Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Dicranella perrottetii (Mont.) Mitt. Jour. Linn
Soc. 12 : 35. 1869.
Dicranum Perrottetii Mont. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. 19: 241. 1843. Dicranella fiava Besch. Ann. Sci. Nat. VI. 3: 181. 1876.
Plants in yellowish or brownish-green tufts; stems up to 2.5 cm., rarely 4 cm. high, often branching: stem-leaves erect-spreading, often curvedsecund, the lower from a lanceolate base gradually narrowed to a stout nearly entire point with a narrow blade extending to the apex, the upper and perichaetial leaves larger, from an ovate, somewhat clasping base, more abruptly narrowed to the entire or slightly denticulate apex, with the leaf-blade very narrow above, sometimes not distinct; costa stout, 80-100 n wide at the base, about one fifth the width of the leaf-base, vanishing just below the apex in the lower leaves and often slightly excurrent in the upper leaves; lower leaf-cells in the stem-leaves elongate-rectangular, colored, the upper cells shorter, about 6 p by 12 m, the perichaetial leaves with the lower cells much larger, paler, often irregular: seta somewhat flexuous, often not twisted, yellowish, about 12 mm. long: capsule short-oval to oblong, more or less nodding, not furrowed, with a large annulus and an obliquely rostrate lid; exothecal cells up to 25 /x wide and from scarcely elongate to about twice as long as broad; peristome-teeth about 50 n wide and 225-275 fi high, mostly divided more than two thirds down into unequal forks, vertically striate below, papillose and pale above, from a low basal membrane scarcely evident above the mouth of the capsule: spores minutely papillose, up to 16 // in diameter.
Type locality: Guadeloupe.
Distribution: Jamaica; Guadeloupe; Martinique.
- bibliographic citation
- Robert Statham Williams. 1913. (BRYALES); DICRANACEAE, LEUCOBRYACEAE. North American flora. vol 15(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY