This is considered a fairly difficult species to keep and breed in captivity, although captive-bred specimens will certainly be hardier than inevitably stressed wild-caught animals. Useful references on care include information on the World Chelonian Trust Website (Tabaka and Senneke, 2006) and in specific herpetocultural books such as Fife (2007).
Communication and perception appears to be primarily visual, though olfactory and tactile senses come into play during feeding, male competitive behavior, courtship, and nesting, and male tortoises vocalize to females during mating.
Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Perception Channels: visual ; infrared/heat ; tactile ; acoustic ; vibrations ; chemical
While there are natural threats to Indian star tortoises, such as predation and flooding, none compare to the enormous threat posed by humans. The combined threat of loss of habitat and harvesting for food, as well as the high demand of the exotic pet trade in the U.S., Europe, Middle East, and southeastern Asian countries, has caused this once abundant species to plummet in numbers.
An estimate of the yearly toll on the Indian population is 10,000 to 20,000 Indian star tortoises a year disappearing from the wild, with peak collection time between July and August. Hunters collect them from their natural habitat and sell them to middlemen who sell them to smugglers. The use of sea routes has increased as a means to smuggle these animals because security at airports has made it harder to sneak them out by airplane. The smugglers take them out of the country and usually sell them in Bangkok (Thailand) or Malaysia. From there the tortoises are shipped to various markets and dealers in Europe and North America where they can be worth over $150 each. Sadly, these tortoises are hearty in the short term and can often survive at least 15 days without food, making them easier subjects for animal smugglers. Every year, around 3000 Indian star tortoises are recovered from this illegal trade.
Indian star tortoises are also being extirpated through their use as an ingredient in some traditional Chinese medicines. It is believed that they are a source of energy if consumed. Many also believe that keeping these turtles in their home brings good luck. In addition to medicinal consumption, in many parts of India these turtles are used heavily as a food source. Fortunately for the future of this tortoise species, most of this type of consumption is primarily by impoverished people belonging to tribal groups. As mean income increases, there is predicted to be a decrease in consumption of these turtles.
Unfortunately for these small tortoises, there has been a boom in the conversion of forest and grassland area to agricultural land, fueled by the ever-growing human population. This has caused huge tracts of land that was once suitable Indian star tortoise habitat to be destroyed completely.
A final threat to Indian star tortoises is disease. They are particularly susceptible to pneumonia, respiratory diseases, and parasite overgrowth when stressed by collection, handling, and shipment, often under terrible and inhumane conditions. Many wild-caught specimens sold in the pet trade are doomed to die from (initially) unsuspected disease.
Several steps have been taken to conserve this species. In the Indian Wildlife Act of 1972, the possession or trading of Indian star tortoises was made illegal in India. Unfortunately, enforcement of this law is difficult and Indian star tortoises are commonly found for sale in pet shops. They benefit from listing as a CITES appendix II species, which regulates their international trade.
Presently Indian star tortoises still have a rather wide range, despite the many threats to the species. More research must be conducted while populations are still extant in order to learn more about this fascinating tortoise. It is crucial that this gentle species be adequately protected before the combination of threats it faces drives it to extinction.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: appendix ii
State of Michigan List: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: lower risk - least concern
Indian star tortoises are oviparous; their eggs have a hard but brittle shell that is quite porous. The eggs are usually elliptical in shape, but sometimes nearly spherical. They weigh between 12 and 21 grams, and are typically about 35 to 52 mm (1.4 to 2.1 inches) in length. Larger females can lay larger eggs. At first the eggs are translucent and pinkish in color, but tend to "chalk" (become opaque white) after two to three weeks, starting from a central belt of opacity and progressing to eventually envelope the whole shell. Sex determination is temperature dependent, with mostly males reportedly produced at incubation temperatures between 28 and 30 degrees Celsius and mostly females resulting from incubation temperatures from 31 to 32 degrees Celsius. Incubation times are probably temperature (and perhaps humidity) dependent; most eggs hatch in around 90 to 170 days (known range, 47 to 180 days). Hatchlings lack the radiating star markings; the carapace is usually black or brown with rectangular yellow or orange blotches on each scute that extend outward at the corners. They can grow rapidly for the first few months of their lives.
Development - Life Cycle: temperature sex determination
Indian star tortoises occasionally move into gardens and agricultural areas and feed on crop plants, and are sometimes killed for this reason. However, tortoises are rarely abundant enough to cause significant crop loss. Some farmers simply move tortoises a short distance away.
Indian star tortoises have undoubtedly been used for human food ever since the two species came into contact thousands of years ago. Local subsistence use might not have seriously impacted tortoise populations, but systematic mass collection for the commercial food and pet market is unsustainable, reducing or even extirpating tortoise populations. The impact is made more significant when coupled with massive on-going habitat losses occurring in recent years. Indian star tortoises are popular in the pet trade because of their beautiful markings and relatively small size. Indian star tortoises are also sometimes offered in food and traditional medicine shops in Malaysia and China. Export from India and Sri Lanka has been illegal for many years but an illegal trade exists. Fortunately, many of the Indian star tortoises now being offered in the United States and European pet trade are captive-bred hatchlings.
Positive Impacts: pet trade ; food ; body parts are source of valuable material; source of medicine or drug
While species-specific studies are scarce, Indian star tortoises are undoubtedly significant herbivores in their habitats when abundant and they may act as dispersal agents for various plants via consumption (and incomplete digestion) of seeds and fruit. Star tortoises are hosts to numerous external and internal parasites, such as ticks and intestinal worms.
Ecosystem Impact: disperses seeds
Commensal/Parasitic Species:
Indian star tortoises are primarily herbivorous. The majority of the diet consists of grasses, herbaceous leaves, fruit, and flowers, but they have been known to consume insects, carrion, and dung. When food is scarce, such as in the seasonally dry, hot periods, they will become inactive and go long periods without eating.
Animal Foods: carrion ; insects
Plant Foods: leaves; fruit; flowers
Other Foods: dung
Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore , Frugivore )
Geochelone elegans is found in three discrete portions of the Indian subcontinent: the first is in western India and extreme southeastern Pakistan (e.g., Gujarat, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh in India and the Thar Desert in Pakistan), the second is in southeastern India (Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu), the third is on the island of Sri Lanka. No subspecies are recognized, although there are regional variations in color and morphology. In general, star tortoises from northern India tend to be larger and darker, with less contrasting shell patterns, than those from southern India, which tend to be smaller and have more contrasting, star-like shell patterns. Sri Lankan tortoises may have more contrasting shell patterns with broader yellow markings and they tend to reach larger sizes than southern Indian tortoises. However, much variation occurs among individual star tortoises and within local populations.
Biogeographic Regions: oriental (Native )
Indian star tortoises occupy a wide range of habitats, including moist deciduous forest, semi-arid lowland forests, thorn scrub forests, arid grasslands, and semi-desert. These tortoises have a high tolerance for seasonally wet or dry habitats, with many populations living in areas with a monsoon (rainy) season followed by an extensive hot and dry period. They sometimes live in agricultural areas.
Range elevation: 0 to 450 m.
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: desert or dune ; savanna or grassland ; forest ; scrub forest
Other Habitat Features: agricultural ; riparian
No studies on natural survivorship or lifespan in nature are available. As with other chelonians, presumably the eggs and small hatchlings and juveniles suffer the highest levels of mortality, with increasing survivorship as tortoises reach adulthood. Thus average lifespan might be considerably lower than potential lifespan.
Range lifespan
Status: captivity: 25 (high) years.
Typical lifespan
Status: wild: 35 to 80 years.
Indian star tortoises have yellow to tan heads, limbs, and tails, though the skin may be marked with dark spots or blotches. The carapace is the most striking feature of this tortoise and can have smooth to almost pyramidal scutes. Each scute has a yellowish areola (center) with yellow or tan lines radiating from it, forming the star shape for which this species is named. The marginal scutes have incomplete “stars”. Background color is brown to black. The plastron has dark radiating lines on a lighter yellowish background.
Females are often markedly larger than males. An adult male’s carapace typically grows to a straight-line length of 15 to 20 cm (about 6 to 8 inches), and females reach 25 to 30 cm (about 10 to 12 inches). The record reported carapace length (female) is 38 cm (about 15 inches).
Besides adult size differences, the sexes may be separated by morphological characters. Adult males have longer, thicker tails, and a concave plastron (which facilitates mounting and mating). Males have a different form of the paired anal scutes (posterior scutes of the plastron)— these scutes are more elongate and have a wider angle of separation than in the female. Conversely, females have shorter tails and flat plastrons. The anal scutes of females are shorter, with a narrower angle of separation directed more towards the rear of the plastron.
Range mass: 1 to 6.6 kg.
Range length: 15 to 38 cm.
Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; heterothermic ; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: female larger; sexes shaped differently
As adults Indian star tortoises are protected by their heavy shells and habit of staying under cover when not actively foraging or breeding. While the star-like pattern on the carapace looks conspicuous when a tortoise is held in hand, the pattern actually breaks up and obscures the shape of the tortoise when it is hiding in tall grasses. Reports on natural predation on Indian star tortoises are scarce, but this species undoubtedly suffers heavy losses of eggs and young tortoises from a variety of predatory mammals (jackals, foxes, mongoose, etc.), birds (hawks, vultures, etc.), and large reptiles (monitor lizards, snakes). Humans are the most significant predator of juvenile and adult Geochelone elegans; these tortoises have been traditionally collected for local consumption and in recent decades have been systematically collected in large numbers for the commercial food and pet trade.
Known Predators:
Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic
Males compete for mates by trying shove rival males or flip them onto their backs. Courtship is somewhat more subdued than in many other species of tortoises, often with little or no shoving, butting, and biting of females - which are often much larger than the males in this species. During mating, the male emits grunt-like sounds.
Mating System: polygynandrous (promiscuous)
When the rainy season arrives (mid June to November in south India), breeding commences. About 60 to 90 days post-mating, usually in the evening, females begin wandering and sniffing the ground. When a female finds an acceptable nest site, she often urinates to soften the soil and begins excavating a flask-shaped nest with her hind feet. After she has laid her eggs, she re-fills the nest and flattens the soil with her plastron. The female lays from one to as many as nine clutches, of one to ten eggs per clutch, each year. Incubation lasts from 47 to 180 days; hatchlings weigh between 25 and 45 g and average about 35 mm in carapace length. In the wild, females may become sexually mature in 8 to 12 years and males in 6 to 8 years, but these times can be shortened considerably in captive tortoises.
Breeding interval: Indian star tortoises breed during the rainy seasons, laying up to 9 clutches during that time.
Breeding season: Indian star tortoises breed seasonally, usually coinciding with the local rainy season, which varies in timing.
Range number of offspring: 1 to 10.
Range gestation period: 47 to 180 days.
Range time to independence: 0 (low) minutes.
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 7 to 12 years.
Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 6 to 8 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization ; oviparous
Males expend considerable energy seeking females and fending off rival males. Females must contribute considerable energy towards producing and provisioning (yolking) eggs and constructing nests. There is no post-nesting parental care of eggs or hatchlings.
Parental Investment: no parental involvement; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female)
La tortuga estrellada de l'Índia (Geochelone elegans) és una espècie de tortuga terrestre de la família Testudinidae de les zones àrides de l'Índia i Sri Lanka, és una espècie molt popular com a mascota. Pertany al gènere Geochelone i és molt semblant a la tortuga estrellada de Birmània (Geochelone platynota).
Té la closca molt convexa de color negre amb aurèoles grogues que ho irradien de ratlles grogues, les quals en general són ratlles estretes i molt nombroses: el plastró també té ratlles negres i grogues radiants. La tortuga estrellada índia pot créixer fins als 10 centímetres de llarg.
Són herbívores i s'alimenten d'herbes, fruits caiguts, flors i fulles de plantes suculentes, i de tant en tant mengen carronya.
El dimorfisme sexual dels adults de les tortugues estrellades índies és bastant evident. Les femelles són considerablement més grans que els mascles. A més, el plastró de les femelles és molt més pla que el dels mascles, que té una forma còncava.
Es distribueix per tota l'Índia (amb excepció de Bengala inferior), s'estén a l'oest de la província de Sindh (Pakistan), i Ceilan.
El manteniment d'aquests animals en captivitat és molt difícil i s'ha de deixar a les persones amb experiència avançada en tortugues. Són menjadores primmirades i augmenten de pes molt lentament. Les cries prefereixen dormir que menjar i la majoria moren en els primers mesos de vida. Una cria típica costa bastants diners en una botiga de confiança i ha d'estar preparat per perdre aquesta inversió si no té una gran experiència amb les tortugues. El millor és tenir una estreta relació amb un veterinari amb experiència en cura de les tortugues. La captura d'aquesta tortuga al medi silvestre és il·legal a l'Índia. Hi ha pocs estudis que han quantificat les poblacions silvestres i l'efecte del comerç sobre elles.
La tortuga estrellada de l'Índia (Geochelone elegans) és una espècie de tortuga terrestre de la família Testudinidae de les zones àrides de l'Índia i Sri Lanka, és una espècie molt popular com a mascota. Pertany al gènere Geochelone i és molt semblant a la tortuga estrellada de Birmània (Geochelone platynota).
Želva hvězdnatá (Geochelone elegans) je druh suchozemské želvy obývající Indii na jih a východ od řeky Gangy, Pákistán a Srí Lanku. Žije v suchých lesích a křovinách, aktivní je především v monzunovém období. Živí se trávou, květy a plody, výjimečně požírá také mršiny. Může se dožít 80–120 let.
Samice dosahují délky 20–30 cm a váhy až dva kilogramy, samci měří 14–18 cm a váží 600 800 gramů.[2] Karapax je nápadně vyklenutý a má černé nebo čokoládově hnědé základní zbarvení. Je rozdělen na množství kuželovitých štítků, na jejichž vrcholu je žlutá skvrna, ze které se rozbíhá směrem k okrajům štítku osm paprsků. Tato kresba umožňuje želvě snadno splynout se světlými a tmavými plochami na lesní půdě.
Pro svůj atraktivní vzhled je želva hvězdnatá populárním domácím zvířetem, její chov je však náročný a doporučuje se jen zkušeným chovatelům.[3] Druh je zařazen do druhé přílohy Úmluvy o mezinárodním obchodu s ohroženými druhy volně žijících živočichů a rostlin (CITES).
V rámci evropských zoo je chován tento druh přibližně v 45 zoo.[4] Nejvíce jsou přitom zastoupeny v německých zoo. V rámci Česka jej chová z tradičních zoologických zahrad Zoo Praha a Zoo Ústí nad Labem a z dalších licencovaných zoo Krokodýlí zoo Praha a Terárium Praha.[4]
První želva hvězdnatá se v Zoo Praha objevila již v roce 1936, tedy pět let po otevření zoo. Původní jedinec žil v zoo po dobu dvou let a následovala pauza až do roku 1962, kdy přišli další příslušníci tohoto druhu. Ti v ní žili až do roku 1969. Na počátku 21. století došlo k zabavení želv Inspekcí životního prostředí[5], a tak se v pražské zoo tento druh znovu objevil v letech 2004–2010/2011[4]. Aktuální pár přišel v roce 2014.[5] Teprve v dubnu 2016 se vylíhla první mláďata tohoto druhu v historii zoo.[6]
Tento druh je k vidění v expozici pouštních druhů plazů pojmenované Kattakum v pavilonu šelem a plazů v dolní části Zoo Praha.[6]
Želva hvězdnatá (Geochelone elegans) je druh suchozemské želvy obývající Indii na jih a východ od řeky Gangy, Pákistán a Srí Lanku. Žije v suchých lesích a křovinách, aktivní je především v monzunovém období. Živí se trávou, květy a plody, výjimečně požírá také mršiny. Může se dožít 80–120 let.
Samice dosahují délky 20–30 cm a váhy až dva kilogramy, samci měří 14–18 cm a váží 600 800 gramů. Karapax je nápadně vyklenutý a má černé nebo čokoládově hnědé základní zbarvení. Je rozdělen na množství kuželovitých štítků, na jejichž vrcholu je žlutá skvrna, ze které se rozbíhá směrem k okrajům štítku osm paprsků. Tato kresba umožňuje želvě snadno splynout se světlými a tmavými plochami na lesní půdě.
Pro svůj atraktivní vzhled je želva hvězdnatá populárním domácím zvířetem, její chov je však náročný a doporučuje se jen zkušeným chovatelům. Druh je zařazen do druhé přílohy Úmluvy o mezinárodním obchodu s ohroženými druhy volně žijících živočichů a rostlin (CITES).
Die Indische Sternschildkröte (Geochelone elegans) ist eine monotypische Art aus der Familie der Landschildkröten. Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst Pakistan, Indien und Sri Lanka.
Die Indische Sternschildkröte erreicht eine Carapaxlänge von bis zu 38 Zentimetern und ein Gewicht bis zu 7 Kilogramm.[1] Ihr Rückenpanzer ist eher länger und stark aufgewölbt. Auch die einzelnen Wirbel- und Rippenschilde weisen eine starke Aufwölbung auf. In der Mitte der Schilde befindet sich ein heller Fleck, von dem aus bis zu acht gelbe Streifen zum Rand hinführen. Diese auffällige Zeichnung hat zu dem Namen Sternschildkröte geführt. Der Bauchpanzer weist eine ähnliche Musterung auf.
Der Panzer hat eine annähernd monostatische Form, die es dem Tier erleichtert, sich aus der Rückenlage zu befreien. Er ist damit ein Beispiel für die Realisierung der geometrischen Figur des Gömböc in der Natur.
Die Vorderbeine sind gelblich. Der Kopf und die hinteren Extremitäten verfügen über eine schwarze Färbung auf gelbem Grund. Männchen können am längeren und dickeren Schwanz erkannt werden.
Bislang sind für diese Schildkrötenart keine Unterarten beschrieben. Es gibt jedoch in der Panzerfärbung und der Größe Unterschiede zwischen Indischen Sternschildkröten, die aus dem östlichen Pakistan beziehungsweise aus dem Westen Indiens stammen, und denen, die im südöstlichen Indien beheimatet sind. Die westliche Population erreicht eine größere Carapaxlänge. Die Tiere aus Südostindien dagegen bleiben kleiner. Sie haben wie die auf Sri Lanka beheimateten Schildkröten eine leuchtendere Panzerfärbung.[1]
Die Indische Sternschildkröte kommt von Pakistan über das Zentralgebiet und den Süden von Indien bis nach Sri Lanka vor. Sie nutzt innerhalb dieses sehr großen Verbreitungsgebietes sehr unterschiedliche Lebensräume. Auf Sri Lanka gehören zu ihrem Lebensraum sowohl Sanddünen als auch Buschwälder und verwilderte Parks. In Indien ist sie auch auf Ödland und wüstenähnlichen Gebieten zu finden.[2] Die meisten Fundorte befinden sich in einer Höhe unter 200 NN.[3]
Die Indische Sternschildkröte ist eine tagaktive Schildkrötenart. Am aktivsten ist sie während der Monsunzeit, wenn sie ganztägig auf Nahrungssuche ist. In der Trockenzeit ist sie vor allem am frühen Morgen und am späten Nachmittag zu beobachten. Während der heißen Tageszeit sucht sie unter Sträuchern und Büschen Schutz. Durch ihren helldunkel gefärbten Panzer ist sie im trockenen Gras oder Büschen nur schwer zu entdecken.
Die Indische Sternschildkröte lebt überwiegend von pflanzlicher Nahrung. Dazu zählen Gras und trockenes Gras (hoher Ballaststoffanteil der natürlichen Nahrung)[4], auf dem Boden liegende Früchte sowie Blumen. Sie frisst gelegentlich auch animalische Kost.[5]
Die Fortpflanzungszeit fällt im indischen Verbreitungsgebiet mit der Monsunzeit zusammen. Die Weibchen legen mehrere Gelege, die anfangs zwischen fünf und neun Eier aufweisen. Gegen Ende der Fortpflanzungszeit enthalten die Nistgruben häufig nur noch ein bis vier Eier.[6] Die Schlupfzeit der Jungtiere ist abhängig von der Umgebungstemperatur und der Jahreszeit. Sie beträgt zwischen 86 und 150 Tagen.
Wegen ihres auffälligen und attraktiven Panzers zählte die Indische Sternschildkröte in den 1970er und 1980er Jahren noch zu den verhältnismäßig häufig in Gefangenschaft gehaltenen Tieren.[5] Zu Beginn der 1970er Jahre wurden allein auf dem Markt von Kalkutta jährlich etwa 10.000 Tiere gehandelt. Mit dem Inkrafttreten des Indian Wildlife Act von 1972 wurde zumindest der legale Handel gestoppt.[7] Die Art ist heute im Anhang I der CITES-Vereinbarung gelistet. Grundsätzlich gehört die Indische Strahlenschildkröte zu den anspruchsvollen Pfleglingen, die eine hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit benötigen. Unsachgemäß gehaltene Sternschildkröten sterben früh an Atemwegserkrankungen.
Die Indische Sternschildkröte (Geochelone elegans) ist eine monotypische Art aus der Familie der Landschildkröten. Ihr Verbreitungsgebiet umfasst Pakistan, Indien und Sri Lanka.
The Indian star tortoise (Geochelone elegans) is a threatened tortoise species native to India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka where it inhabits dry areas and scrub forest. It has been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 2016, as the population is thought to comprise more than 10,000 individuals, but with a declining trend. It is threatened by habitat loss and poaching for the illegal wildlife trade.[1] It was upgraded to CITES Appendix I in 2019 by full consensus among all member states, giving it the highest level of international protection from commercial trade. Conservation group TRAFFIC found 6,040 were seized globally that were intended to be sold in the pet trade.[3]
The carapace of G. elegans is very convex, with dorsal shields often forming humps; the lateral margins are nearly vertical; the posterior margin is somewhat expanded and strongly serrated. It has no nuchal scute, and the supracaudal is undivided, and curved inward in the male; the shields are strongly striated concentrically. The first vertebral scute is longer than broad, and the others are broader than long, with the third at least as broad as the corresponding costal. The plastron is large, truncated or openly notched in front, and deeply notched and bifid behind; the suture between the humerals is much longer than that between the femorals; the suture between the pectorals is very short; the axillary and inguinal sutures are rather small. The head is moderate in size, with the forehead swollen, convex, and covered with rather small and irregular shields; the beak is feebly hooked, bi- or tricuspid; the edges of the jaws are denticulated; the alveolar ridge of the upper jaw is strong. The outer-anterior face of the fore limbs have numerous unequal-sized, large, imbricate, bony, pointed tubercles; the heel has large, more or less spur-like tubercles; a group of large conical or subconical tubercles is found on the hinder side of the thigh. The carapace is black, with yellow areolae from which yellow streaks radiate; these streaks are usually narrow and very numerous. The plastron likewise has black and yellow, radiating streaks. The Indian star tortoise can grow to 10 inches long. [4]
The patterning, although highly contrasting, is disruptive and breaks the outline of the tortoise as it sits in the shade of grass or vegetation. They are mostly herbivorous and feed on grasses, fallen fruit, flowers, and leaves of succulent plants, and will occasionally eat carrion. In captivity, however, they should never be fed meat.
The sexual dimorphism of adult Indian star tortoises is quite apparent. Females are considerably larger than their male counterparts. In addition, the females' plastrons are much flatter than those of the males, which have a concave shape.
The shape of this creature is presumed to be specially adapted to naturally assist it to return to a stable stance after it has been turned over. Mathematicians Gábor Domokos of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Péter Várkonyi of Princeton University designed a homogeneous object called a gömböc that has exactly one unstable balance point and exactly one stable balance point. Just as a bottom-weighted (nonhomogeneous weight distribution) sphere would always return to the same upright position, they found it was possible to construct a shape that behaves the same way. After that, they noted the similarity to the Indian star tortoise and subsequently tested 30 turtles by turning them upside down. They found many of them to be self-righting.[5][6]
The Indian star tortoise ranges from India (except Lower Bengal), extending west to Sindh province (Pakistan) and Sri Lanka. A large number of specimens of this species are found in the illegal wildlife trade in India. Few studies exist which have quantified wild populations and the effect of trade on them.[7]
The Indian star tortoise (Geochelone elegans) is a threatened tortoise species native to India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka where it inhabits dry areas and scrub forest. It has been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 2016, as the population is thought to comprise more than 10,000 individuals, but with a declining trend. It is threatened by habitat loss and poaching for the illegal wildlife trade. It was upgraded to CITES Appendix I in 2019 by full consensus among all member states, giving it the highest level of international protection from commercial trade. Conservation group TRAFFIC found 6,040 were seized globally that were intended to be sold in the pet trade.
La tortuga estrellada de la India (Geochelone elegans) es una especie de tortuga terrestre de la familia Testudinidae de las zonas áridas de la India y de Sri Lanka, muy popular como mascota. Pertenece al género Geochelone y es muy parecida a la tortuga estrellada de Birmania (Geochelone platynota).
Tiene el caparazón muy convexo de color negro con aureolas amarillas que lo irradian de rayas amarillas, las cuales por lo general son rayas estrechas y muy numerosas: el plastrón también tiene rayas negras y amarillas radiantes. La tortuga estrellada india puede crecer hasta los 35 cm de longitud, pero el tamaño medio es 25 cm de largo. Existen tres variedades: del norte de la India, del sur de la India y de Sri Lanka. Las más pequeñas son las del sur de la India, y las más grandes las del norte. Casi todas las tortugas en cautividad proceden de la variedad de Sri Lanka, aunque hay mezcla de las distintas líneas de sangre.
Son herbívoras y se alimentan de hierbas, frutos caídos, flores y hojas de plantas suculentas, y de vez en cuando comen carroña.
El dimorfismo sexual de los adultos de las tortugas estrelladas indias es bastante evidente. Las hembras son considerablemente más grandes que los machos. Además, el plastrón de las hembras es mucho más plano que el de los machos, que tiene una forma cóncava.
Se distribuye por toda la India (con excepción de Bengala inferior), se extiende al oeste de la provincia de Sindh (Pakistán), y Ceilán.
El mantenimiento de estos animales en cautividad es muy difícil y se debe dejar a las personas con experiencia avanzada en tortugas. Son comedoras quisquillosas y aumentan de peso muy lentamente. Los recién nacidos prefieren dormir que comer y la mayoría mueren en los primeros meses de vida. Una cría típica cuesta bastante dinero en una tienda de confianza y usted debe estar preparado para perder esta inversión si usted no tiene una gran experiencia con las tortugas. Lo mejor es tener una estrecha relación con un veterinario con experiencia en cuidado de las tortugas. La captura de esta tortuga en el medio silvestre es ilegal en la India. Existen pocos estudios que han cuantificado las poblaciones silvestres y el efecto del comercio sobre ellas.
La tortuga estrellada de la India (Geochelone elegans) es una especie de tortuga terrestre de la familia Testudinidae de las zonas áridas de la India y de Sri Lanka, muy popular como mascota. Pertenece al género Geochelone y es muy parecida a la tortuga estrellada de Birmania (Geochelone platynota).
Geochelone elegans Geochelone generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Testudinidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Geochelone elegans Geochelone generoko animalia da. Narrastien barruko Testudinidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Intiantähtikilpikonna (Geochelone elegans) on jättiläiskilpikonnien sukuun kuuluva laji.
Lajin nimi johtuu kilven suomujen tähtimäisestä muodosta. Suomuissa on myös tähtimäisiä kuvioita, joissa on ruskealla pohjalla keltaista. Suomut ovat kohoumallisia ja muodostavat harjanteita. Jalat ovat talttamaiset. Intiantähtikilpikonna muistuttaa burmantähtikilpikonnaa (Geochelone platynota).
Intiantähtikilpikonnaa tavataan Etelä-Aasiassa, lähinnä Intian rannikkoseuduilla ja Sri Lankassa. Sitä esiintyy kuivilla alueilla.
Munia on 2–20.
Laji on etupäässä kasvissyöjä.[3]
Intiantähtikilpikonna (Geochelone elegans) on jättiläiskilpikonnien sukuun kuuluva laji.
Geochelone elegans
Geochelone elegans, la Tortue étoilée d'Inde, est une espèce de tortues de la famille des Testudinidae[1].
Cette espèce se rencontre[1] :
La taille moyenne de la carapace est de 26 cm de long pour le mâle et 32 cm pour la femelle[2].
C'est une tortue terrestre utilisée comme animal de compagnie. De nombreux spécimens sont exportés d'Inde illégalement et aucune étude n'a été produite quant à l'impact de ce commerce.
La femelle pond 2 couvées par an comprenant entre 2 et 10 œufs[2].
Geochelone elegans
Geochelone elegans, la Tortue étoilée d'Inde, est une espèce de tortues de la famille des Testudinidae.
La Tartaruga stellata indiana (Geochelone elegans (Schoepf, 1795) è una tartaruga della famiglia Testudinidae, diffusa nelle zone aride di India e Sri Lanka.[2] La specie è popolare come animale domestico.
Il carapace molto convesso e gli scuti dorsali spesso formano gobbe; i margini laterali sono quasi verticali; il margine posteriore è ampio e fortemente seghettato, non ha scuti nucali; gli scuti sopracaudali non sono divisi mentre sono incurvati nel maschio; gli scuti sono striati concentricamente; il primo scuto vertebrale è più lungo che largo, mentre gli altri sono ampi come lo scuto costale corrispondente. Il grande piastrone è troncato o dentellato nella parte anteriore, profondamente dentellato e diviso in due dietro. La testa ha una fronte gonfia, convessa e coperta di squame piuttosto piccole e irregolari; il becco è leggermente adunco e i bordi delle mascelle sono dentellati. Il carapace è nero, con areole gialle da cui si irradiano striature gialle e di solito con strisce strette e molto numerose. Il piastrone è altrettanto striato di nero e giallo. Raggiunge i 30 cm di lunghezza.
Il disegno del guscio produce un forte contrasto e rompe la sagoma della tartaruga quando sta sotto l'ombra dell'erba o della vegetazione un po' come accade alle zebre.
Il dimorfismo sessuale è abbastanza evidente. Le femmine sono considerevolmente più grandi rispetto ai maschi. Inoltre, il piastrone delle femmine è molto più piatto di quello dei maschi che ha una forma concava.
La forma del guscio di questa creatura si presume che sia particolarmente adatto per aiutarle a rimettersi in piedi dopo che è stata girata sul dorso. Il matematico Gábor Domokos dell'Università di Budapest e Péter Várkonyi dell'Università di Princeton hanno progettato un oggetto chiamato Gömböc che ha un solo punto di equilibrio stabile: il Gömböc torna sempre in posizione eretta. Alcuni studiosi hanno notato la somiglianza con la Geochelone elegans.[3]
Sono per lo più erbivore e si nutrono di erba, frutta caduta, fiori e foglie di piante succulente e a volte mangiano carogne. Sono mangiatori molto meticolosi e aumentano di peso con estrema lentezza. I piccoli mangiano e dormono per i primi mesi di vita.
L'areale della specie si estende dall'India (ad eccezione del Basso Bengala) alla provincia di Sindh (Pakistan) e allo Sri Lanka.
Riprodurre questi animali in cattività è estremamente difficile. Acquistare esemplari selvatici (così come catturarle, ucciderle o molestarle in alcun modo) di questa tartaruga è illegale in India.
Un gran numero di esemplari di questa specie si trovano nel commercio illegale di specie selvatiche in India.
La Tartaruga stellata indiana (Geochelone elegans (Schoepf, 1795) è una tartaruga della famiglia Testudinidae, diffusa nelle zone aride di India e Sri Lanka. La specie è popolare come animale domestico.
Žvaigždinis vėžlys (Geochelone elegans) – sausumos vėžlių rūšis.
Vėžlys yra vidutinio dydžio, patelių ilgis siekia 25 cm, patinų – 15 cm. Karapaksas labai išgaubtas, nugaros skydeliai dažnai suformuoja kalnelius. Dėl gražaus šarvo labai mėgstamas auginti terariumuose. Savo pavadinimą vėžlys gavo dėl neįprasto geltono žvaigždinio rašto ant kiekvieno šarvo skydelio (išskyrus šoninius). Šarvo foninė spalva – tamsiai ruda arba juoda. Nors ši spalva atrodo labai ryški ir krentanti į akį nelaisvėje, bet gamtoje padeda vėžliui pasislėpti sausos žolės kupstuose. Patinų karapaksas mažau išgaubtas nei patelių. Plastronas didelis, nupjautas ar atvirai rantytas priekyje, giliai rantytas, perskeltas pusiau užpakalyje. Patelių plastronas daug plokštesnis nei patinų, kurių forma įdubusi.
Paplitimo arealas apima Indiją nuo Orisos valstijos rytuose iki Gudžarato vakaruose ir Sindo provincijos Pakistano pietryčiuose bei pietinio Indostano taško, Šri Lankos ir šalia esančių salų.
Gyvena sausuose, apaugusiuose krūmais miškuose.
Žvaigždinių vėžlių aktyvumo pikas būna rytais ir vakarais. Vidurdienį slepiasi nuo karščio šešėlyje. Aktyvūs lietingo sezono metu, o sausuoju periodu miega.
Žvaigždinis vėžlys yra žolėdis, paprastai valgo žolę, nukritusius vaisius, gėles ir sukulentinių augalų lapus. Retais atvejais maitinasi dvėseliena, tačiau nelaisvėje niekada nereikėtų maitinti mėsa.
Dauginasi lietinguoju sezonu nuo birželio iki spalio. Viena patelė gali padėti nuo dviejų iki trijų dėtaviečių po 3 – 6 kiaušinius. Inkubacinis periodas laisvėje trunka nuo 45 iki 147 dienų.
Žvaigždiniai vėžliai laikomi terariume su padidintu oro drėgnumu. Temperatūra – 24–30°С dieną ir 22–25°С naktį. Reikalingas negilus baseinas. Vėžlius galima išvesti į lauką esant didesnei nei 24°С laipsnių temperatūrai. Skatinant dauginimąsi reikia palaikyti vėžlius 2 mėnesius 18–20°С laipsnių temperatūroje. Kiaušinių inkubacija 28–30°С ir 90% drėgnumo ore trunka nuo 54 iki 177 dienų.
Žvaigždinio vėžlio gyvenimo trukmė yra iki 80 metų.
Žvaigždinis vėžlys (Geochelone elegans) – sausumos vėžlių rūšis.
Geochelone elegans atau juga dikenali sebagai kura-kura bintang India merupakan sejenis kura-kura yang terdapat di benua India.
Ia merupakan haiwan pemangsa yang makan haiwan yang dapat ditangkap oleh mereka termasuk invertebrata, siput, moluska, ketam, ikan, udang, serangga, katak, dan cacing.
tidak diketahui diabaikan (guna |author=
) (bantuan) Geochelone elegans atau juga dikenali sebagai kura-kura bintang India merupakan sejenis kura-kura yang terdapat di benua India.
De sterschildpad[2] (Geochelone elegans) is een schildpad uit de familie landschildpadden (Testudinidae). De soort werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Johann David Schoepff in 1794. Oorspronkelijk werd de wetenschappelijke naam Testudo elegans gebruikt.
De schildpad dankt de naam aan het puntige, stervormige zwarte schild met gele strepen die in ruitvorm van punt naar punt lopen, en de schildpad een vreemd uiterlijk geven. De maximale schildlengte is 38 centimeter.[3]
Deze soort is herbivoor en eet plantendelen.
Het legsel bestaat uit maximaal 10 eieren, die in flesvormige, 10 tot 15 cm diepe nestkamers worden gelegd.
De schildpad leeft in het zuiden van Azië, het Indisch subcontinent, Sri Lanka en in een klein deel van Pakistan.[4] De sterschildpad is te vinden in bossen, graslanden en halfwoestijnen.
De sterschildpad (Geochelone elegans) is een schildpad uit de familie landschildpadden (Testudinidae). De soort werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Johann David Schoepff in 1794. Oorspronkelijk werd de wetenschappelijke naam Testudo elegans gebruikt.
A Geochelone elegans ou tartaruga-estrelada-indiana (podendo também ser conhecida como Indian Star Tortoise ou Star Tortoise) é uma espécie de tartaruga nativa das regiões secas e de matagais da Índia e Sri Lanka. Trata-se de uma espécie popular em termos de comércio de animais de estimação exóticos.
A Geochelone elegans ou tartaruga-estrelada-indiana (podendo também ser conhecida como Indian Star Tortoise ou Star Tortoise) é uma espécie de tartaruga nativa das regiões secas e de matagais da Índia e Sri Lanka. Trata-se de uma espécie popular em termos de comércio de animais de estimação exóticos.
Indisk stjärnsköldpadda (Geochelone elegans)[4] är en sköldpaddsart som beskrevs av Johann David Schoepff 1795. Arten ingår i släktet Geochelone och familjen landsköldpaddor.[4][5] IUCN kategoriserar den indiska stjärnsköldpaddan globalt som livskraftig.[1] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[4]
Den indiska stjärnsköldpaddan lever i Indien, utbredningsområdet sträcker sig från Odisha i öst till Sindh och Kutch i väst samt hela vägen till den södra spetsen av halvön. Arten finns även i Pakistan och på Sri Lanka[4].
Indisk stjärnsköldpadda (Geochelone elegans) är en sköldpaddsart som beskrevs av Johann David Schoepff 1795. Arten ingår i släktet Geochelone och familjen landsköldpaddor. IUCN kategoriserar den indiska stjärnsköldpaddan globalt som livskraftig. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.
Загальна довжина досягає 30—38 см. Жива вага досягає 7 кг. Спостерігається статевий диморфізм: самиці більше за самців. Голова зверху вкрита великими симетричними щитками. Панцир у цієї черепахи опуклий. Крайові щитки виступають у вигляді спрямованих назад зубців.
Це одна з найкрасивіших наземних черепах. Її панцир прикрашений пірамідальними здуттями на кожному щитку. На чорному тлі яскраво виділяються жовті смуги, що радіально розходяться від вершин пірамід.
Полюбляє сухі, порослі густим чагарником місцевостях. Вона активна протягом вологого сезону, а на сухий період впадає у сплячку. Полює вранці та у присмерку. Харчується здебільшого рослинною їжею, фруктами.
Самиці відкладають від 1 до 10 яєць. За сезон буває від 2 до 3 кладок. Інкубаційний період триває від 86 до 150 діб.
Мешкають у Пакистані, Індії, на о.Шрі-Ланка.
Geochelone elegans là một loài rùa trong họ Testudinidae. Loài này được Schoepff mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1795.[2]
Phương tiện liên quan tới Geochelone elegans tại Wikimedia Commons
Geochelone elegans là một loài rùa trong họ Testudinidae. Loài này được Schoepff mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1795.
Звёздчатая черепаха[1] (лат. Geochelone elegans) — вид сухопутных черепах.
Черепаха средних размеров, её длина составляет 25 см для самок и 15 см для самцов. Имеет очень красивый выпуклый панцирь, из-за чего пользуется большой популярностью у террариумистов. Своё название звёздчатая черепаха получила благодаря своеобразному рисунку в форме жёлтой многолучевой звезды на каждом щитке панциря (кроме краевых). Основной фон панциря — тёмно-коричневый или чёрный. Эта окраска, кажущаяся в неволе яркой и броской, отлично камуфлирует черепаху в природе, когда она затаивается между куртинами сухой травы. Самцы, кроме размеров, отличаются от самок ещё и менее выпуклыми щитками панциря.
Ареал звёздчатой черепахи охватывает Индию от штатов Орисса на востоке и Синд и Кач на западе до самого юга полуострова Индостан, юго-восток Пакистана, Шри-Ланку и близлежащие острова.
Обитает в сухих, поросших густым кустарником лесах.
Пик активности у звездчатых черепах приходится на утро и вечер. В жаркий полдень они обычно отдыхают в тени. Активны во время влажного сезона, а на сухой период впадает в спячку.
Растительноядна, но при случае употребляет белковую пищу животного происхождения. На воле поедает упавшие плоды, траву, цветы и так далее.
Спаривание приходится на сезон дождей, с июня по октябрь. Одна самка может отложить до двух—трёх кладок из трёх—шести яиц. Размер яйца — 4,5 на 3,5 см. Время инкубации в природе — 45—147 суток.
Звёздчатых черепах содержат в террариумах с повышенной влажностью воздуха. Температура — 24—30°С днём и 22—25°С ночью. Необходим неглубокий бассейн. Черепах можно выгуливать на улице при температуре выше 24°С. Для стимуляции размножения надо подержать черепах 2 месяца при температуре 18—20°С. Инкубация яиц при температуре 28—30°С и влажности воздуха 90 % длится 54—177 суток.
Срок жизни звёздчатой черепахи составляет около 80 лет.
Звёздчатая черепаха на азербайджанской почтовой марке
Звёздчатая черепаха (лат. Geochelone elegans) — вид сухопутных черепах.
印度星龜(學名:Geochelone elegans)是一種陸龜科象龜屬的生物,在南亞次大陸南部的印度、巴基斯坦及斯里蘭卡的乾旱地區生活。由於印度星龜的外形美麗,龜殼呈獨特的星形放射紋,故此深受陸龜愛好者的歡迎。
甲殼非常突出,背甲往往會形成拱,側緣近垂直。甲殼黑色並有黃色輻射條紋,這些條紋較窄,而腹甲亦有非常多的同樣的黑色和黃色輻射條紋。印度星龜可以長25.4厘米(10英寸)長。背甲及腹甲的條紋是十分突出,令人眼前一亮。成年印度星龜的兩性分別是很明顯的,雌性體型比雄性大得多。另外,雌性腹甲較為平坦,雄性的腹甲則呈凹狀。印度星龜的形狀被推定為特別適用於自己翻轉,兩位數學家——布達佩斯科技經濟大學的Gabor Domokos和普林斯頓大學的Peter Várkonyi——設計了一個同質的對象叫做岡布茨,測試對象有一個不穩定的平衡點,但亦只有一個穩定平衡點,球體的底部將總是返回到相同的直立位置。之後,他們注意到印度星龜的構造,隨後用30隻星龜做測試,把它們倒過來,最終發現,牠們大多數也可自行扶正。
印度星龜(學名:Geochelone elegans)是一種陸龜科象龜屬的生物,在南亞次大陸南部的印度、巴基斯坦及斯里蘭卡的乾旱地區生活。由於印度星龜的外形美麗,龜殼呈獨特的星形放射紋,故此深受陸龜愛好者的歡迎。
Testudo elegans Schopff, 1795
和名 インドホシガメ[4]インドホシガメ(Geochelone elegans)は、爬虫綱カメ目リクガメ科リクガメ属に分類されるカメ。リクガメ属の模式種[4]。単にホシガメとも呼ばれる[4]。
最大甲長38.1センチメートル[4]。体重7キログラムに達した例がある[4]。オスよりメスの方が大型になり、オスは甲長20センチメートル以上になることはまれ[4]。スリランカの個体群は周年植生の豊かな環境に生息するため大型化するとされる[4]。背甲はドーム状に盛り上がり、上から見るとやや細長い[4]。背甲の頂部は盛り上がり、水平にならない[4]。野生下では孵化直後からある甲板(初生甲板)がわずかに盛り上がる(野生個体では不明瞭だが、飼育個体では顕著に盛り上がる個体が多い)[4]。背甲の色彩は黒や暗褐色で、椎甲板や肋甲板には黄色や黄褐色の放射状の斑紋が6 - 12本ずつ入る[4]。この放射状の斑紋が星の様に見えることが、和名や英名(star=星)の由来になっている[4]。種小名elegansは「優雅な」という意で、背甲の斑紋に由来すると考えられている[4]。縁甲板には放射状に黄色や黄褐色の筋模様が1 - 4本入る[4]。 腹甲の色彩は黒や暗褐色で、甲板ごとに放射状に灰褐色や淡黄褐色、黄褐色の斑紋が入る[4]。
頭部は中型[4]。上顎の先端は二股か三又に分かれる(一尖の個体や尖らない個体もいる)[4]。四肢はやや頑健で、前肢には先端が尖った大型鱗が5 - 7列で並ぶ[4]。後肢と尾の間には円錐形の小型鱗が並ぶ[4]。頭部や頸部、四肢、尾の色彩は黄色や黄褐色で、不規則に細かい黒色斑が入る[4]。顎を覆う角質(嘴)や鼓膜、喉の色彩は褐色や灰褐色[4]。
卵は長径3.8 - 5.3センチメートル、短径2.7 - 3.9センチメートルの楕円形だが、直径3.5 - 4センチメートルの球形の卵を産むこともある[4]。
繁殖様式は卵生。繁殖期にオス同士が出会うとお互いに体当たりをして争う[4]。一方でオスがメスに対して攻撃的な求愛行動を行うことは少ない[4]。雨期に交尾を行う[4]。交尾から産卵まで90日かかることもある[4]。1回に1 - 10個の卵を年に2 - 4回に分けて産み[5]、年に23個の卵を産んだ例もある[4]。分布域の土壌がラテライトなどで堅いため雨期に産卵し、後肢で地面に深さ10 - 15センチメートルの穴を掘ってその中に卵を産む[4]。卵は主に110 - 150日で孵化するが、約50日で孵化することもある[4]。これは発生が完了しても周囲の環境が孵化に適するまで幼体が卵の中で待機するためで、雨期になると孵化した幼体が一斉に地表に現れることもある[4]。インド南東部個体群はオスが生後3年で、インド西部個体群はメスが6 - 7年で性成熟すると考えられている[4]。
ペットとして飼育されることもある。上記のように1980年代には生息地からの正規輸出はほぼ停止しているが、日本国内ではペットショップで見かけられる[6]。2002年に関東・中部・近畿地方の専門店32店舗で行われた調査では、カメ目全種で最も取扱いが多く30店舗で販売されていたとする報告例もある[6]。一方で本種の1981 - 2001年にかけての日本への正規輸入個体数は5,228頭と少なく、密輸・不正取引が続いていることから、密輸された個体が流通しているおそれがある[6]。他種と比較すると1981 - 2001年にかけての日本へのワシントン条約に掲載されたカメ目の総正規輸入個体数は186,719頭でヨツユビリクガメが最も多く、次いでケヅメリクガメ、ヒョウモンガメ、ギリシャリクガメ、ベルセオレガメでこの5種で総正規輸入個体数の約72 %を占める[6] 1990年代にはスーダン・マレーシア・ミャンマー・台湾などから、2000 - 2008年(2009 - 2010年は正規輸入個体がいない)にはアフガニスタン・ウクライナ・カザフスタン・ブルガリア・ヨルダンなどから輸出とされた個体が正規輸入されているが、本来分布していないはずの第三国へ密輸された個体がその国での野生個体もしくは飼育下繁殖個体として流通しているおそれがある[4]。