These are small black and yellow or mostly black flies with a narrow abdomen near the thorax. They occur mainly in damp places among low herbage. The larva of Neosascia are flattened without oral hooks and a have a short posterior spiracular process or "tail" rat-tailed that is saprophagous. In 1925 Curran reviewed the genus Neoascia . In this work a key is provided and ten species are described including four new species some of which have later been determined to be synonyms. [6][7][8][9]
Subgenus: Neoascia
Subgenus: Neoasciella
These are small black and yellow or mostly black flies with a narrow abdomen near the thorax. They occur mainly in damp places among low herbage. The larva of Neosascia are flattened without oral hooks and a have a short posterior spiracular process or "tail" rat-tailed that is saprophagous. In 1925 Curran reviewed the genus Neoascia . In this work a key is provided and ten species are described including four new species some of which have later been determined to be synonyms.