
Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Badhamia nitens Berk. Trans. Linn. Soc. 21: 153. 1853
Badhamia pallida Berk. Trans. Linn. Soc. 21: 153. 1853. Badhamia inaurata Currey, Trans. Linn. Soc. 24: 156. 1863. Badhamia A lexandrowiczii Rost. Monog. 146. 1874. Didymium reticulatum Berk. & Br. Jour. Linn. Soc, 15: 83. 1876. Lepidoderma reticulatum Massee, Monog. 252. 1892.
Not D. reticulatum Rost. 1873
Sporangia gregarious or closely crowded, sessile or with weak, procumbent, strand-like stalks, globose or depressed-globose, 0.5-1 mm. in diameter, or plasmodiocarpous, yellow, greenish-yellow, or dull green, or, in forms with scanty lime in the peridium, iridescent; capillitium yellow to dull orange, delicate, somewhat thickened at the nodes; spores in compact clusters of 4-20, mostly 6-12, violaceous-brown, coarsely warted on the exposed area, more finely warted elsewhere, pyriform, 12-14 X 10-12 p Plasmodium yellow.
Type: locality: Essex, England.
Habitat: Dead wood and bark and on the bark of living trees, associated with mosses and
lichens. Distribution: Colorado, Washington, Oregon, California, and the West Indies; Europe; Asia; South Africa.
bibliographic citation
George Willard Martin, Harold William Rickett. 1949. FUNGI; MYXOMYCETES; CERATIOMYXALES, LICEALES, TEICHIALES, STEMONITALES, PHYSARALES. North American flora. vol 1. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora