
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Sepedonea telson (Steyskal)

Sepedon telson Steyskal, 1951:291.

Sepedonea telson.—Steyskal, 1973:145 [list].—Knutson et aL, 1976:11 [catalog].—Knutson and Valley, 1978:189 [review].—Mello and Bredt, 1978:1459 [phenology].

ADULT.—Head: Lateral facial spot large.

Thorax: Mesonotum, including postpronotum, grayish black; setulae near posterior spiracle moderately strong and dense. Legs: Midfemur posteroventrally with 4–8 spines, not extended beyond half distance to base (Figure 8); hindcoxa posteriorly with setulae decreasing in size laterally; hindfemur with dark lateral and elongate dorsal preapical marks (Figure 10). Wing: With rather distinct clouds anteroapically and over crossveins r-m and dm-cu; length 4.5–6 mm.

Abdomen: Male terminalia: Posterior margin of sternum 4 straight, with 1 pair of approximate posterior tubercles, subequal ventral pair at ends of median apodeme and just anterior to posterior pair, and larger ventral pair laterad of these (Figure 76); anterior plate of sternum 5 with 1 anterolaterally directed fingerlike process (Figure 76); distiphallus (Figure 77) moderately curved, with short, straight posterior process; anterior surstylus indistinct; posterior surstyli with median lobe moderately developed (Figure 78) and with large lateral lobes moderately curved anterad (Figure 79). Female synsternum: In ventral view posterior margin distinctly projecting in middle with apical ⅓ distinctly narrowed (Figure 80); in lateral view with ventral surface straight, posteroventral ⅓ attenuate, pointed, and with posterior shoulder (Figure 81).

TYPE SPECIMENS.—Holotype : BRAZIL. MINAS GERAIS: Juiz de Fora, January 1945, H. de Souza Lopes, IOC (not examined).

Allotype: same data, (not examined).

Paratypes: same data, 3 (not examined). One male paratype, same data according to Steyskal (1951), but actually labeled “Juiz De Fora, Salvatera, Lopes, Jan. 945”, USNM (terminalia examined).

OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—BRAZIL. SĀO PAULO: Sāo Paulo, 17 April 1967, C.O. Berg, 1, 2 (field collected), 1, 1 (laboratory reared). Sāo Paulo, Inst. Bot. Seer. Agric, 11–13 July 1964, Berg and Papavero, 1, all in USNM. Sāo Paulo, Inst. de Botanica, 15 August 1964, N. Papavero, 1, 1, September 1964, N. Papavero, 1, 2, all in MZUSP. Sāo Vicente, Parque Bitaru, 29 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 1 (field collected), 1 (laboratory reared). 10 km N Rio Preto, 13 January 1977, L. Knutson, 2, 1 Onda Verde, Faz Sāo Joao, January 1946, F. Lane, 1. PARANÁ: Rio Iguacç at Araucaria, 1 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 1 (reared from field-collected larva). 6 km E Morretes, 4, 17 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 2. SANTA CATARINA:4 km E Corupa, 3 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 16, 7 (field collected), 2, 5 (reared from field-collected larvae), 2 (reared from field-collected pupae), 11, 9 (laboratory reared). 5 km W Lajes, 6 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 9, 8 (field collected), 2 (reared from field-collected larvae), 1 (reared from field-collected pupa). 30 km S Lajes, 12 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 10, 4, all in USNM. 192 km S of Curitaba, 16 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 2 pupae, CU. RIO GRANDE DO SUL:Sāo Leopoldo, 3, 11 May 1967, Berg and Abercrombie, 17, 9, USNM.

ADDITIONAL RECORDS FROM LITERATURE.—BRAZIL. DISTRITO FEDERAL: Núcleo Bandeirantes, 11 November 1974, Mello and Bredt. Rio S. Bartolomeu-DF 13, 8 May 1974, Mello and Bredt. L 2 Norte, Brasília, 5 November 1974, Mello and Bredt. Lago do Paránoa, Brasília, 5 November 1974, Mello and Bredt. GOIÁS: Lagoa das Pedras, Formosa, 15 January 1975, Mello and Bredt. GOIÁS: Formosa, March 1975, 1, September 1975, 1, January 1976, 2, April 1976, 1, June 1976, 2, 2, Mello and Bredt (all from Mello and Bredt, 1978).

IMMATURE STAGES.—Egg (Figure 96): White. Length: 1.16–1.24 mm (average = 1.9); greatest width 0.32–0.44 mm (average = 0.38). Very similar to S. incipiens, except larger. Central area between dorsal ridges marked anteriorly with elongate depression in some specimens. Appearing in cross-section as in Figure 96. (Based on 11 specimens: 4 km east of Corupa, Santa Catarina, Brazil).

First-instar Larva (Figures 121, 124): White. Integument transparent. Length: 1.8–3.1 mm (average = 2.5); greatest width 0.3–0.6 mm (average = 0.4). Cephalopharyngeal skeleton 0.32–0.33 mm long; mandible 0.05–0.07 mm in length, with 3 component parts. Epistomal and hypopharyngeal sclerites fused to paired tentoropharyngeal sclerite; latter light brown, with very light ventral cornu, thus obscuring ventral window; obfuscation anterodorsally. Indentation index 26–33. Segment 1 bilobed anteriorly, each lobe with a sensory papilla. Segment 2 without spiracles or setae. Segment 3 with 1 very small, white seta dorsolaterally and 1 ventrally. Segment 4 with 1 seta dorsolaterally, 1 ventrally, and 2 on each side. Segments 5–11 each with a transverse dorsal row of setulae, forming long and thick patches dorsolaterally except segment 11 with short, inconspious setulae; lateral tubercle group of 3 contiguous tubercles, more or less in a vertical row, with middle and ventral ones bearing short, stout setulae; main ventral tubercle group with 4 small tubercles in a transverse row, each with short, stout setulae or longer setae. Posterior spiracular disc (Figure 124) with 5 pairs of lobes: ventral lobes conical, annulate; ventrolateral lobes two-segmented with short, truncate base and rather long, subconical, annulate distal section; lateral lobes very small, conical, annulate, each bearing long seta at tip; dorsolateral lobes very low, inconspicuous; dorsal lobes low, broadly rounded. Entire disc rather hirsute, with setulae arranged in concentric rows. Two stigmatic tubes, each with a spiracular plate (Figure 121) bearing 1 B-shaped spiracular slit and 4 darkly transparent, irregularly branched float setulae. Anal proleg small, the size of a main ventral tubercle when viewed laterally; hookless. (Based on 12 specimens: 8 from 4 km east of Corupa, Santa Catarina, and 4 from Sāo Paulo, Sāo Paulo, both in Brazil).

Second-instar Larva (Figure 125): Light brown, not striped. Integument diaphanous. Length 2.3–5.3 mm (average = 3.4); greatest width 0.4–1.2 mm (average = 0.7). Cephalopharyngeal skeleton 0.47–0.49 mm long, with paired mandibles 0.10–0.11 mm in length, each with 3 or 4 accessory teeth, and each with a hole in the low dorsal projection. Ventral arch fused posterolaterally on each side with mandibles; with 17–19 small, rounded, closely situated denticles; very similar in appearance to that of the third-instar larva. Epipharyngeal sclerite with parastomal bars fused to tentoropharyngeal sclerite. Hypopharyngeal sclerite fused to tentoropharyngeal sclerite; latter light brown with dark line extended posteriorly from juncture with parastomal bars; obfuscation anterodorsally; ventral window inconspicuous and indistinct; dorsal cornu with several very small hyaline areas near dorsal margin. Indentation index 28–35. Segment 1 as in first-instar larva. Segments 2–4 each with 1 seta dorsolaterally, 1 ventrally, and 1 on each side; ventral setae of segment 3 very small and difficult to see; in addition, segment 2 with an anterior spiracle on each side. Segments 5–11 each with dorsolateral patch of setulae (reduced on segment 11); lateral tubercle group of 3 conterminous tubercles, middle 1 slightly anterior to other 2; dorsal and ventral ones each bearing a seta (but dorsal one sometimes setaless); main ventral tubercle group of 4 tubercles in a transverse row, followed posteriorly by 2 rows of much smaller, less concpicuous intrasegmental tubercles. Posterior spiracular disc (Figure 125) with 5 pairs of lobes: ventral pair conical; ventrolateral pair two-segmented, with truncate basal portion and digitiform distal portion; lateral lobes rather acute; dorsolateral lobes very inconspicuous; dorsal lobes (in mature second-instar larvae) developed, broadly rounded. Disc hirsute, except for center section. Two stigmatic tubes, each with a spiracular plate with 3 small spiracular slits, 1 stigmatic scar, and 4 irregularly branched, darkly transparent float setulae. Anal proleg small, inconspicuous, hookless. (Based on 16 specimens: 4 km east of Corupa, Santa Catarina, Brazil).

Third-instar Larva (Figures 119, 130, 136): Light to dark brown, with very broad (up to 0.72 mm wide) dark brown dorsal stripe, flanked on both sides by broken, irregular light brown area and continuous, dark brown dorsolateral stripe. Integument opaque. Length 4.3–7.3 mm (average = 6.1); greatest width 1.0–2.0 mm (average = 1.5). Cephalopharyngeal skeleton 0.77–0.80 mm in length, with paired mandibles, each with 3 or 4 accessory teeth. Mandible 0.15–0.16 mm long; very similar to that of S. lagoa in appearance, but somewhat smaller and narrower. Ventral arch fused to mandibles as in second-instar larva; with 23–25 denticles; very similar to that of S. lindneri except more deeply emarginate in median posteriorly. Epipharyngeal sclerite (Figure 119) distinct, with parastomal bars fused to tentoropharyngeal sclerite and continuing posteriorly as conspicuous dark lines throughout length of sclerite. Hypopharyngeal and labial sclerites free of other sclerites. Paired tentoropharyngeal sclerite light brown, with very light ventral comu, thus obscuring ventral window; obfuscation anterodorsally; no hyaline areas in dorsal comu. Indentation index 30–36. Segment 1 as in second-instar larva. Segment 2 with 1 seta dorsolaterally, 1 ventrally, and 2 on each side; bearing anterior spiracle (Figure 136) on each side 0.15–0.17 mm in length, with 5 or 6 papillae anteriorly; very similar to that of S. lindneri but larger. Segments 3 and 4 as in second-instar larva. Segments 5–11 each with salient dorsolateral patch of setulae; lateral tubercle group of 3 contiguous tubercles, middle 1 slightly anterior to other 2 and bearing small patch of setulae; dorsal and ventral tubercles each with single seta; ventral tubercles as in second-instar larva. Posterior spiracular disc (Figure 130) with 5 pairs of lobes: ventral pair rather long, tapered; ventrolateral pair two-segmented; basal section short, truncate; distal section digitiform; lateral lobes rather acute; dorsolateral and dorsal lobes small, broadly rounded. Center of disc glabrous; outer parts of disc and lobes covered with setulae. Stigmatic tubes dark, scalloped basally as in other Sepedonea. Two spiracular plates, 1 on each stigmatic tube, darkly sclerotized, each bearing 3 spiracular slits, 1 stigmatic scar with radial pattern, and 4 dark, semitransparent, irregularly branched float setulae. Anal proleg small, hookless. (Based on 6 specimens: 4 km east of Corupa, Santa Catarina, Brazil).

Puparium (Figure 98): Dark brown; opaque. Length 4.9–6.2 mm (average = 5.4); greatest width 2.1–2.7 mm (average = 2.3). Barrel-shaped, with ends of cephalic caps projecting anteriorly slightly dorsal to the longitudinal body axis and parallel to it; anterior spiracles protruding at right angles (when viewed dorsally) from anterolateral corners of dorsal cephalic cap. Lateral and ventral tubercles persisting as light areas. Dorsolateral patches of setulae discemable as fine white lines when viewed dorsally. From 3 to 4 very faint V-shaped markings visible dorsally and dorsolaterally on anterior segments; more prominent in alcoholic specimens. Posterior end upturned, forming angle of 120–130 degrees with the longitudinal body axis. Lobes of spiracular disc shrunken. Two stigmatic tubes separate, each bearing spiracular plates with 3 spiracular slits and 4 float setulae. Anal plate invaginated. Anal proleg lacking. Distinguished from S. guianica and S. trichotypa chiefly by its very dark color and light, very faint markings. (Based on 7 specimens: 6 from 4 km east of Corupa and 1 from 192 km south of Curitiba, both in Santa Catarina, Brazil).
bibliographic citation
Freidberg, Amnon, Knutson, Lloyd V., and Abercrombie, Jay. 1991. "A revision of Sepedonea, a neotropical genus of snail-killing flies (Diptera:Sciomyzidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-48. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.506