S Longitude: 9 deg 00' 00" W Countries: West Africa -- Angola Habitat: Tropical Mud Rig: Leiv Ericksson Project Partners: Ocean Rig, BP ROV: Magnum 95 Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 13 March 2007
Item Type: Image Title: Peniagone sea cucumber Copyright: Serpent Project Species: Peniagone sp Behaviour: Swimming Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Block 31 Leif E Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 2500 Latitude: 7 deg 30' 00" S Longitude: 9 deg 00' 00" W Countries: West Africa -- Angola Habitat: Tropical Mud Rig: Leiv Ericksson Project Partners: Ocean Rig, BP ROV: Magnum 95 Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 13 March 2007
Item Type: Image Title: Peniagone sea cucumber Copyright: Serpent Project Species: Peniagone sp Behaviour: Swimming Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Block 31 Leif E Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 2500 Latitude: 7 deg 30' 00" S Longitude: 9 deg 00' 00" W Countries: West Africa -- Angola Habitat: Tropical Mud Rig: Leiv Ericksson Project Partners: Ocean Rig, BP ROV: Magnum 95 Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 13 March 2007
Item Type: Image Title: Peniagone sea cucumber Copyright: Serpent Project Species: Peniagone sp Behaviour: Swimming Site: Atlantic -- Central Atlantic -- Baobab, Ivory Coast Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 1290 Latitude: 4 deg 56' 00" N Longitude: 4 deg 30' 00" W Countries: West Africa -- Ivory Coast Habitat: Tropical Muddy Sand Rig: Seisranger Project Partners: CNR, Subsea 7 ROV: Centurion 35 Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 13 March 2007
Item Type: Image Title: Peniagone sea cucumber Copyright: Serpent Project Species: Peniagone sp Behaviour: Resting on seafloor with Bathrites Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Block 18 Site Description: Midwater Depth (m): 2000 Latitude: 8 deg 30' 00" S Longitude: 12 deg 15' 00" W Countries: West Africa -- Angola Habitat: Tropical Mud Rig: Sedco Express Project Partners: Transocean, Petrobas, Subsea 7 ROV: Magnum 62 Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 13 March 2007
Item Type: Video Title: Peniagone sea cucumber Species: Peniagone sp Behaviour: Crawling, Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Block 31 Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 2500 Latitude: 7 deg 30' 00" S Longitude: 9 deg 00' 00" W Countries: West Africa -- Angola Habitat: Tropical Mud Rig: Jack Ryan Project Partners: Subsea 7, BP, Global Santa Fe ROV: Magnum 60 Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 13 March 2007
Item Type: Video Title: Peniagone sea cucumber Species: Peniagone sp Behaviour: Swimming Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Block 31 Leif E Site Description: Midwater Depth (m): 2500 Latitude: 7 deg 30' 00" S Longitude: 9 deg 00' 00" W Countries: West Africa -- Angola Habitat: Tropical Water Column Rig: Leiv Ericksson Project Partners: Ocean Rig, BP ROV: Magnum 95 Deposited By: Rob Curry Deposited On: 13 March 2007
Description: Peniagone. 70 mm total length. Body flattened. Mouth placed on a posteriorly directed, retractile tube. Tubefeet 4 pairs,
enclosed in a brim bordering the hind edge of the body. Velum broad, forwardly directed, forming the anterior
continuation of the dorsal surface; the four papillae
composing the velum project only slightly from the anterior edge. Item Type: Image Title: Swimming Sea cucumber Copyright: SERPENT project Species: Peniagone sp. Behaviour: Swimming in the water column. Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Nigeria -- Akpo fieldAtlantic -- Central Atlantic -- Nigeria -- Akpo field Site Description: Midwater Depth (m): 1366m Latitude: 3 deg 07' 00" N Longitude: 6 deg 49' 00" E Countries: West Africa -- Nigeria Habitat: Benthic Rig: Jack Ryan Project Partners: Total, Transocean, Oceaneering ROV: Millennium 43 Deposited By: Mr Rob Curry Deposited On: 11 December 2009
Description: Sea cucumber peniagone sp. Item Type: Image Title: Peniagone Sea Cucumber Copyright: SERPENT Project Species: Peniagone sp. Behaviour: Swimming in the water column Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Block 31 Site Description: Midwater Depth (m): 1998 Latitude: 6 deg 20' 09" S Longitude: 13 deg 42' 46" W Countries: West Africa -- Angola Rig: Seven Seas Project Partners: BP, Subsea 7 Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 09 December 2010
Description: Sea cucumber peniagone sp. Item Type: Image Title: Peniagone Sea Cucumber Copyright: SERPENT Project Species: Peniagone sp. Behaviour: Swimming in the water column Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Block 31 Site Description: Midwater Depth (m): 1998 Latitude: 6 deg 20' 09" S Longitude: 13 deg 42' 46" W Countries: West Africa -- Angola Rig: Seven Seas Project Partners: BP, Subsea 7 Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 09 December 2010
Description: Sea cucumber peniagone sp. Item Type: Image Title: Peniagone Sea Cucumber Copyright: SERPENT Project Species: Peniagone sp. Behaviour: Swimming in the water column Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Block 31 Site Description: Midwater Depth (m): 1998 Latitude: 6 deg 20' 09" S Longitude: 13 deg 42' 46" W Countries: West Africa -- Angola Rig: Seven Seas Project Partners: BP, Subsea 7 Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 09 December 2010
Description: Sea cucumber peniagone sp. Item Type: Image Title: Peniagone Sea Cucumber Copyright: SERPENT Project Species: Peniagone sp. Behaviour: Swimming in the water column Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Block 31 Site Description: Midwater Depth (m): 1998 Latitude: 6 deg 20' 09" S Longitude: 13 deg 42' 46" W Countries: West Africa -- Angola Rig: Seven Seas Project Partners: BP, Subsea 7 Deposited By: Miss Moira MacLean Deposited On: 09 December 2010
Description: Large numbers of benthopelagic sea cucumbers. These holothurians swim above the surface of the sediment and settle on the mud to feed.
In similar previous records (Barnes 1976), Peniagone diaphana has been recorded at 2000 m water depth off southern California. The dense aggregations extended to 70 m above the seabed. Item Type: Image Title: Peniagone Sea cucumber Species: Peniagone sp. Behaviour: Swimming Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Angola - Block 31 Site Description: Midwater Depth (m): 1816 Countries: West Africa -- Angola Habitat: Benthopelagic Project Partners: Subsea 7 Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 08 May 2012
Description: Large numbers of benthopelagic sea cucumbers. These holothurians swim above the surface of the sediment and settle on the mud to feed.
In similar previous records (Barnes 1976), Peniagone diaphana has been recorded at 2000 m water depth off southern California. The dense aggregations extended to 70 m above the seabed. Item Type: Image Title: Peniagone Sea cucumber Species: Peniagone sp. Behaviour: Swimming Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Angola - Block 31 Site Description: Midwater Depth (m): 1816 Countries: West Africa -- Angola Habitat: Benthopelagic Project Partners: Subsea 7 Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 08 May 2012
Description: Large numbers of benthopelagic sea cucumbers. These holothurians swim above the surface of the sediment and settle on the mud to feed.
In similar previous records (Barnes 1976), Peniagone diaphana has been recorded at 2000 m water depth off southern California. The dense aggregations extended to 70 m above the seabed. Item Type: Image Title: Peniagone Sea cucumber Species: Peniagone sp. Behaviour: Swimming Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Angola - Block 31 Site Description: Midwater Depth (m): 1816 Countries: West Africa -- Angola Habitat: Benthopelagic Project Partners: Subsea 7 Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 08 May 2012
Description: Large numbers of benthopelagic sea cucumbers. These holothurians swim above the surface of the sediment and settle on the mud to feed.
In similar previous records (Barnes 1976), Peniagone diaphana has been recorded at 2000 m water depth off southern California. The dense aggregations extended to 70 m above the seabed. Item Type: Image Title: Peniagone Sea cucumber Species: Peniagone sp. Behaviour: Swimming Site: Atlantic -- South Atlantic -- Angola - Block 31 Site Description: Midwater Depth (m): 1816 Countries: West Africa -- Angola Habitat: Benthopelagic Project Partners: Subsea 7 Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 08 May 2012
1132683 [IZ] Peniagone vignoni, ventral
1132683 [IZ] Peniagone vignoni, dorsal