Comprehensive Description
provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Chrysopilus andersoni new species
Related to C. foedus Lw., but larger and wing veins more faintly bordered; blackish, the better preserved specimens with mesonotum and abdomen more or less thickly clothed with whitish ( cf ) to a reddish golden ( 9) tomentum; legs brownish yellow, basal half to two-thirds of femora darker.
Male. — Length 9 to 10 mm. Head: As in foedus but eyes usually almost contiguous, never separated by a space as wide as one-half width of frontal tubercle.
Thorax: As in foedus but tomentose hairs somewhat longer and more silvery, never with a yellowish cast.
Abdomen : As in foedus.
Legs: As in foedus, except that hind femora also are darkened on basal half or two thirds.
Wings: Veins brownish and most of them faintly bordered with brownish, a little more noticeably so on cross-veins; stigma brownish, but not very strongly marked.
Female. — Length, 12 to 15 mm. Similar to male except as follows: hairs on side of face usually somewhat shorter and with a brownish tinge; front, vertex, and face in some lights satiny brown; veins of wing more distinctly bordered with brown, sometimes almost as distinctly as in foedus.
Described from 39 specimens, 23 cf and 16 9 as follows:
Holotype. — Male; Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, June 7, 1912 [Pa. Dept. Agr.].
Allotype. — Female; taken in coitu with above [Pa. Dept. Agr.].
Paratypes, listed by States as follows:
Pennsylvania: i <?, Camp Hill, June 12, 1916, (C. S. Anderson), [C. S. Anderson]; 1 cf , 1 9 , June 2, 191 1, (H. B. Kirk), [U. S. N. M.]; 1 cf, 1 9, June 3, 191 1, (W. S. Fisher), [U. S. N. M.]; 2 9, June 2, 191 1 [Pa. Dept. Agr.]; 1 d June 10, 1923, (C. S. Anderson), [Johnson]. 2 d Lewisburg, July 4, 1916, [Pa. Dept. Agr.]. 1 d Enola, June 13, 1906, (W. R. Walton), [U. S. N. M., ex Aldrich]; 2 d [Pa. Dept. Agr.]. 2 d 3 9, Allegheny, June 1890, 1891, [U. S. N. M., ex Aldrich]; 1 9 , [U. S. N. M.]. 1 tf 1 , Pittsburg, (Ehrmann), [U. S. N. M., ex Aldrich]. 1 9, Waynesboro, June 1916, (S. S. Dickey), [U. S. N. M.]; 1 «?, [A. L. Melander]; 2 9, (Klages), [U. S. N. M., ex Aldrich]; 2 tf 1 , [Pa. Dept. Agr.].
Ohio: 2 d Columbus, June 2, 1915, (Don B. Whelan),-[Mich. Agr. College]; 1 9, [Hine]. 2 d", Dayton, July 7, 1915, (R. C. Smith), [Leonard, ex Kansas]. 1 <?, Vinton, July 5 to 12, 1900, [Hine]; 1 9 , [M . C. Z., ex. Loew. Coll.].
Indiana: 2 d Lafayette, June 16, 191 5, (J. M. Aldrich), [U. S. N. M., ex Aldrich]. 1 tf, Wells County (E. B. Williamson).
Illinois: i <?, 2 <?, "111." [M. C. Z.; the 9 labelled "limbatum?? par Wlk." Loew's hand-writing].
I was at first inclined to call this species merely a larger, more Eastern form of C. foedus Lw., in which the wing markings were paler. Mr. C. W. Johnson, however, called my attention to specific differences in specimens in the collection of Mr. C. S. Anderson and requested that I name the new species in honor of Mr. Anderson who had collected this material.
I believe that C. andersoni can be distinguished from foedus by its somewhat larger size, the paler wing markings and the somewhat darker hind femora. It also has a more Eastern distribution.
In the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge, in the Loew collection of C. foedus are two males and a female labelled "111., Loew", another female has the label in Loew's handwriting "limbatam?? parWlk. " This and the other three specimens I consider to be andersoni and have labelled them as paratypes. The Ohio specimen is about the size of a typical foedus but the rest are a little larger. Loew evidently recognized that these were distinct but probably hesitated to describe them as new since the specimens are badly rubbed.
- bibliographic citation
- Leonard, M.D. 1930. A Revision of the Dipterous Family Rhagionidae (Leptidae) in the United States and Canada. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 7. Philadelphia, USA