Description: English: Brassy Long-horn moth (Nemophora metallica) ovipositing on a flower of Field Scabious (Knautia arvensis). Filmed in a meadow near Marburg, Hesse, Germany. Deutsch: Nemophora metallica bei der Eiablage an Knautia arvensis; gefilmt auf einer Wiese bei Marburg, Mittelhessen. Identification: self, confirmed by
de:User:Geaster. Date: 22 July 2012. Source: Own work. Author:
Pristurus. : This file was selected as the
media of the day for 20 October 2013. It was captioned as follows: English:
Nemophora metallica ovipositing on a flower of
Knautia arvensis. Other languages English:
Nemophora metallica ovipositing on a flower of
Knautia arvensis.中文(简体): 在Knautia arvensis花上产卵的Nemophora metallica.