Comprehensive Description
provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Rhagio albicornis Say
1823. Leptis albicornis Say, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., in, p. 38. 9. 1908. Rhagio albicornis Kertesz, Cat. Dip., in, p. 302.
Brownish yellow; thorax with three broad brownish stripes, narrowly separated ; abdomen with a large, rounded brownish spot on each segment; legs yellowish; tarsi dusky; wings hyaline, most of the veins and tip bordered with brownish; stigma brown.
Male. — Length, 9 to 10 mm. Head: Face brownish; light gray pollinose, sides and cheeks with pale hairs; proboscis and palpi yellowish or brownish yellow, the latter with pale and black hairs; antennae yellowish, arista dusky.
Thorax: Brownish yellow, subshining (except median stripe), dorsum with three broad stripes, narrowly separated, the lateral ones interrupted at the suture and not reaching the cephalic border; scutellum brownish yellow, apparently somewhat darker on disc, with rather short sparse black hairs; pleura brownish yellow; halteres yellowish; dorsum of thorax bare, with sparse short black hairs at front and on sides.
Abdomen: Brownish yellow, subshining, each segment with a large dark brown spot in center becoming pointed caudad on terminal half of abdomen; these spots do not reach caudal border of segments; lateral border of each segment also dark brown. Legs: Coxae, femora and tibiae brownish yellow, the latter two slightly darker than the coxae; tarsi somewhat infuscated especially on apical segments; coxae with sparse pale hairs, femora and tibiae with short black hairs, more numerous on hind tibiae.
Wings: Veins brownish; most of the veins including several of the crossveins bordered with brown; stigma elongate, prominent, dark brown.
Female. — (Here described for the first time.) Length, 13 mm. Similar to the male with the following differences only: front and vertex are light gray pollinose, except a conspicuous stripe reaching nearly to eyes on either side and almost from frontal tubercle above to antennae below, and wider below than above which is shining black; frontal tubercle blackish.
Specimens Examined: 13; 9 males, 4 females.
Pennsylvania : 35
North Carolina: i d i 9, Havelock, Lake Ellis, May 7, 1906, (R. Woglum), [No. Car.].
South Carolina: i o" , [in M. C. Z. labelled "Sea Is." (Mann), Ladies I. 9: 4: 1869, "Osten Sacken"].
Georgia: i d "S. Ga." (Morrison), [U. S. N. M.]. St. Catherine Island, April Florida: i d 1 9, Atlantic Beach, near Jacksonville, (A. T. Slosson), [U. S. N. M.]; 3 cf, 1 9, Atlantic Beach, (A. T. Slosson), [A. M. N. H., ex Slosson]. 1 d Enterprise, March 30 to May 10, 1904 [A. M. N. H., ex Daecke]. 36
Mississippi: i d i 9, Biloxi, Mar. 24, 1910, (F. M. Jones), [Pa. Dept. Agr., ex. Daecke].
In addition there is a male and a female in the collection of Mr. C. W. Johnson but I do not have a record of their locality.
- bibliographic citation
- Leonard, M.D. 1930. A Revision of the Dipterous Family Rhagionidae (Leptidae) in the United States and Canada. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 7. Philadelphia, USA