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Scuttle Fly

Megaselia scalaris (Loew 1866)


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Megaselia scalaris have also been found in Hawaii and Trinidad, southern Europe, and New Zealand, and have even been found to breed indoors in Belgium, England, and the Netherlands (Disney). They have been found in South Japan, the Canary Islands, and Africa (Mainx). They have been found in Saudi Arabia (Amoudi et al.).
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Forensic Applications

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Megaselia scalaris has significant forensic applications. Megaselia scalaris are often found breeding on corpses, and have even been dubbed “coffin flies” for their ability to dig 6 feet underground to reach buried coffins. Using the flies estimated stage of development, the postmortem interval can be estimated (Disney). Other interesting forensic applications include determining the origin of food contamination (e.g. producer, wholesaler, or retailer) based on the earliest oviposition date, and the determination of whether myiasis was hospital-acquired or acquired prior to hospital admission (Disney).
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Megaselia scalaris is of the Phoridae family of flies. These flies are commonly known as “scuttle flies,” due to their short, rapid bursts of movement. Females are much larger than males, and take longer to eclose. In general, Megaselia scalaris are larger and take longer to develop than Drosophila melanogaster (Harrison and Cooper). The number of eggs laid at one time has been found to vary from 1 to 100, depending on the condition of the female (Disney).
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Larval Floating Ability

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Larvae have the unique ability to swallow air to float in water (Disney). This enables them to avoid drowning, even in deep pools of water, as long as they are given sufficient time to swallow air before complete immersion (Harrison and Cooper).
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In addition to having been found infesting laboratory insect cultures and breeding in human wounds, Megaselia scalaris have been recorded to have parasitized the eggs of frogs and turtles, as well as adult frogs, turtles, and snakes (Disney). Human cases involving intestinal infestation seem to indicate that Megaselia scalaris is able to complete its larval development, produce viable pupae, and even give rise to freshly emerging adults, all inside the human intestine (Disney).
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Sex Determination

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In Megaselia scalaris, sex is determined by a male-determining region. This region is stable in the field—that is, it is found on chromosome 2 (Traut). However, in laboratory populations, the male-determining region has been found on all three Megaselia scalaris chromosomes (Traut). Thus, it appears that the male-determining gene transposes to different locations, creating new Y chromosomes (Traut). It has been hypothesized that the reason for the stability of the male-determining region in the field is due to a competitive advantage of having the region on chromosome 2 when the flies are in large spaces, whereas this advantage is not present in the lab (Traut). This hypothesis has been supported by experiments involving population cages of different conditions (Traut).
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Toxic Conditions

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In addition to their ability to live off of a wide range of food sources, including paint and boot polish, Megaselia scalaris have been found to be able to survive conditions that are toxic to other insects (Sorensen et al). In one study, Megaselia scalaris survived high concentration of Manganese and Nickel present in their food, and even seemed to increase their viability by significantly increasing the percentage of puparia formed that successfully eclosed (Sorensen et al.).
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Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Megaselia (Megaselia) scalaris (Loew)

Phora scalaris Loew, 1866, p. 53.—Borgmeier, 1966, p. 36, figs. 23, 24 [female abdomen]; 1967b, p. 101.

This widely distributed species was recently redescribed by Borgmeier (1966). The supraantennals are of equal length and widely separated. The antials are nearly vertically below the laterals. The female is easily recognized by the structure of the 6th abdominal tergite which is saddle-like. The hypopygium has a single bristle on each side below; the anal segment is large and the apical hairs are strong. The female has 4 subequal scutellars (group VI); the male generally only two (group VII).

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—From Dominica: 2 females in alcohol, Clarke Hall, March 1965 (Wirth). 1 female, Clarke Hall, May 1966 (Steyskal); 1 male and 1 female, Clarke Hall, 11–20 Jan. 1965 (Wirth); 1 male, Clarke Hall, 26–28 Feb. 1965 (Wirth); 1 male, Hodges R. mouth, reared from Calathea, 22 Feb. 1965 (Wirth).
bibliographic citation
Borgmeier, Tomaz. 1969. "Bredin-Archbold-Smithsonian biological survey of Dominica: the Phoridae of Dominica (Diptera)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-69. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.23

Megaselia scalaris

provided by wikipedia EN

The fly Megaselia scalaris is a member of the order Diptera and the family Phoridae, and it is widely distributed in warm regions of the world. The family members are commonly known as the "humpbacked fly", the "coffin fly", and the "scuttle fly".[2] The name "scuttle fly" derives from the jerky, short bursts of running, characteristic to the adult fly.[2] The name "coffin fly" is due to their being found in coffins, digging six feet deep in order to reach buried corpses. It is one of the more common species found within the family Phoridae; more than 370 species have been identified within North America.[2]


Megaselia scalaris was described by the German entomologist Hermann Loew in 1866.[1]n


Adults of this species are about 2 mm long and yellowish with dark markings.[3] The labellum and labrum have trichoid and conical sensilla, and the labellum's ventral surface has five pairs of sharp teeth.[4] The hind femur has hairs below its basal half and these are shorter than hairs in an anteroventral row on the distal half. The hind tibia lacks a clearly differentiated row of spine-like antero-dorsal hairs. There is a pair of translucent wings, in which vein 3 is not or barely broader than the costa.[3]

In males, the labellum has a dense covering of microtrichia,[4] the bristles at the tip of the anal tube are longer than the longest hairs of the cerci, and the longest hair of the left side of the epandrium is almost bristle-like.[3] In females, the tergite of the sixth abdominal segment is short, narrow, shiny, and extends laterally on the segment, unlike tergites of preceding segments.[5]

Larvae of this species are pale, legless and covered in rows of short spines. The anterior end has the mouthparts, which look like a pair of sharp spines and are darker than the surrounding tissue. The posterior end has a pair of spiracles.[3][6]

Life cycle

Egg and larva

The development of Megaselia scalaris fly is holometabolous, consisting of four distinct stages. These stages include: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. There are three distinct larval instars of M. scalaris. The third instar of development usually lasts longer than the first two because there are dramatic changes from a larva into a fly. The development of each life cycle depends on the environmental conditions in which the larvae are feeding or being reared. It generally occurs "at 22-24°C, the first instar lasts 1-2 days, the second 1-2 days, and the third 3-4 days before pupation and a further 1-2 days before pupation."[7] The larvae are usually very small, roughly between 1 and 8 mm in length.

Pupa and adult

The male Megaselia scalaris fly matures more quickly than the female pupa, emerging two days prior to the females. Emerging before the females gives the males the advantage to feed, allowing their sperm to mature by the time the females emerge.[8] Adult Megaselia scalaris reproduce by means of oviposition. The females lay relatively large eggs for their size due to the extended incubation period of the eggs.[9]

Feeding habits

Many of the flies within the family Phoridae prefer nectar as an energy source; however, Megaselia scalaris is an omnivorous species.[10] It has been recorded feeding on plants, wounds, and corpses. Protein food sources are preferred by the females preceding maturation of their eggs.[10] All meals must be a fluid in order for the flies to access the meal because Megaselia scalaris has sponging mouthparts.[10] This is a characteristic common to the family Phoridae.

The sharp teeth possessed by adults are not used in retrieval of a food source, like a piercing mouthpart, but are instead used to aid digestion and breakdown of nutrients.[10] Human cases involving skin inflammation are likely due to these teeth.[10] It is important to note the distinction that while Megaselia scalaris can feed on blood meals, the teeth are not used to puncture the host. The blood must be found on the body as an exudate. One theory to the evolution of these teeth is that Megaselia scalaris uses them in order to exit their pupal casings.[10]


Megaselia scalaris' optimal culture temperature is 28 °C. They are common in many areas but thrive predominately in moist unsanitary vicinities such as dumpsters, trash containers, rotting meat, vegetable remains, public washrooms, homes, and sewer pipes.[5] Although referred to as scavengers, adults are known to feed primarily on sugars. The larvae, however, depend on moist decaying plant or animal material and feed on a wide range of additional decaying material.[10] "The larvae display a unique behavior of swallowing air when exposed to pools of liquid. This intake of air allows them to float, and may prevent drowning during flood conditions in their normal habitat."[5]

Importance to forensic entomology

Megaselia scalaris are important in the study of forensic entomology because evidence derived from the lifecycle and behavior of these flies is useful in both medicocriminal and abuse/neglect cases and is admissible in court.

Megaselia scalaris are small in size; this allows them to locate carrion buried within the ground and to locate bodies concealed in coffins.[11] They can travel 0.5 m in a four-day period.[11] They lay their eggs on carrion to provide food for the hatched larvae.

Often, Megaselia scalaris may be the only forensic entomological evidence available if the carrion is obstructed or concealed in a place that is hard for other insects to reach.[12] Larger flies are not always able to reach the carrion. Calculations involving M. scalaris can result in an insect colonization time that can be used for a postmortem interval, which may help establish an estimated time of death.[12] M. scalaris are classified in a secondary forensic role because they prefer older decaying carrion.[12]

Evidence collected by forensic entomologists involving Megaselia scalaris has been used to demonstrate in court that caretakers have neglected the care of their elderly patients.[13] Megaselia scalaris is also involved in cases of myiasis. Megaselia scalaris larvae found on a body can be used in court as a tool to show "time of death" or "time of neglect".[13]

Current and future research

Megaselia scalaris is commonly used in research and within the lab because it is easily cultured; this species is used in experiments involving genetic, developmental, and bioassay studies.[14] Research has also been done on the unique neurophysiology and neuromuscular junction within this fly, giving it its characteristic "scuttle" movement.[15] In comparison to Drosophila melanogaster, M. scalaris has decreased excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and facilitation of EPSPs in response to repetitive stimulation.[15] With such a wide range of food sources, the larvae can be considered facultative predators, parasitoids, or parasites.[14]


  1. ^ a b Loew, Hermann (1866). "Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria Septima". Berl. Ent. Z. 10: 1–54. Retrieved 14 March 2022.
  2. ^ a b c Triplehorn, Charles A; Johnson, Norman F; Borror, Donald Joyce (2005). Borror and DeLong's introduction to the study of insects. p. 727. ISBN 9780030968358.
  3. ^ a b c d MAF Plant Health & Environment Laboratory (Apr 11, 2014). "Megaselia scalaris (Loew, 1866)". Retrieved Oct 21, 2022.
  4. ^ a b Sukontason, Kom; Sukontason, Kabkaew L; Piangjai, Somsak; Boonchu, Noppawan; Chaiwong, Tarinee; Vogtsberger, Roy C (2003). "Mouthparts of Megaselia scalaris (Loew) (Diptera: Phoridae)". Micron. 34 (8): 345–350. doi:10.1016/j.micron.2003.08.003. PMID 14680919.
  5. ^ a b c "Species Megaselia scalaris". bugguide.net. Retrieved 2022-01-08.
  6. ^ Wakid, Majed H. (2008). "A Laboratory-Based Study for First Documented Case of Urinary Myiasis Caused by Larvae of Megaselia scalaris (Diptera: Phoridae) in Saudi Arabia". The Korean Journal of Parasitology. 46 (1): 33–36. doi:10.3347/kjp.2008.46.1.33. ISSN 0023-4001. PMC 2526290. PMID 18344675.
  7. ^ Disney 1994, pp. 103–110
  8. ^ Disney 1994, p. 108
  9. ^ Disney 1994, p. 109
  10. ^ a b c d e f g Sukontason, K; Sukontason, KL; Piangjai, S; Boonchu, N; Chaiwong, T; Vogtsberger, RC (2003). "Mouthparts of Megaselia scalaris (Loew) (Diptera: Phoridae)". Micron. 34 (8): 345–50. doi:10.1016/j.micron.2003.08.003. PMID 14680919.
  11. ^ a b "Coffin Flies - Family Phoridae". Deathonline. Australian Museum. Archived from the original on February 1, 2008. Retrieved 19 July 2013.
  12. ^ a b c Greenberg, B; Wells, JD (1998). "Forensic use of Megaselia abdita and M. Scalaris (Phoridae: Diptera): Case studies, development rates, and egg structure". Journal of Medical Entomology. 35 (3): 205–9. doi:10.1093/jmedent/35.3.205. PMID 9615535.
  13. ^ a b Benecke, M; Josephi, E; Zweihoff, R (2004). "Neglect of the elderly: Forensic entomology cases and considerations". Forensic Science International. 146 Suppl: S195–9. doi:10.1016/j.forsciint.2004.09.061. PMID 15639575.
  14. ^ a b Disney, R.H.L. (2008). "Natural History of the Scuttle Fly, Megaselia scalaris". Annual Review of Entomology. 53: 39–60. doi:10.1146/annurev.ento.53.103106.093415. PMID 17622197.
  15. ^ a b Harrison, DA; Cooper, RL (2003). "Characterization of development, behavior and neuromuscular physiology in the phorid fly, Megaselia scalaris". Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A. 136 (2): 427–39. CiteSeerX doi:10.1016/S1095-6433(03)00200-9. PMID 14511761.
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Megaselia scalaris: Brief Summary

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The fly Megaselia scalaris is a member of the order Diptera and the family Phoridae, and it is widely distributed in warm regions of the world. The family members are commonly known as the "humpbacked fly", the "coffin fly", and the "scuttle fly". The name "scuttle fly" derives from the jerky, short bursts of running, characteristic to the adult fly. The name "coffin fly" is due to their being found in coffins, digging six feet deep in order to reach buried corpses. It is one of the more common species found within the family Phoridae; more than 370 species have been identified within North America.

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