Washtenaw Co., Michigan
Washtenaw Co., MI
Kielstrup Sø, Himmerland, Danmark
Østrup Skov
Katbjerg Odde
Villestrup Å
Ravnkilde ved Rebild Bakker, Jylland, Danmark
Granslev Å
Figures 1–4.Rhopalopsole exiguspina male structures 1 Male terminal, dorsal aspect 2 Male terminal, ventral aspect 3 Male terminal, lateral aspect 4 Epiproct, lateral aspect.
Scott A. Grubbs, Boris C. Kondratieff, Bill P. Stark, R. Edward DeWalt
Figures 8.Zealeuctra ukayodi, sp. n., scanning electron micrographs, USA, Alabama, Jackson Co., Poplar Spring, 16 March 2008 (A–D, F–J), USA, Tennessee, Grundy Co., tributary to Elk River, 12 February 2007 (E). A–B male, cleft, dorsal view, 200× C–E male, epiproct, lateral view, 350× or 500× F female, posteromedial portion of seventh abdominal sternite, 350× G male terminalia, lateral H male terminalia, dorsal I male terminalia, ventral J female terminalia, ventral.
Scott A. Grubbs, Richard W. Baumann, R. Edward DeWalt, Tari Tweddale
Figures 1–8.Prostoia besametsa, scanning electron micrographs, 1 USA, Utah, Monroe Creek, male, epiproct, dorsal view 2 USA, Montana, Gallatin River, male, epiproct, dorsal view 3 USA, South Dakota, Iron Creek, male, epiproct, lateral view 4 USA, South Dakota, Iron Creek, male, epiproct, lateral view 5 USA, Utah, Monroe Creek, male, abdominal terminalia, caudal view 6 USA, South Dakota, Iron Creek, male, abdominal terminalia, ventral view 7 USA, South Dakota, Iron Creek, female, abdominal terminalia, ventral view 8 USA, South Dakota, Iron Creek, female, abdominal terminalia, ventral view.
Washtenaw Co., Michigan
Kielstrup Sø, Himmerland, Danmark
Bæk i Østrup Skov
Katbjerg Odde
Villestrup Å
Ravnkilde ved Rebild Bakker, Jylland, Danmark
Granslev Å
Figures 5–7.Rhopalopsole ampulla male structures 5 Male terminal, dorsal aspect 6 Male terminal, ventral aspect 7 Male terminal, lateral aspect.
Scott A. Grubbs, Boris C. Kondratieff, Bill P. Stark, R. Edward DeWalt
Figure 13.Distribution map for Zealeuctra stewarti, Zealeuctra talladega, Zealeuctra ukayodi sp. n., and Zealeuctra warreni.
Scott A. Grubbs, Richard W. Baumann, R. Edward DeWalt, Tari Tweddale
Figure 41.Distribution map for Prostoia besametsa (circles) and Prostoia completa (squares). The open symbols enclosing the solid symbols refer to the type localities for the two species.
Kielstrup Sø, Himmerland, Danmark
Bæk i Østrup Skov
Katbjerg Odde