Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Pleotrichophorus diutius
Capitophorus wasatchii Knowlton.—Gillette and Palmer, 1934:157–158 [in part].—Palmer, 1952:272–273.
DIAGNOSIS.—P. diutius can be differentiated from the other wasatchii-like species (viz., P. ambrosiae, P. ohioensis, and P. wasatchii) by having the greatest ratio of cornicles to cauda (m = 1.78 ± .04, n = 34 vs. 1.44 ± .03, n =58; 1.45–1.48; and 1.30 ± .04, n = 14 for said species, respectively); by its short, cone- to fan-shaped, mostly sessile head and body setae (Figures 332–334); the presence of few sensoria on a.s.III of both apterae (1 or 2, also in P. wasatchii vs. 1–7, usually 3 or 4 in P. ambrosiae, and 3–5 in P. ohioensis) and alatae (4–8 vs. 10–17 in P. ambrosiae; other species not known); the blunter and slightly convex-sided rostrum IV+V; and the conspicuously imbricate, wrinkled and sparsely toothed cornicular integument. It resembles P. palmerae somewhat in the shape of the dorsal setae and in having co/ca ratio of about 1¾ but differs most conspicuously in the shape of the last rostral segment (acutely pointed and straight-sided in P. palmerae), by having the cauda shorter and thicker, and the relatively shorter (.41–.52 mm., m = .471, n = 38 vs. .45–.68 mm, m = .479, n = 82) cornicles; the presence of fewer sensoria (2–9, m - 4.3, n = 82 in P. palmerae); head (df mean = 17.84 ± .98, n = 19 vs. 23.74 ± .09, n = 43) and body setae relatively more sparse.
DESCRIPTION.—Apterous Viviparous Female: Color in life, green (Oestlund’s collection notes); cleared specimen pale with apices of rostrum and tibiae, entire tarsi, and antennae from apex of segment IV dark. Body length 1.65–2.12 (1.86, n = 19), width across eyes .43–.52 (.488, n = 22) mm. Head with rather well-developed laterofrontal tubercles, mesofrontal tubercle rather low; mf 1p, lf 2–4 (usually 3) on each side, vlf 1p, df 15–21 (17.84 ± .98, n= 19), vf 6–9 (usually 6), pc 2p with 1 sometimes added, ac usually 4, md 2–4 (usually 3) on each side; dorsal setae cone-shaped, flaring widely, without distinct stems; ventral setae similarly shaped but generally less expanded, ac often merely blunt; mf .0242–.0374 (.0296, n = 40), df–1 .0286–.0374 (.0325, n = 40) mm long. Antennal segment I distinctly produced on mesodistal margins, imbricate, with 6–12 (usually 7 or 8) blunt or knobbed setae aside from the basal pointed seta on dorsum. A.s.II imbricate, with blunt or knobbed setae. A.s.III densely imbricate; with small blunt or knobbed hairs, the longest less than ⅓ basal diameter of segment; with 1–2 sensoria (usually 1, only 1 of 29 or 3.4% of segments seen with 2 sensoria). A.s.IV about 9/10 and a.s.V ¾ length of a.s.III; a.s.VI with unguis averaging 5½ times (range = 4.86–5.69, n = 16) length of its base.
Body integument faintly reticulate on disk, becoming more conspicuously so, and also spiculate, posteriorly; setae moderately dense, of same shape as those of head. Cauda .24–.28 (.264, n = 19) mm long; stoutly elongate, with slight constriction on basal third, apex broadly rounded; spiculate; with 2 lateral pairs, 1 posterodorsal setae. Cornicles .41–.52 (.471, n = 38) mm long, 1½ to 2 times (1.78 ± .04, n = 34) as long as cauda; cylindrical with widest diameter about bases; densely imbricate, wrinkled, imbrications rather heavy, sparsely armed with small but pointed teeth. Legs with 3, 3, 3 hairs on first tarsal joints; hind tibiae .98–1.16 (1.10, n = 31), hind ta–2 .12–.14 (.131, n = 27) mm long. Rostrum IV+V .10–.11 (.101, n = 19) mm long, averaging ¾ (.78 ± .02, n = 25, range = .71–.85) length of second tarsal joint; rather slender at base, narrowing slightly, margins straight from base but becoming slightly convex past pl setae and apex rather blunt; with 1 basal, 2 dorsal, and 3 lateral pairs of setae, al about 3 times ml and pl setae in size.
Measurements (in mm) of holotype: BL 1.98, We .50; a.s.III and VI (only one side complete) .60, .48, .48 and .15+.80; cornicles .48 and .49, cauda .28; hind tibiae 1.10 and 1.12, hind ta–2 both .14, and rostrum IV+V .10 mm.
Alate Viviparous Female: Head and thorax pale brown with slightly darker ring around ocelli and mesothoracic lobes; legs dusky on bases and apices of tibiae, entire tarsi darker brown; antennae and cornicles slightly dusky, wing veins, apex of rostrum brown. Similar to apterous female, with following differences: fewer df setae (12–17, m = 14.1, n = 10); more sensoria on a.s.III (4–8, m = 5.8, n = 10); disk of abdomen with 2 rows of transverse pleural bars which may be broken into 2 pairs of ovate ones in some segments, more irregularly developed spinal dashes, and marginal thickenings; cornicles slightly shorter, co/ca ratio relatively smaller.
Measurements (in mm) of 10 paratypes: BL 1.73–2.00 (1.85), We .41–.46 (.446); a.s.III .54–.61 (.578), a.s.IV .46–.53 (.578), a.s.V .44–.51 (.480), a.s.VI .14–.16 (.150) + .77–.87 (.819); cornicles .37–.41 (.392), cauda .24–.28 (.259); hind tibiae 1.13–1.26 (1.19), hind ta–2 .12–.14 (.13) and rostrum IV+V .10 mm. Proportions of a.s.III:IV:V, 1: .80–.91 (.87): .79–.88 (.83); VIu/VIb 5.13–6.07 (5.47); co/ca 1.39–1.63 (1.52); rostrum IV+V/ hind ta–2 .71–.83 (.77).
HOSTS.—Artemisia dracunculoides (= Artemisia aromatica), and Artemisia sp.
DISTRIBUTION.—Type-records include Minnesota and Colorado.
TYPES.—Holotype, apt.v.f., Minneapolis, Minnesota, 19–VII–1929, coll. # 62/′29 OWO, on Artemisia dracunculoides (OWO coll.). Paratypes: 4 apt.v.f., 3 al.v.f. and 2 altd.ny., with same data as holotype; following paratypes also with same data as holotype, except as indicated, and all (but 2 apt.v.f. and 1 al.v.f., in LACR coll.) in OWO coll.: 2 apt.v.f. and 4 apt.ny., 1–VI–1925, riverbank at U. Minn. Campus, # 37/′25; 5 apt.v.f. and 2 apt.ny., 26–VI–1929, # 30/′29; 1 apt.v.f. and 3 apt.ny., 2–VII–1929, # 38/′29; and 1 apt.v.f. and 7 al.v.f., 18–VII–1929, # 60/′29. Other paratypes: 2 apt.v.f. and 1 apt.ny., Fort Collins, Colorado, 21–VI–1914, LCB, on Artemisia aromatica (DHRL coll.); and 6 apt.v.f. and 3 apt.ny., Fort Collins, Colorado, # 721, unknown date, on Artemisia (USNM).
- bibliographic citation
- Corpuz-Raros, Leonila Alzate and Cook, Edwin F. 1974. "A revision of North American Capitophorus van der Goot and Pleotrichophorus Börner (Homoptera: Aphididae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-143.