Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Pleotrichophorus palmerae (Knowlton)
Capitophorus palmerae Knowlton, 1935a:282 [lectotype: apt. v.f., Tahoe National Forest, California, 17–VI–1934, GFK, on Chrysothamnus nauseosus; in EOE coll.].—Knowlton and Smith, 1936a:111.—Palmer, 1952:265.
Pleotrichophorus palmerae (Knowlton).—Hille Ris Lambers, 1969:179 [as synonym of Capitophorus elongatus Knowlton].
DIAGNOSIS.—P. palmerae can be recognized from P. elongatus by its funnel-shaped, short–stalked and longer head setae (Figure 265 vs. 264); the longer, acutely pointed and straight–margined rostrum IV+V; the relatively greater rostrum IV+V/ hind ta–2 ratio; al distinctly longer, 2–3 times length of ml and pi rostral setae; and more sensoria present on a.s.III. (See diagnosis and synonymic notes under P. elongatus for a more detailed discussion.)
DESCRIPTION.—Apterous Viviparous Female: Color in life green (Knowlton, 1935a); cleared specimen pale with tips of rostrum and tibiae, entire tarsi, antennae from near bases of a.s.III brown. Body length 1.71–2.51 (2.16, n = 39), width across eyes .41–51 (.474, n = 43) mm. Head with moderately developed frontal tubercules; mf 1p, lf 2–5 (usually 3) on each side, vlf 1p, df 19–30 (23.74 ± .09, n = 43), vf 6–12 (usually 8), pc 2p, ac usually 4, md 2–4 (usually 3) on each side; dorsal setae basically funnel-shaped, at least anterior ones distinctly stalked, all rather widely expanded but not widely circular and fan-shaped; ventral setae similarly funnel-shaped except some elongate and blunt or knobbed ac and md; mf .0242–.0418 (.0330, n = 84), df–1 .0242–.0440 (.0349, n = 84) mm long. Antennal segment I distinctly produced mesodistally, imbricate-spiculate, with 6–14 (usually 9 or 10) small, blunt or knobbed setae in addition to basal pointed one on dorsum. A.s.II imbricate, normally with similarly shaped hairs. A.s.III imbricate; with short knobbed setae, longest not more than ⅓ basal diameter of segment; with 2–10 (4.27, n = 82) sensoria. A.s.IV about as long as, and a.s.V slightly shorter than, a.s.III; unguis averaging 6 times (5–7, n = 39) as long as base of a.s.VI.
Dorsal body integument finely striate on disk becoming striate-spiculate past abd.s. 6; setae rather dense, funnel-shaped like head setae. Cauda slenderly elongate, with slight basal constriction and rounded apex; spiculate; with 2 lateral pairs and 1 posterodorsal setae. Cornicles .45–.68 (.579, n =82) mm long, 1½ to 2 times (1.72 ± .03, n = 78) length of cauda; cylindrical with very faintly incrassate apices; quite densely imbricate-spiculate. Legs with 3, 3, 3 setae on first tarsal joints. Rostrum IV+V rather slender at base, tapering to acute point; .095–.12 (.108, n = 41) mm long, .73–1.00 (.86 ± .02, n = 55) times as long as hind ta–2; with 1 basal, 2 dorsal, and 3 lateral pairs of setae, al 2–3 times as long as ml and pl setae.
Measurements (in mm) of lectotype and 6 paralectotypes: B.L. 2.17–2.90 (2.39), We .45–.48 (.463); a.s.III .54–76 (.678), a.s.IV .56–.72 (.644), a.s.V .53–.67 (.603), a.s.VI .15–.18 (.166) + .91–1.04 (.987), cornicles .48–.65 (.555), cauda .30–.35 (.325); hind tibiae 1.19–1.47 (1.31), hind ta–2 .11–.13 (.124) and rostrum IV+V .11–.12 (.112). Proportions of a.s.III:IV:V, 1: .84–1.00 (.96): .79–.97 (.89); VIu/VIb 5.68–6.50 (6.04), co/ca 1.48–2.00 (1.78); rostrum IV+V/ hind ta–2 .85–1.00 (.92).
Alate Viviparous Female: Cleared specimen with pale brown head, mesothorax, wing veins, abdominal sclerites, apices of cornicles and legs; antennae dark brown on basal 2 segments, flagellum even darker; tips of rostrum and tibiae dark brown; remainder of body and appendages pale. Morphologically similar to apterous female, differing only as follows: df setae 22, more sensoria (15) on a.s.III; pleural and marginal setae present on segments 1 to 7 abdomen; abdominal setae relatively sparser.
Measurements (in mm) of 1 specimen from Klamath Falls, Oregon: B.L. 2.25, We .38; a.s.III .63 and .64, a.s.IV .66 and .67, a.s.V .65 and .67, a.s.VI .20 + 1.04 and .20 + 1.20; cornicles both .48, cauda .30, hind tibiae 1.44 and 1.48, hind ta–2 both .13, and rostrum IV+V .10 mm.
Sexuales: Unknown.
HOSTS.—Chrysothamnus nauseosus and C. nauseosus var. hololeucus.
DISTRIBUTION.—Aside from type-locality, several other northern California localities in Modoc and Mono Co., western Nevada (Reno), and Oregon (Klamath Falls and Redmond) are newly recorded.
TYPES (designated from available “paratypes”).—Lectotype, apt.v.f., data given above, specimen inward at about 2:00 o’clock on type-slide. Paralectotypes: 4 apt.v.f. and 8 apt.ny. mounted on same slide and bearing the same data as lectotype (EOE coll.) and 2 apt.ny. and 8 apt.ny. also with same data as lectotype (GFK coll.).
SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—Aside from types: CALIFORNIA: Boca, 4 apt.v.f., 23–VII–1944, GFK, on Chrysothamnus sp. (GFK coll.); Mono, 1 apt.v.f., 23–VII–1944, GFK, on C. nauseosus (GFK coll.); Pit River, Modoc Co., 22 apt.v.f., 15–VI–1947, EOE, on C. nauseosus (EOE coll.). NEVADA: 13 mi NW of Reno, 2 apt.v.f., 23–VII–1944, GFK, on C. nauseosus (GFK coll.). ORECON: Klamath Falls, 1 al.v.f., 12–VI–1947, D.D. Jensen, on Chrysothamnus (EOE coll.) and Redmond, 7 apt.v.f., 23–VI–1954, GFK, on Chrysothamnus (EOE coll.).
- bibliographic citation
- Corpuz-Raros, Leonila Alzate and Cook, Edwin F. 1974. "A revision of North American Capitophorus van der Goot and Pleotrichophorus Börner (Homoptera: Aphididae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-143.