Image of Two-coloured Caecilian
Creatures » » Animal » » Vertebrates » » Amphibians » Caecilians

Neotropical Tailed Caecilians

Rhinatrematidae Nussbaum 1977

    auditory system

  • stapes
    • URI: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0001687
    • Definition: the stirrup-shaped small bone or ossicle in the middle ear which is attached to the incus laterally and to the fenestra ovalis, the 'oval window' medially. The oval window is adjacent to the vestibule of the inner ear. The stapes transmits the sound vibrations from the incus to the membrane of the inner ear inside the fenestra ovalis.
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  • hearing range

  • 1500 Hz
  • 100 Hz
  • hearing threshold

  • 0 dB