Comprehensive Description
provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Dialysis fasciventris Loew
1874. Triptotricha fasciventris Loew, Berl. Ent. Zeits., xvm, p. 380. 1897. Dialysis fasciventris Johnson, Ent. News, vm, p. 118.
Brownish yellow (mesonotum in male almost blackish) ; abdomen broadly banded with blackish; legs yellowish to brownish yellow with tip of front and middle tibiae and the tarsi wholly dark brownish to blackish, hind legs with tip of femora, entire tibiae and tarsi except most of metatarsus blackish or brownish; wings strongly tinged with brownish, more pronounced towards apex and on a band across wing through base of discal cell.
Male. — Length, 8 to 9.5 mm. Head: Frontal triangle and face and occiput black overlaid with silvery white pubescence; antennae brownish yellow, third segment and arista blackish, first two segments with a few pale hairs; proboscis and palpi brownish yellow cheeks with fairly long pale hairs.
Thorax: Mesonotum scutellum and metanotum dark brownish shining, the two former with fine, somewhat appressed, pale hairs, humeri brownish yellow; pleura with the usual silvery white pubescent stripe, the mesopleura and lower half of sternopleura almost black and polished, remainder of pleura yellowish brown, subshining the metapleura and metanotum with fine pale hairs; halteres with stalk brownish yellow, knobs blackish.
Abdomen: Subshining, brownish yellow, the segments broadly banded basally with blackish, often only a very narrow apical paler band present especially on terminal segments; the dorsum with prominent hairs, pale and black intermixed but wholly pale and longer on sides.
Legs: Coxae yellowish, with fairly long pale hairs; front and middle femora more brownish than coxae, the hind pair tinged with blackish, especially at the tip; front and middle tibiae usually darkened toward tip and the tarsi wholly; hind tibiae usually wholly, and the tarsi except most of the metatarsus, blackish.
Wings: Membrane tinged with brownish more distinctly so towards apex and on a band across wing through base of discal cell.
Female. — Length, 10 to Ii mm. Similar to male except as follows: Front concolorous with face; third antennal segment little if any darkened; mesonotum and scutellum brownish yellow, hairs shorter, pleura somewhat paler on the whole; abdomen with the bands usually occupying not more than the basal third or half of each segment, hair somewhat shorter; legs as in male but markings brownish rather than blackish.
Types. — The Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge, Mass. has three females. Two of these are each labelled "type, fasciventris " and "Perms, coll. by Auxer" in Loew's handwriting. One is about io mm. in length, the other about 15 mm. The third specimen is labelled "111." and is 12 to 13 mm. in length. A\ agreed fairly well with Loew's original description.
Specimens Examined: About 32 males and females.
Pennsylvania: i d 1 9, Camphill, June 7, 1912, (A. B. Champlain), [Walton]; 2 d 4 9, June 7, 1912, (E. Daecke), [Pa. Dept. Agr.]. 1 d Allegheny, June 3, 1889; 4 9, July 2-9, 1891, [U. S. N. M.]. 2 d Eberley's Mills, June 19, 1909, (Daecke), [Pa. Dept. Agr.]. 1 d Harrisburg, June 12, (W. R. Walton), [U. S. N. M.]. 1 9, Pittsburg, [Pa. Dept. Agr.]. 1 9 , Montgomery County, July 30, [A. N. S. P.]. 1 9, New Cumberland, June 19, (W. R. Walton), [Walton].
Maryland: i 9, Plummer's Island, June 19, 1913, (R. C. Shannon), [U. S. N. M.]. 1 cf, Camp Meade, June 16, 1918, (R. C. Shannon), [Shannon].
Virginia: i d Bluemont, June 13, 1916, (J. Knull), [U. S. N. M., Div. For. Ins.]. 1 9, Dead Run, June 23, (N. Banks), [Leonard]; 1 9, June 30, 1916, (R. C. Shannon), [Shannon].
North Carolina: i d i 9, "N. Car." [U. S. N. M.]. 1 <?, 1 9, Cranberry, Mitchell County, June 10, 3250 ft. (H. W. Wenzel).
Ohio: i 9, Kent, Nov. 1913, (G. Wendelke).
Indiana: i d Lafayette, July 3, (J. M. Aldrich), [U. S. N. M.].
Illinois: i d Pulaski, May 24, 1908, [U. of 111.]. 1 d Parker, June 4, 1913, [U. of 111.]. 1 9, "I11."[M. C.Z.J.
- bibliographic citation
- Leonard, M.D. 1930. A Revision of the Dipterous Family Rhagionidae (Leptidae) in the United States and Canada. Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 7. Philadelphia, USA