Description of Astasia gomphonema
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Swimming heterotrophic euglenid with a metabolic body, with waves of constrictions passing along some or all of the length. Cells 25-40 µm long (mostly 25-30µm) when fully extended, as short as 13 µm when contracted. Body circular in cross-section, posterior end sometimes with papilla but not pointed, anterior end rounded or with slightly protruding apex from which the flagellum emerges. The single flagellum inserting into an anterior flagellar pocket with associated contractile vacuole. The flagellum about the length of a stretched cell and beating with loops passing from base to tip. Contracted cells may not have a visible flagellum. Nucleus located near middle of cell. Cytoplasm with typically numerous starch grains with slightly elongate angular shape. Cell surface with clear surface grooving.