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Zygodon campylophyllus C. Müller 1849

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Zygodon campylophyllus C. Mull. Syn. 1: 680. 1849
Zygodon domingensis Ther. Rev. Bryol. II. 14: 14. 1944.
Plants loosely cespitose, bright green above; stems slender, 4-8 cm. long, flexuous, repeatedly branching, with abundant red-brown radicles below; leaves loosely contorted-appressed when dry, squarrose-reflexed when moist, 1 .2 X 0.4 mm., lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, acute, decurrent, deeply canaliculate in the lower half, more or less dentate above, often very brittle and much broken, the margins plane above, more or less revolute below; costa papillose above on the back in most of the leaves, mostly ending below the apex; upper leaf-cells papillose, incrassate, irregularly angled, nearly isodiametric, 8-10 M in diameter; basal cells larger, mostly rectangular and smooth; perichaetial leaves not differentiated; dioicous; seta up to 5 mm longcapsules erect and symmetric, oblong-pyriform to oblong-cylindric, 8-nbbed when dry; operculum long-rostrate; peristome double, the outer of the 8 easily split or broken teeth papillose; segments 8, slender, of a double row of cells; spores rough, 13-15 /* in diameter.
Type locality: Mexico (Ehrenberg).
Distribution: On limestone, occasionally on wood; Guatemala (Standley 81801, 81749, 81743,
bibliographic citation
North American flora. vol 15A (1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora