Description: English: Dance flies Empis ciliata in copula. Location: Wollenberg (Hesse, Germany) in May 2010. Deutsch: Empis ciliata bei der Paarung. Gefilmt am 16.5.2010 am Wollenberg, Landkreis Marburg-Biedenkopf im Feldgehölz am Rande einer Wiese. Date: 16 May 2010. Source: Own work. Author:
Pristurus. : This file was selected as the
media of the day for 01 May 2011. It was captioned as follows: English: Mating of
Empis ciliata (a species of dance fly) Other languages English: Mating of
Empis ciliata (a species of dance fly)中文(简体): 交配中的
Empis ciliata.