Image of Melampsorella elatina Arthur 1907
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Melampsorella elatina Arthur 1907

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Melampsorella elatina (Alb. & Schw.) Arthur
Uredo pusiulata p Cerastii Pers. Syn. Fung. 219. 1801.
Aecidium elatinum Alb. & Schw. Consp. Fung. 121. 1805.
Uredo Cerastii H. Mart. Fl. Mosq. 231. 1812.
Hypodermium {Uredo) Stellariarum Link, Ges. Nat. Freunde Berlin Mag. 7: 28, 1815.
Uredo pus tula la p Cerastiorum DC. Fl. Fr. 6 : 85. 1815.
Peridermium elatinum Schmidt & Kunze, Deuts. Schwamme 6 : 4. 141. 1817.
Caeoma Cerastii Schlecht. Fl. Berol. 2 : 121. 1824.
Caeoma Caryophyllacearum Link, in Willd. Sp. PL 6' 2 : 26. 1825.
Melampsorella Caryophyllacearum Schrot. Hedwigia 13 : 85. 1874.
Melampsora Cerastii Wint. in Rab. Krypt. Fl. 1* : 242. 1881.
Melampsorella Cerastii Schrot. Krypt. Fl. Schles. 3* : 366. 1887.
Exobasidium Stellariae Sydow, Hedwigia Beibl. 38 : 134. 1899.
Pycnia epiphyllous, few, scattered, punctiform, inconspicuous, subcuticular, not extending much into walls of epidermis, depressed-hemispherical, small, 100-130 M broad, 40-50 /a high.
Aecia from a perennial mycelium, dwarfing the young shoots, and forming witches' brooms; hypophyllous, forming two irregular lines, deep-seated, wholly dropping out of the substratum at maturity, roundish or irregularly oblong, large, 0.5-1 mm. across, bladdery, soon open by falling away of the upper part ; peridium colorless, dehiscence irregular, cells with thin inner and outer walls; aeciospores broadly ellipsoid, or nearly globoid, 14-18 by 16-28//; wall colorless, thin, 1-1.5//, closely and rather finely verrucose.
On Pinaceae :
Abies balsamea (L-) Mill., Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York,
Vermont, Wisconsin ; Prince Kdward Island ; Labrador ; Newfoundland. Abies lasiocarpa Nutt. (A. subalpina Bngelm.), Montana, Utah, Wyoming. Abies religiosa Lindl., Veracruz.
Uredinia amphigenous, scattered or somewhat grouped, small, round, 0.1-0.4 mm across, orange-red when fresh, pale-yellow when dry ; peridium hemispherical, dehiscent by a small central orifice, cells elongate at sides, polygonal above, inner and outer walls same thickness; urediniospores ellipsoid or obovoid, 12-18 by 16-30//; walls pale-yellow, rather thin, 1-1.5//, sparsely echinulate with short conical points.
bibliographic citation
Joseph Charles Arthur. 1907. UREDINALES; COLEOSPORIACEAE, UREDINACEAE, AECIDIACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 7(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora