Pneumora inanis (or the Khonia bladderhopper) is a species in the family Pneumoridae endemic to the coastal forest regions of the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces of South Africa.
Pneumora inanis is found in patchy forested areas along the coast between Port Elizabeth and Mtunzini. There is a single record from Tanzania.[1]
Pneumora inanis has been assessed as Near Threatened due to the threats of deforestation, the decline of mature individuals, the population being severely fragmented, and its small area of occupancy.[1]
Pneumora inanis is found in coastal forests on Leucosidea sericea and Searsia pentheri.[1]
Pneumora inanis (or the Khonia bladderhopper) is a species in the family Pneumoridae endemic to the coastal forest regions of the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces of South Africa.