Ming Zhang, Yi-ou Chen, Thomas Pape, Dong Zhang
Figure 1.Light micrographs of the male Agria affinis (Fallén, 1817). A Habitus, lateral view B Head, anterolateral view C Terminalia, epandrium, surstylus and cercus, lateral view D Surstylus and cerci, dorsal view E Sternite 5, ventral view F Genitalia, lateral view. Scale bars: A= 2.00 mm, B= 1.00 mm, C−F= 0.25 mm.
Ming Zhang, Yi-ou Chen, Thomas Pape, Dong Zhang
Figure 7.Scanning electron micrographs of the male genitalia of Agria affinis (Fallén, 1817). A Lateral view of the genitalia B Ventral view of distiphallus, arrows show the dividing line between phallic tube and juxta C Surstylus, lateral view D Cercus, lateral view E Pregonite and base of postgonite enlarged view, with inset showing highly enlarged view of one of the sockets from a coeloconic sensilla. Abbreviations: acrophallus (acr); cercus (cerc); juxta (j); lateral sclerotization (ls); phallic tube (ph); postgonite (pog); pregonite (prg); surstylus (sur).