These beautiful birds breed on large, usually remote lochs containing small well-vegetated islands which they need for breeding. Unlike Red-throated Divers they tend to feed on their breeding lochs. Like all the loons they have a beautiful haunting call.This image was taken at an undisclosed location in Central Scotland from my car window using a beanbag, 500mm IS lens with stacked 1.4x & 2x converters.Framed by a friend.
These beautiful birds breed on large, usually remote lochs containing small well-vegetated islands which they need for breeding. Unlike Red-throated Divers they tend to feed on their breeding lochs. Like all the loons they have a beautiful haunting call.This image was taken at an undisclosed location in Central Scotland from my car window using a beanbag, 500mm IS lens with stacked 1.4x & 2x converters.Framed by a friend.
These beautiful birds breed on small, remote hill lochans. On the west coast and the islands they commute to the sea to fish but in the eastern Highlands they feed on inland lochs -both large & small. This image was taken on a Speyside (feeding) Lochan.Framed by a friend.
The Loons are migrating threw right now. In Britain Loons are called Divers,and this would be a Great Northern Diver. And dive they do, after fish. Hear their haunting call at