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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Winged Insects
Long Legged Fly
Cellular Organisms
Winged Insects
Long Legged Fly
Thrypticus crinipes Robinson 1975
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Thrypticus crinipes Robinson 1975
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from Systema Dipterorum in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Thrypticus crinipes
Species recognized by
wikipedia MIN
Thrypticus crinipes
Robinson 1975
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF classification
Thrypticus crinipes
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Thrypticus crinipes Robinson
Recognized by
NMNH type specimens
Thrypticus crinipes Robinson 1975
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Thrypticus crinipes Robinson 1975
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Thrypticus crinipes Robinson 1975
(this page)
Thrypticus abditus Becker 1922
Thrypticus abdominalis (Say 1829)
Thrypticus adauctus Parent 1933
Thrypticus aeneus (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus aequalis Robinson 1975
Thrypticus afer Vanschuytbroeck 1951
Thrypticus alpinus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus analis (Macquart 1834)
Thrypticus arahakiensis Bickel 1991
Thrypticus armatus Robinson 1975
Thrypticus atomus Frey 1915
Thrypticus aurinotatus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus australis Bickel 1986
Thrypticus azuricola Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus basalis Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus bellus Loew 1869
Thrypticus bicolor (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus brevicauda Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus caudatus Parent 1939
Thrypticus chanophallus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus coeruleocephalus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus cuneatus (Becker 1917)
Thrypticus cupreus (Macquart 1838)
Thrypticus cupulifera Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus cylindricum (Zetterstedt 1838)
Thrypticus deficiens Robinson 1980
Thrypticus delicatus Robinson 1975
Thrypticus dissimilipes (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus divisus (Strobl 1880)
Thrypticus edwardsi Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus exiguus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus fennicus Becker 1917
Thrypticus festiva (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus flavicornis Van Duzee 1933
Thrypticus flavicoxa (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus formosensis Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus fosteri Robinson 1980
Thrypticus fraterculus (Wheeler 1890)
Thrypticus fulgens (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus fulviventris (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus grogani Robinson 1980
Thrypticus incanus Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus inconspicuus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus insulanus Van Duzee 1933
Thrypticus intercedens Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus laetus Verrall 1912
Thrypticus longicauda Van Duzee 1921
Thrypticus longicollis (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus magnicornis (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus minor Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus minuta (Fabricius 1805)
Thrypticus minutus Parent 1929
Thrypticus mironovi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus misellus (Boheman 1852)
Thrypticus muhlenbergiae Johannsen & Crosby 1913
Thrypticus nigricauda Wood 1913
Thrypticus nigripes Van Duzee 1921
Thrypticus nigriseta Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus obscuratus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus pallidicoxa Parent 1928
Thrypticus paludicola Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus parabellus Grichanov 2000
Thrypticus parvulus Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus parvus (Macquart 1834)
Thrypticus penicillatus Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus politus Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus pruinosus Parent 1932
Thrypticus pusillus Aldrich 1901
Thrypticus riparius Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus romus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus rufipes (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus sagittatus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus scutellatus Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus senilis Robinson 1975
Thrypticus sinevi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus singularis Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus smargdinus Gerstaecker 1864
Thrypticus spretus Parent 1934
Thrypticus squamiciliatus Harmston & Rapp 1968
Thrypticus sublamellatus (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus suturalis (Meigen 1830)
Thrypticus taeniomerus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus taragui Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus tarsalis Parent 1932
Thrypticus tectus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus thalassinus (Haliday 1832)
Thrypticus thoracicus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus tibialis (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus tonsus Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus tropicus Bickel 1986
Thrypticus truncatus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus varipes Robinson 1975
Thrypticus vestitus Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus vietus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus virescens (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus viridis Parent 1932
Thrypticus vividus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus willistoni (Wheeler 1890)
Thrypticus yanayacu Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus zonatulus (Zetterstedt 1843)
24 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Thrypticus crinipes Robinson 1975
(this page)
Thrypticus abditus Becker 1922
Thrypticus abdominalis (Say 1829)
Thrypticus acuticauda Van Duzee 1929
Thrypticus adauctus Parent 1933
Thrypticus aeneus (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus aequalis Robinson 1975
Thrypticus afer Vanschuytbroeck 1951
Thrypticus alpinus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus altaicus Negrobov & Stackelberg 1971
Thrypticus analis (Macquart 1834)
Thrypticus analis Becker 1922
Thrypticus aphroditus Negrobov & Tsurikov 1986
Thrypticus arahakiensis Bickel 1992
Thrypticus armatus Robinson 1975
Thrypticus bellus Loew 1869
Thrypticus bicolor (Macquart 1828)
Thrypticus caudatus Parent 1939
Thrypticus circularis Bickel & Hernández 2004
Thrypticus comosus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus cupreus (Macquart 1839)
Thrypticus cylindricum (Zetterstedt 1838)
Thrypticus deficiens Robinson 1980
Thrypticus dissectus Robinson 1964
Thrypticus divisus (Strobl 1880)
Thrypticus emiliae Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus festivus (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus flavicornis Van Duzee 1933
Thrypticus flavicoxa (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus flaviventris (Macquart 1828)
Thrypticus formosensis Bickel & Hernández 2004
Thrypticus fortescuensis Bickel 1986
Thrypticus fosteri Robinson 1980
Thrypticus fraterculus (Wheeler 1890)
Thrypticus fulviventris (Macquart 1828)
Thrypticus grogani Robinson 1980
Thrypticus incanus Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus insulanus Van Duzee 1933
Thrypticus intercedens Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus kataevi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus laetus Verrall 1912
Thrypticus longicauda Van Duzee 1921
Thrypticus longicollis (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus maculipes (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus magnicornis (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus minor Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus minuta (Fabricius 1805)
Thrypticus minutus Parent 1929
Thrypticus mironovi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus muhlenbergiae Johannsen & Crosby 1913
Thrypticus nigricauda Wood 1913
Thrypticus nigripes Van Duzee 1921
Thrypticus nigriseta Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus obscuratus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus pallidicoxa Parent 1928
Thrypticus paludicola Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus parabellus Grichanov 2000
Thrypticus parvulus Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus parvus (Macquart 1834)
Thrypticus penicillatus Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus politus Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus pollinosus Verrall 1912
Thrypticus pruinosus Parent 1932
Thrypticus pusillus Aldrich 1901
Thrypticus pygmaeus (Macquart 1828)
Thrypticus riparius Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus romus Bickel & Hernández 2004
Thrypticus ruficauda (Zetterstedt 1859)
Thrypticus rufipes (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus sagittatus Bickel & Hernández 2004
Thrypticus schmidti Parent 1928
Thrypticus scutellatus Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus senilis Robinson 1975
Thrypticus sinevi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus singularis Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus spretus Parent 1934
Thrypticus squamiciliatus Harmston & Rapp 1968
Thrypticus subdissectus Robinson 1975
Thrypticus sumatranus Hollis 1964
Thrypticus suturalis (Meigen 1830)
Thrypticus taeniomerus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus taragui Bickel & Hernández 2004
Thrypticus tarsalis Parent 1932
Thrypticus tectus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus thalassinus (Haliday 1832)
Thrypticus thoracicus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus tibialis (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus tonsus Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus tropicus Bickel 1986
Thrypticus truncatus Bickel & Hernández 2004
Thrypticus tsacasi Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus vestitus Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus vietus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus violaceus Van Duzee 1927
Thrypticus virescens (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus virescens Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus viridis Parent 1932
Thrypticus willistoni (Wheeler 1890)
Thrypticus yanayacu Bickel & Hernández 2004
Thrypticus zagulyaevi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus zonatulus (Zetterstedt 1843)
31 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Thrypticus crinipes Robinson 1975
(this page)
Thrypticus abditus Becker 1922
Thrypticus abdominalis (Say 1829)
Thrypticus adauctus Parent 1933
Thrypticus aeneus (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus aequalis Robinson 1975
Thrypticus afer Vanschuytbroeck 1951
Thrypticus alpinus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus analis (Macquart 1834)
Thrypticus arahakiensis Bickel 1991
Thrypticus armatus Robinson 1975
Thrypticus atomus Frey 1915
Thrypticus aurinotatus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus australis Bickel 1986
Thrypticus azuricola Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus basalis Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus bellus Loew 1869
Thrypticus bicolor (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus brevicauda Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus caudatus Parent 1939
Thrypticus chanophallus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus coeruleocephalus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus cuneatus (Becker 1917)
Thrypticus cupreus (Macquart 1838)
Thrypticus cupulifera Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus cylindricum (Zetterstedt 1838)
Thrypticus deficiens Robinson 1980
Thrypticus delicatus Robinson 1975
Thrypticus dissimilipes (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus divisus (Strobl 1880)
Thrypticus edwardsi Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus exiguus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus fennicus Becker 1917
Thrypticus festiva (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus flavicornis Van Duzee 1933
Thrypticus flavicoxa (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus formosensis Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus fosteri Robinson 1980
Thrypticus fraterculus (Wheeler 1890)
Thrypticus fulgens (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus fulviventris (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus grogani Robinson 1980
Thrypticus incanus Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus inconspicuus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus insulanus Van Duzee 1933
Thrypticus intercedens Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus laetus Verrall 1912
Thrypticus longicauda Van Duzee 1921
Thrypticus longicollis (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus magnicornis (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus minor Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus minuta (Fabricius 1805)
Thrypticus minutus Parent 1929
Thrypticus mironovi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus misellus (Boheman 1852)
Thrypticus muhlenbergiae Johannsen & Crosby 1913
Thrypticus nigricauda Wood 1913
Thrypticus nigripes Van Duzee 1921
Thrypticus nigriseta Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus obscuratus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus pallidicoxa Parent 1928
Thrypticus paludicola Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus parabellus Grichanov 2000
Thrypticus parvulus Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus parvus (Macquart 1834)
Thrypticus penicillatus Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus politus Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus pruinosus Parent 1932
Thrypticus pusillus Aldrich 1901
Thrypticus riparius Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus romus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus rufipes (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus sagittatus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus scutellatus Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus senilis Robinson 1975
Thrypticus sinevi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus singularis Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus smargdinus Gerstaecker 1864
Thrypticus spretus Parent 1934
Thrypticus squamiciliatus Harmston & Rapp 1968
Thrypticus sublamellatus (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus suturalis (Meigen 1830)
Thrypticus taeniomerus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus taragui Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus tarsalis Parent 1932
Thrypticus tectus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus thalassinus (Haliday 1832)
Thrypticus thoracicus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus tibialis (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus tonsus Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus tropicus Bickel 1986
Thrypticus truncatus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus varipes Robinson 1975
Thrypticus vestitus Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus vietus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus virescens (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus viridis Parent 1932
Thrypticus vividus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus willistoni (Wheeler 1890)
Thrypticus yanayacu Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus zonatulus (Zetterstedt 1843)
24 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Thrypticus crinipes Robinson 1975
(this page)
Thrypticus abditus Becker 1922
Thrypticus abdominalis (Say 1829)
Thrypticus adauctus Parent 1933
Thrypticus aeneus (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus aequalis Robinson 1975
Thrypticus afer Vanschuytbroeck 1951
Thrypticus alpinus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus analis (Macquart 1834)
Thrypticus arahakiensis Bickel 1991
Thrypticus armatus Robinson 1975
Thrypticus atomus Frey 1915
Thrypticus aurinotatus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus australis Bickel 1986
Thrypticus azuricola Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus basalis Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus bellus Loew 1869
Thrypticus bicolor (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus brevicauda Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus caudatus Parent 1939
Thrypticus chanophallus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus coeruleocephalus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus cuneatus (Becker 1917)
Thrypticus cupreus (Macquart 1838)
Thrypticus cupulifera Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus cylindricum (Zetterstedt 1838)
Thrypticus deficiens Robinson 1980
Thrypticus delicatus Robinson 1975
Thrypticus dissimilipes (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus divisus (Strobl 1880)
Thrypticus edwardsi Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus exiguus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus fennicus Becker 1917
Thrypticus festiva (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus flavicornis Van Duzee 1933
Thrypticus flavicoxa (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus formosensis Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus fosteri Robinson 1980
Thrypticus fraterculus (Wheeler 1890)
Thrypticus fulgens (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus fulviventris (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus grogani Robinson 1980
Thrypticus incanus Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus inconspicuus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus insulanus Van Duzee 1933
Thrypticus intercedens Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus laetus Verrall 1912
Thrypticus longicauda Van Duzee 1921
Thrypticus longicollis (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus magnicornis (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus minor Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus minuta (Fabricius 1805)
Thrypticus minutus Parent 1929
Thrypticus mironovi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus misellus (Boheman 1852)
Thrypticus muhlenbergiae Johannsen & Crosby 1913
Thrypticus nigricauda Wood 1913
Thrypticus nigripes Van Duzee 1921
Thrypticus nigriseta Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus obscuratus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus pallidicoxa Parent 1928
Thrypticus paludicola Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus parabellus Grichanov 2000
Thrypticus parvulus Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus parvus (Macquart 1834)
Thrypticus penicillatus Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus politus Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus pruinosus Parent 1932
Thrypticus pusillus Aldrich 1901
Thrypticus riparius Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus romus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus rufipes (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus sagittatus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus scutellatus Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus senilis Robinson 1975
Thrypticus sinevi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus singularis Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus smargdinus Gerstaecker 1864
Thrypticus spretus Parent 1934
Thrypticus squamiciliatus Harmston & Rapp 1968
Thrypticus sublamellatus (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus suturalis (Meigen 1830)
Thrypticus taeniomerus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus taragui Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus tarsalis Parent 1932
Thrypticus tectus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus thalassinus (Haliday 1832)
Thrypticus thoracicus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus tibialis (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus tonsus Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus tropicus Bickel 1986
Thrypticus truncatus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus varipes Robinson 1975
Thrypticus vestitus Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus vietus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus virescens (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus viridis Parent 1932
Thrypticus vividus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus willistoni (Wheeler 1890)
Thrypticus yanayacu Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus zonatulus (Zetterstedt 1843)
24 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Thrypticus crinipes Robinson 1975
(this page)
Thrypticus abditus Becker 1922
Thrypticus abdominalis (Say 1829)
Thrypticus adauctus Parent 1933
Thrypticus aeneus (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus aequalis Robinson 1975
Thrypticus afer Vanschuytbroeck 1951
Thrypticus alpinus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus analis (Macquart 1834)
Thrypticus arahakiensis Bickel 1991
Thrypticus armatus Robinson 1975
Thrypticus atomus Frey 1915
Thrypticus aurinotatus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus australis Bickel 1986
Thrypticus azuricola Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus basalis Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus bellus Loew 1869
Thrypticus bicolor (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus brevicauda Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus caudatus Parent 1939
Thrypticus chanophallus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus coeruleocephalus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus cuneatus (Becker 1917)
Thrypticus cupreus (Macquart 1838)
Thrypticus cupulifera Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus cylindricum (Zetterstedt 1838)
Thrypticus deficiens Robinson 1980
Thrypticus delicatus Robinson 1975
Thrypticus dissimilipes (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus divisus (Strobl 1880)
Thrypticus edwardsi Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus exiguus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus fennicus Becker 1917
Thrypticus festiva (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus flavicornis Van Duzee 1933
Thrypticus flavicoxa (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus formosensis Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus fosteri Robinson 1980
Thrypticus fraterculus (Wheeler 1890)
Thrypticus fulgens (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus fulviventris (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus grogani Robinson 1980
Thrypticus incanus Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus inconspicuus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus insulanus Van Duzee 1933
Thrypticus intercedens Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus laetus Verrall 1912
Thrypticus longicauda Van Duzee 1921
Thrypticus longicollis (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus magnicornis (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus minor Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus minuta (Fabricius 1805)
Thrypticus minutus Parent 1929
Thrypticus mironovi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus misellus (Boheman 1852)
Thrypticus muhlenbergiae Johannsen & Crosby 1913
Thrypticus nigricauda Wood 1913
Thrypticus nigripes Van Duzee 1921
Thrypticus nigriseta Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus obscuratus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus pallidicoxa Parent 1928
Thrypticus paludicola Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus parabellus Grichanov 2000
Thrypticus parvulus Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus parvus (Macquart 1834)
Thrypticus penicillatus Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus politus Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus pruinosus Parent 1932
Thrypticus pusillus Aldrich 1901
Thrypticus riparius Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus romus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus rufipes (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus sagittatus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus scutellatus Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus senilis Robinson 1975
Thrypticus sinevi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus singularis Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus smargdinus Gerstaecker 1864
Thrypticus spretus Parent 1934
Thrypticus squamiciliatus Harmston & Rapp 1968
Thrypticus sublamellatus (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus suturalis (Meigen 1830)
Thrypticus taeniomerus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus taragui Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus tarsalis Parent 1932
Thrypticus tectus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus thalassinus (Haliday 1832)
Thrypticus thoracicus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus tibialis (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus tonsus Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus tropicus Bickel 1986
Thrypticus truncatus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus varipes Robinson 1975
Thrypticus vestitus Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus vietus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus virescens (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus viridis Parent 1932
Thrypticus vividus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus willistoni (Wheeler 1890)
Thrypticus yanayacu Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus zonatulus (Zetterstedt 1843)
24 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
GBIF classification
Thrypticus Gerstaecker 1864
Thrypticus crinipes Robinson 1975
(this page)
Thrypticus abdominalis (Say 1829)
Thrypticus acuticauda Van Duzee 1929
Thrypticus adauctus Parent 1933
Thrypticus aeneus (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus aequalis Robinson 1975
Thrypticus afer Vanschuytbroeck 1951
Thrypticus altaicus Negrobov & Stackelberg 1971
Thrypticus amoenus Becker 1922
Thrypticus analis (Macquart 1834)
Thrypticus aphroditus Negrobov & Tsurikov 1986
Thrypticus arahakiensis Bickel 1992
Thrypticus atomus Frey 1915
Thrypticus aurinotatus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus australis Bickel 1986
Thrypticus azuricola Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus basalis Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus bellus Loew 1869
Thrypticus brevicauda Van Duzee 1930
Thrypticus caudatus Parent 1939
Thrypticus chanophallus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus circularis Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus comosus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus cuneatus (Becker 1917)
Thrypticus cupreus (Macquart 1838)
Thrypticus cupulifera Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus cylindricum (Zetterstedt 1838)
Thrypticus decoratus (Haliday 1832)
Thrypticus deficiens Robinson 1980
Thrypticus delicatus Robinson 1975
Thrypticus dissimilipes (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus edwardsi Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus emiliae Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus exiguus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus fasciatus (Macquart 1834)
Thrypticus fennicus Becker 1917
Thrypticus flavicornis Van Duzee 1933
Thrypticus flavicoxa (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus flaviventris (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus formosensis Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus fortescuensis Bickel 1986
Thrypticus fosteri Robinson 1980
Thrypticus fulgidus (Fallen 1823)
Thrypticus fulviventris (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus grogani Robinson 1980
Thrypticus incanus Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus inconspicuus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus insulanus Van Duzee 1933
Thrypticus intercedens Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus kataevi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus laetus Verrall 1912
Thrypticus longicauda Van Duzee 1921
Thrypticus longicollis (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus maculipes (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus magnicornis (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus minor Aldrich 1896
Thrypticus mironovi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus muhlenbergiae Johannsen & Crosby 1913
Thrypticus nigricauda Wood 1913
Thrypticus nigripes Van Duzee 1921
Thrypticus obscuratus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus paludicola Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus parvus (Macquart 1834)
Thrypticus penicillatus Van Duzee 1931
Thrypticus politus Negrobov 1967
Thrypticus pollinosus Verrall 1912
Thrypticus pruinosus Parent 1932
Thrypticus pusillus Aldrich 1901
Thrypticus pygmaeus (Macquart 1828)
Thrypticus riparius Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus romus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus ruficauda (Zetterstedt 1859)
Thrypticus rufipes (Meigen 1838)
Thrypticus sagittatus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus sinevi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus smargdinus Gerstaecker 1864
Thrypticus spretus Parent 1934
Thrypticus squamiciliatus Harmston & Rapp 1968
Thrypticus subdissectus Robinson 1975
Thrypticus sublamellatus (Macquart 1827)
Thrypticus sumatranus Hollis 1964
Thrypticus suturalis (Meigen 1830)
Thrypticus taeniomerus (Zetterstedt 1843)
Thrypticus taragui Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus tarsalis Parent 1932
Thrypticus tectus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus thalassinus (Haliday 1832)
Thrypticus thoracicus (Meigen 1824)
Thrypticus tonsus Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus tropicus Bickel 1986
Thrypticus truncatus Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus tsacasi Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus vestitus Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972
Thrypticus vietus Van Duzee 1915
Thrypticus violaceus Van Duzee 1927
Thrypticus virescens (Roser 1840)
Thrypticus viridis Parent 1932
Thrypticus willistoni (Wheeler 1890)
Thrypticus yanayacu Bickel & Hernandez 2004
Thrypticus zagulyaevi Grichanov 1998
Thrypticus zonatulus (Zetterstedt 1843)
25 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Thrypticus crinipes
(this page)
Thrypticus abditus
Thrypticus abdominalis
Thrypticus aeneus
Thrypticus aequalis
Thrypticus alpinus
Thrypticus altaicus
Thrypticus aphroditus
Thrypticus arahakiensis
Thrypticus armatus
Thrypticus atomus
Thrypticus aurinotatus
Thrypticus azuricola
Thrypticus bellus
Thrypticus bicolor
Thrypticus chanophallus
Thrypticus circularis
Thrypticus coeruleocephalus
Thrypticus comosus
Thrypticus cuneatus
Thrypticus cupreus
Thrypticus cylindricum
Thrypticus decoratus
Thrypticus deficiens
Thrypticus delicatus
Thrypticus dissectus
Thrypticus dissimilipes
Thrypticus divisus
Thrypticus emiliae
Thrypticus exiguus
Thrypticus fasciatus
Thrypticus fennicus
Thrypticus festiva
Thrypticus flavicoxa
Thrypticus flaviventris
Thrypticus formosensis
Thrypticus fortescuensis
Thrypticus fosteri
Thrypticus fraterculus
Thrypticus fulgens
Thrypticus fulgidus
Thrypticus fulviventris
Thrypticus grogani
Thrypticus incanus
Thrypticus inconspicuus
Thrypticus intercedens
Thrypticus kataevi
Thrypticus laetus
Thrypticus longicauda
Thrypticus longicollis
Thrypticus maculipes
Thrypticus magnicornis
Thrypticus mediofuscus
Thrypticus minuta
Thrypticus minutus
Thrypticus mironovi
Thrypticus misellus
Thrypticus muhlenbergiae
Thrypticus nigricauda
Thrypticus nigripes
Thrypticus obscuratus
Thrypticus paludicola
Thrypticus parabellus
Thrypticus parvus
Thrypticus politus
Thrypticus pollinosus
Thrypticus pruinosus
Thrypticus pygmaeus
Thrypticus riparius
Thrypticus romus
Thrypticus ruficauda
Thrypticus rufipes
Thrypticus sagittatus
Thrypticus senilis
Thrypticus sinevi
Thrypticus smaragdinus
Thrypticus smargdinus
Thrypticus squamiciliatus
Thrypticus subdissectus
Thrypticus sublamellatus
Thrypticus suturalis
Thrypticus taeniomerus
Thrypticus taragui
Thrypticus tarsalis
Thrypticus tectus
Thrypticus thalassinus
Thrypticus thoracicus
Thrypticus tibialis
Thrypticus tonsus
Thrypticus truncatus
Thrypticus tsacasi
Thrypticus varipes
Thrypticus vestitus
Thrypticus vietus
Thrypticus virescens
Thrypticus viridis
Thrypticus vividus
Thrypticus willistoni
Thrypticus yanayacu
Thrypticus zagulyaevi
Thrypticus zonatulus
26 additional siblings truncated for brevity.
See the
resource file
for a full list.